If This Man Becomes Governor; Should He Run for President in 2024?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy claimed America was under attack from an "invasive species" that must be destroyed in a video posted online a few weeks before he declared his candidacy over the weekend. Current governor Brad Little (R) has not announced his reelection plans for what is likely to continue to be a Republican-held seat. In a video streamed online May 27, Bundy walked through an apple orchard on his property and noted that the trees were infested with an invasive species. "What's happening in my orchard is what's happening in our country, and if we don't get serious about destroying the invasive specie, it's already doing terrible damage to our orchard or to our country," said Bundy.

In the announcement for his gubernatorial campaign, Bundy accused President Joe Biden once again of being the puppet of a "Deep State" that "control him." Bundy has a long history of anti-government activity, including being involved in multiple standoffs, some of them armed. In 2014, Bundy was a part of the standoff between the federal government and his father, rancher Cliven Bundy -- n 2016, Bundy led an armed group of anti-government extremists who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The standoff lasted for 40 days until Bundy and his allies were arrested. In his gubernatorial campaign announcement, Bundy defended the 2014 standoff, describing it as "fighting back" against "federal tyranny."

The good thing about Bundy is...he doesn't just talk empty rhetoric; he will actually take action and launch a real armed rebellion to defend liberty and justice from this infestation on our country...and he was smart to refer to his political opponents as insects...that way you won't see them as human and thus anything you do to them can be justified as simply exterminating insects...Trump was weak in this regard; he was just talking shit on Twitter but when it came down to action, he did nothing...Bundy would be a perfect candidate for 2024 -- whether he wins the governor's race or not.

"Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy claimed America was under attack from an "invasive species" that must be destroyed in a video posted online a few weeks before he declared his candidacy over the weekend. Current governor Brad Little (R) has not announced his reelection plans for what is likely to continue to be a Republican-held seat. In a video streamed online May 27, Bundy walked through an apple orchard on his property and noted that the trees were infested with an invasive species. "What's happening in my orchard is what's happening in our country, and if we don't get serious about destroying the invasive specie, it's already doing terrible damage to our orchard or to our country," said Bundy.

In the announcement for his gubernatorial campaign, Bundy accused President Joe Biden once again of being the puppet of a "Deep State" that "control him." Bundy has a long history of anti-government activity, including being involved in multiple standoffs, some of them armed. In 2014, Bundy was a part of the standoff between the federal government and his father, rancher Cliven Bundy -- n 2016, Bundy led an armed group of anti-government extremists who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The standoff lasted for 40 days until Bundy and his allies were arrested. In his gubernatorial campaign announcement, Bundy defended the 2014 standoff, describing it as "fighting back" against "federal tyranny."

The good thing about Bundy is...he doesn't just talk empty rhetoric; he will actually take action and launch a real armed rebellion to defend liberty and justice from this infestation on our country...and he was smart to refer to his political opponents as insects...that way you won't see them as human and thus anything you do to them can be justified as simply exterminating insects...Trump was weak in this regard; he was just talking shit on Twitter but when it came down to action, he did nothing...Bundy would be a perfect candidate for 2024 -- whether he wins the governor's race or not.
Something different------------can't be any worse than our swamp crooked pols now...let him in. See if he can get rid of our problem bugs.

"Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy claimed America was under attack from an "invasive species" that must be destroyed in a video posted online a few weeks before he declared his candidacy over the weekend. Current governor Brad Little (R) has not announced his reelection plans for what is likely to continue to be a Republican-held seat. In a video streamed online May 27, Bundy walked through an apple orchard on his property and noted that the trees were infested with an invasive species. "What's happening in my orchard is what's happening in our country, and if we don't get serious about destroying the invasive specie, it's already doing terrible damage to our orchard or to our country," said Bundy.

In the announcement for his gubernatorial campaign, Bundy accused President Joe Biden once again of being the puppet of a "Deep State" that "control him." Bundy has a long history of anti-government activity, including being involved in multiple standoffs, some of them armed. In 2014, Bundy was a part of the standoff between the federal government and his father, rancher Cliven Bundy -- n 2016, Bundy led an armed group of anti-government extremists who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The standoff lasted for 40 days until Bundy and his allies were arrested. In his gubernatorial campaign announcement, Bundy defended the 2014 standoff, describing it as "fighting back" against "federal tyranny."

