*If this stands everyone will LOSE*

Bold prediction but let wait and see before we start relying on a crystal ball.

For the individual who is one's worst enemy?
Sorry bout that,

1. I hope God, nips this in the bud.


You should really consider the outcome. If, by some legal means, Biden is not inaugurated, you will have grounds to believe God didn't want him there. If his inauguration happens, you will have to believe Biden is the President that God wants.
OPs linked article describes democrat filth perfectly!

Criminality Beyond Anything Previously Witnessed

The criminality includes forging signatures, ballot-box stuffing, ballot harvesting, paying for voting, offering raffle prizes for voting, voting in place of the deceased, doctoring ballots, voting twice, not delivering opposition ballots, destroying opposition ballots, backdating ballots, re-running ballots through counting machines, restricting access of poll observers, and even assaulting and threatening observers.

Also, advising voters at the voting booth, ‘finding’ stacks of ballots hours and days later, feigning water main breaks to clear out voting precincts and then manipulate counting machines, delivering truckloads of computer-generated ballots, employing software susceptible to vote-switching, and untold numbers other illegal and un-democratic schemes.
Sorry bout that,

1. Believe every last human being on American soil will suffer tremendously.
2. What will come will hurt people all across the world.
3. Not Merely Election Deceit: A Plot Against the U.S.
4. Yes I mean it will destroy the democrats entirely.


Lets be clear...

Trump had $250m to fight this election...

He lost 59 odd court cases.... His team of lawyers couldn't prove any worthwhile voter fraud....

They spent $10m on court cases.

Where did the other $240m go?

Can you see the scam yet?
Trump and his supporters had plenty of opportunities in court to make there case.

They didn't.... They kept loosing in court because lack of evidence to back any of there allegations...

Constitutionally, the courts was where Trump meant to make his case...

They couldn't and resorted to violence...

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