The good thing about Bundy is...he doesn't just talk empty rhetoric; he will actually take action and launch a real armed rebellion to defend liberty and justice from this infestation on our country...and he was smart to refer to his political opponents as insects...that way you won't see them as human and thus anything you do to them can be justified as simply exterminating insects...Trump was weak in this regard; he was just talking shit on Twitter but when it came down to action, he did nothing...Bundy would be a perfect candidate for 2024 -- whether he wins the governor's race or not.
Something different------------can't be any worse than our swamp crooked pols now...let him in. See if he can get rid of our problem bugs.
I guess my question would be how?

For example....Idaho has been run by conservatives for quite some time....so policy wise; what "bed bugs" would he need to get rid of -- that decades of conservative rule have not already fixed??

"Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy claimed America was under attack from an "invasive species" that must be destroyed in a video posted online a few weeks before he declared his candidacy over the weekend. Current governor Brad Little (R) has not announced his reelection plans for what is likely to continue to be a Republican-held seat. In a video streamed online May 27, Bundy walked through an apple orchard on his property and noted that the trees were infested with an invasive species. "What's happening in my orchard is what's happening in our country, and if we don't get serious about destroying the invasive specie, it's already doing terrible damage to our orchard or to our country," said Bundy.

In the announcement for his gubernatorial campaign, Bundy accused President Joe Biden once again of being the puppet of a "Deep State" that "control him." Bundy has a long history of anti-government activity, including being involved in multiple standoffs, some of them armed. In 2014, Bundy was a part of the standoff between the federal government and his father, rancher Cliven Bundy -- n 2016, Bundy led an armed group of anti-government extremists who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The standoff lasted for 40 days until Bundy and his allies were arrested. In his gubernatorial campaign announcement, Bundy defended the 2014 standoff, describing it as "fighting back" against "federal tyranny."

The good thing about Bundy is...he doesn't just talk empty rhetoric; he will actually take action and launch a real armed rebellion to defend liberty and justice from this infestation on our country...and he was smart to refer to his political opponents as insects...that way you won't see them as human and thus anything you do to them can be justified as simply exterminating insects...Trump was weak in this regard; he was just talking shit on Twitter but when it came down to action, he did nothing...Bundy would be a perfect candidate for 2024 -- whether he wins the governor's race or not.
Something different------------can't be any worse than our swamp crooked pols now...let him in. See if he can get rid of our problem bugs.
I guess my question would be how?

For example....Idaho has been run by conservatives for quite some time....so policy wise; what "bed bugs" would he need to get rid of -- that decades of conservative rule have not already fixed??
its complicated and you wouldnt understand,,

"Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy claimed America was under attack from an "invasive species" that must be destroyed in a video posted online a few weeks before he declared his candidacy over the weekend. Current governor Brad Little (R) has not announced his reelection plans for what is likely to continue to be a Republican-held seat. In a video streamed online May 27, Bundy walked through an apple orchard on his property and noted that the trees were infested with an invasive species. "What's happening in my orchard is what's happening in our country, and if we don't get serious about destroying the invasive specie, it's already doing terrible damage to our orchard or to our country," said Bundy.

In the announcement for his gubernatorial campaign, Bundy accused President Joe Biden once again of being the puppet of a "Deep State" that "control him." Bundy has a long history of anti-government activity, including being involved in multiple standoffs, some of them armed. In 2014, Bundy was a part of the standoff between the federal government and his father, rancher Cliven Bundy -- n 2016, Bundy led an armed group of anti-government extremists who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The standoff lasted for 40 days until Bundy and his allies were arrested. In his gubernatorial campaign announcement, Bundy defended the 2014 standoff, describing it as "fighting back" against "federal tyranny."

The good thing about Bundy is...he doesn't just talk empty rhetoric; he will actually take action and launch a real armed rebellion to defend liberty and justice from this infestation on our country...and he was smart to refer to his political opponents as insects...that way you won't see them as human and thus anything you do to them can be justified as simply exterminating insects...Trump was weak in this regard; he was just talking shit on Twitter but when it came down to action, he did nothing...Bundy would be a perfect candidate for 2024 -- whether he wins the governor's race or not.
Something different------------can't be any worse than our swamp crooked pols now...let him in. See if he can get rid of our problem bugs.
I guess my question would be how?

For example....Idaho has been run by conservatives for quite some time....so policy wise; what "bed bugs" would he need to get rid of -- that decades of conservative rule have not already fixed??
its complicated and you wouldnt understand,,
As usual when I ask a conservative a policy question...they deflect.....

I guess shouting over the top hyperbole and bullshit is enough to get your dopamine fix.......because it damn sure isn't policy

"Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy claimed America was under attack from an "invasive species" that must be destroyed in a video posted online a few weeks before he declared his candidacy over the weekend. Current governor Brad Little (R) has not announced his reelection plans for what is likely to continue to be a Republican-held seat. In a video streamed online May 27, Bundy walked through an apple orchard on his property and noted that the trees were infested with an invasive species. "What's happening in my orchard is what's happening in our country, and if we don't get serious about destroying the invasive specie, it's already doing terrible damage to our orchard or to our country," said Bundy.

In the announcement for his gubernatorial campaign, Bundy accused President Joe Biden once again of being the puppet of a "Deep State" that "control him." Bundy has a long history of anti-government activity, including being involved in multiple standoffs, some of them armed. In 2014, Bundy was a part of the standoff between the federal government and his father, rancher Cliven Bundy -- n 2016, Bundy led an armed group of anti-government extremists who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The standoff lasted for 40 days until Bundy and his allies were arrested. In his gubernatorial campaign announcement, Bundy defended the 2014 standoff, describing it as "fighting back" against "federal tyranny."

The good thing about Bundy is...he doesn't just talk empty rhetoric; he will actually take action and launch a real armed rebellion to defend liberty and justice from this infestation on our country...and he was smart to refer to his political opponents as insects...that way you won't see them as human and thus anything you do to them can be justified as simply exterminating insects...Trump was weak in this regard; he was just talking shit on Twitter but when it came down to action, he did nothing...Bundy would be a perfect candidate for 2024 -- whether he wins the governor's race or not.
Something different------------can't be any worse than our swamp crooked pols now...let him in. See if he can get rid of our problem bugs.
I guess my question would be how?

For example....Idaho has been run by conservatives for quite some time....so policy wise; what "bed bugs" would he need to get rid of -- that decades of conservative rule have not already fixed??
its complicated and you wouldnt understand,,
As usual when I ask a conservative a policy question...they deflect.....

I guess shouting over the top hyperbole and bullshit is enough to get your dopamine fix.......because it damn sure isn't policy
I'm not a conservative you stupid fuck,,

"Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy claimed America was under attack from an "invasive species" that must be destroyed in a video posted online a few weeks before he declared his candidacy over the weekend. Current governor Brad Little (R) has not announced his reelection plans for what is likely to continue to be a Republican-held seat. In a video streamed online May 27, Bundy walked through an apple orchard on his property and noted that the trees were infested with an invasive species. "What's happening in my orchard is what's happening in our country, and if we don't get serious about destroying the invasive specie, it's already doing terrible damage to our orchard or to our country," said Bundy.

In the announcement for his gubernatorial campaign, Bundy accused President Joe Biden once again of being the puppet of a "Deep State" that "control him." Bundy has a long history of anti-government activity, including being involved in multiple standoffs, some of them armed. In 2014, Bundy was a part of the standoff between the federal government and his father, rancher Cliven Bundy -- n 2016, Bundy led an armed group of anti-government extremists who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The standoff lasted for 40 days until Bundy and his allies were arrested. In his gubernatorial campaign announcement, Bundy defended the 2014 standoff, describing it as "fighting back" against "federal tyranny."

The good thing about Bundy is...he doesn't just talk empty rhetoric; he will actually take action and launch a real armed rebellion to defend liberty and justice from this infestation on our country...and he was smart to refer to his political opponents as insects...that way you won't see them as human and thus anything you do to them can be justified as simply exterminating insects...Trump was weak in this regard; he was just talking shit on Twitter but when it came down to action, he did nothing...Bundy would be a perfect candidate for 2024 -- whether he wins the governor's race or not.
Something different------------can't be any worse than our swamp crooked pols now...let him in. See if he can get rid of our problem bugs.
I guess my question would be how?

For example....Idaho has been run by conservatives for quite some time....so policy wise; what "bed bugs" would he need to get rid of -- that decades of conservative rule have not already fixed??
its complicated and you wouldnt understand,,
As usual when I ask a conservative a policy question...they deflect.....

I guess shouting over the top hyperbole and bullshit is enough to get your dopamine fix.......because it damn sure isn't policy
I'm not a conservative you stupid fuck,,
Sure you aren't.

"Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy claimed America was under attack from an "invasive species" that must be destroyed in a video posted online a few weeks before he declared his candidacy over the weekend. Current governor Brad Little (R) has not announced his reelection plans for what is likely to continue to be a Republican-held seat. In a video streamed online May 27, Bundy walked through an apple orchard on his property and noted that the trees were infested with an invasive species. "What's happening in my orchard is what's happening in our country, and if we don't get serious about destroying the invasive specie, it's already doing terrible damage to our orchard or to our country," said Bundy.

In the announcement for his gubernatorial campaign, Bundy accused President Joe Biden once again of being the puppet of a "Deep State" that "control him." Bundy has a long history of anti-government activity, including being involved in multiple standoffs, some of them armed. In 2014, Bundy was a part of the standoff between the federal government and his father, rancher Cliven Bundy -- n 2016, Bundy led an armed group of anti-government extremists who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The standoff lasted for 40 days until Bundy and his allies were arrested. In his gubernatorial campaign announcement, Bundy defended the 2014 standoff, describing it as "fighting back" against "federal tyranny."

The good thing about Bundy is...he doesn't just talk empty rhetoric; he will actually take action and launch a real armed rebellion to defend liberty and justice from this infestation on our country...and he was smart to refer to his political opponents as insects...that way you won't see them as human and thus anything you do to them can be justified as simply exterminating insects...Trump was weak in this regard; he was just talking shit on Twitter but when it came down to action, he did nothing...Bundy would be a perfect candidate for 2024 -- whether he wins the governor's race or not.
Something different------------can't be any worse than our swamp crooked pols now...let him in. See if he can get rid of our problem bugs.
I guess my question would be how?

For example....Idaho has been run by conservatives for quite some time....so policy wise; what "bed bugs" would he need to get rid of -- that decades of conservative rule have not already fixed??
its complicated and you wouldnt understand,,
As usual when I ask a conservative a policy question...they deflect.....

I guess shouting over the top hyperbole and bullshit is enough to get your dopamine fix.......because it damn sure isn't policy
I like his brother Ted better.

"Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy claimed America was under attack from an "invasive species" that must be destroyed in a video posted online a few weeks before he declared his candidacy over the weekend. Current governor Brad Little (R) has not announced his reelection plans for what is likely to continue to be a Republican-held seat. In a video streamed online May 27, Bundy walked through an apple orchard on his property and noted that the trees were infested with an invasive species. "What's happening in my orchard is what's happening in our country, and if we don't get serious about destroying the invasive specie, it's already doing terrible damage to our orchard or to our country," said Bundy.

In the announcement for his gubernatorial campaign, Bundy accused President Joe Biden once again of being the puppet of a "Deep State" that "control him." Bundy has a long history of anti-government activity, including being involved in multiple standoffs, some of them armed. In 2014, Bundy was a part of the standoff between the federal government and his father, rancher Cliven Bundy -- n 2016, Bundy led an armed group of anti-government extremists who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The standoff lasted for 40 days until Bundy and his allies were arrested. In his gubernatorial campaign announcement, Bundy defended the 2014 standoff, describing it as "fighting back" against "federal tyranny."

The good thing about Bundy is...he doesn't just talk empty rhetoric; he will actually take action and launch a real armed rebellion to defend liberty and justice from this infestation on our country...and he was smart to refer to his political opponents as insects...that way you won't see them as human and thus anything you do to them can be justified as simply exterminating insects...Trump was weak in this regard; he was just talking shit on Twitter but when it came down to action, he did nothing...Bundy would be a perfect candidate for 2024 -- whether he wins the governor's race or not.
Something different------------can't be any worse than our swamp crooked pols now...let him in. See if he can get rid of our problem bugs.
I guess my question would be how?

For example....Idaho has been run by conservatives for quite some time....so policy wise; what "bed bugs" would he need to get rid of -- that decades of conservative rule have not already fixed??
its complicated and you wouldnt understand,,
As usual when I ask a conservative a policy question...they deflect.....

I guess shouting over the top hyperbole and bullshit is enough to get your dopamine fix.......because it damn sure isn't policy
I'm not a conservative you stupid fuck,,
Sure you aren't.
great!! someone else telling me what I am,,,

"Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy claimed America was under attack from an "invasive species" that must be destroyed in a video posted online a few weeks before he declared his candidacy over the weekend. Current governor Brad Little (R) has not announced his reelection plans for what is likely to continue to be a Republican-held seat. In a video streamed online May 27, Bundy walked through an apple orchard on his property and noted that the trees were infested with an invasive species. "What's happening in my orchard is what's happening in our country, and if we don't get serious about destroying the invasive specie, it's already doing terrible damage to our orchard or to our country," said Bundy.

In the announcement for his gubernatorial campaign, Bundy accused President Joe Biden once again of being the puppet of a "Deep State" that "control him." Bundy has a long history of anti-government activity, including being involved in multiple standoffs, some of them armed. In 2014, Bundy was a part of the standoff between the federal government and his father, rancher Cliven Bundy -- n 2016, Bundy led an armed group of anti-government extremists who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The standoff lasted for 40 days until Bundy and his allies were arrested. In his gubernatorial campaign announcement, Bundy defended the 2014 standoff, describing it as "fighting back" against "federal tyranny."

The good thing about Bundy is...he doesn't just talk empty rhetoric; he will actually take action and launch a real armed rebellion to defend liberty and justice from this infestation on our country...and he was smart to refer to his political opponents as insects...that way you won't see them as human and thus anything you do to them can be justified as simply exterminating insects...Trump was weak in this regard; he was just talking shit on Twitter but when it came down to action, he did nothing...Bundy would be a perfect candidate for 2024 -- whether he wins the governor's race or not.
Bundy just might be a bigger self-absorbed asshole than Trump. In the 18th century he would have been strung up for sedition. I mean how hard is it to understand that one does not have a "constitutional right" to graze their privately owned cattle on public lands. They sure as hell don't have that PRIVILEGE when they refuse to pay the grazing fees.

"Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy claimed America was under attack from an "invasive species" that must be destroyed in a video posted online a few weeks before he declared his candidacy over the weekend. Current governor Brad Little (R) has not announced his reelection plans for what is likely to continue to be a Republican-held seat. In a video streamed online May 27, Bundy walked through an apple orchard on his property and noted that the trees were infested with an invasive species. "What's happening in my orchard is what's happening in our country, and if we don't get serious about destroying the invasive specie, it's already doing terrible damage to our orchard or to our country," said Bundy.

In the announcement for his gubernatorial campaign, Bundy accused President Joe Biden once again of being the puppet of a "Deep State" that "control him." Bundy has a long history of anti-government activity, including being involved in multiple standoffs, some of them armed. In 2014, Bundy was a part of the standoff between the federal government and his father, rancher Cliven Bundy -- n 2016, Bundy led an armed group of anti-government extremists who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The standoff lasted for 40 days until Bundy and his allies were arrested. In his gubernatorial campaign announcement, Bundy defended the 2014 standoff, describing it as "fighting back" against "federal tyranny."

The good thing about Bundy is...he doesn't just talk empty rhetoric; he will actually take action and launch a real armed rebellion to defend liberty and justice from this infestation on our country...and he was smart to refer to his political opponents as insects...that way you won't see them as human and thus anything you do to them can be justified as simply exterminating insects...Trump was weak in this regard; he was just talking shit on Twitter but when it came down to action, he did nothing...Bundy would be a perfect candidate for 2024 -- whether he wins the governor's race or not.
Something different------------can't be any worse than our swamp crooked pols now...let him in. See if he can get rid of our problem bugs.
I guess my question would be how?

For example....Idaho has been run by conservatives for quite some time....so policy wise; what "bed bugs" would he need to get rid of -- that decades of conservative rule have not already fixed??
its complicated and you wouldnt understand,,
As usual when I ask a conservative a policy question...they deflect.....

I guess shouting over the top hyperbole and bullshit is enough to get your dopamine fix.......because it damn sure isn't policy
I'm not a conservative you stupid fuck,,
Sure you aren't.
great!! someone else telling me what I am,,,
Are you a progressive? Then you are a conservative. Are you suggesting your a moderate independent? Then why are you a Progressive Hunter? Do you ever hunt Conservatives?

"Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy claimed America was under attack from an "invasive species" that must be destroyed in a video posted online a few weeks before he declared his candidacy over the weekend. Current governor Brad Little (R) has not announced his reelection plans for what is likely to continue to be a Republican-held seat. In a video streamed online May 27, Bundy walked through an apple orchard on his property and noted that the trees were infested with an invasive species. "What's happening in my orchard is what's happening in our country, and if we don't get serious about destroying the invasive specie, it's already doing terrible damage to our orchard or to our country," said Bundy.

In the announcement for his gubernatorial campaign, Bundy accused President Joe Biden once again of being the puppet of a "Deep State" that "control him." Bundy has a long history of anti-government activity, including being involved in multiple standoffs, some of them armed. In 2014, Bundy was a part of the standoff between the federal government and his father, rancher Cliven Bundy -- n 2016, Bundy led an armed group of anti-government extremists who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The standoff lasted for 40 days until Bundy and his allies were arrested. In his gubernatorial campaign announcement, Bundy defended the 2014 standoff, describing it as "fighting back" against "federal tyranny."

The good thing about Bundy is...he doesn't just talk empty rhetoric; he will actually take action and launch a real armed rebellion to defend liberty and justice from this infestation on our country...and he was smart to refer to his political opponents as insects...that way you won't see them as human and thus anything you do to them can be justified as simply exterminating insects...Trump was weak in this regard; he was just talking shit on Twitter but when it came down to action, he did nothing...Bundy would be a perfect candidate for 2024 -- whether he wins the governor's race or not.
Bundy just might be a bigger self-absorbed asshole than Trump. In the 18th century he would have been strung up for sedition. I mean how hard is it to understand that one does not have a "constitutional right" to graze their privately owned cattle on public lands. They sure as hell don't have that PRIVILEGE when they refuse to pay the grazing fees.
As long as you demonize and dehumanize all things government -- you can get away with anything you want

"Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy claimed America was under attack from an "invasive species" that must be destroyed in a video posted online a few weeks before he declared his candidacy over the weekend. Current governor Brad Little (R) has not announced his reelection plans for what is likely to continue to be a Republican-held seat. In a video streamed online May 27, Bundy walked through an apple orchard on his property and noted that the trees were infested with an invasive species. "What's happening in my orchard is what's happening in our country, and if we don't get serious about destroying the invasive specie, it's already doing terrible damage to our orchard or to our country," said Bundy.

In the announcement for his gubernatorial campaign, Bundy accused President Joe Biden once again of being the puppet of a "Deep State" that "control him." Bundy has a long history of anti-government activity, including being involved in multiple standoffs, some of them armed. In 2014, Bundy was a part of the standoff between the federal government and his father, rancher Cliven Bundy -- n 2016, Bundy led an armed group of anti-government extremists who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The standoff lasted for 40 days until Bundy and his allies were arrested. In his gubernatorial campaign announcement, Bundy defended the 2014 standoff, describing it as "fighting back" against "federal tyranny."

The good thing about Bundy is...he doesn't just talk empty rhetoric; he will actually take action and launch a real armed rebellion to defend liberty and justice from this infestation on our country...and he was smart to refer to his political opponents as insects...that way you won't see them as human and thus anything you do to them can be justified as simply exterminating insects...Trump was weak in this regard; he was just talking shit on Twitter but when it came down to action, he did nothing...Bundy would be a perfect candidate for 2024 -- whether he wins the governor's race or not.
Something different------------can't be any worse than our swamp crooked pols now...let him in. See if he can get rid of our problem bugs.
I guess my question would be how?

For example....Idaho has been run by conservatives for quite some time....so policy wise; what "bed bugs" would he need to get rid of -- that decades of conservative rule have not already fixed??
its complicated and you wouldnt understand,,
As usual when I ask a conservative a policy question...they deflect.....

I guess shouting over the top hyperbole and bullshit is enough to get your dopamine fix.......because it damn sure isn't policy
I'm not a conservative you stupid fuck,,
Sure you aren't.
great!! someone else telling me what I am,,,
Let me guess...you are one of those cowardly contrarians who just takes the opposing view to whatever given topic......and the fact that opposing view always comes down on the "conservative" side is just a coincidence...

Shut yo coward ass up

"Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy claimed America was under attack from an "invasive species" that must be destroyed in a video posted online a few weeks before he declared his candidacy over the weekend. Current governor Brad Little (R) has not announced his reelection plans for what is likely to continue to be a Republican-held seat. In a video streamed online May 27, Bundy walked through an apple orchard on his property and noted that the trees were infested with an invasive species. "What's happening in my orchard is what's happening in our country, and if we don't get serious about destroying the invasive specie, it's already doing terrible damage to our orchard or to our country," said Bundy.

In the announcement for his gubernatorial campaign, Bundy accused President Joe Biden once again of being the puppet of a "Deep State" that "control him." Bundy has a long history of anti-government activity, including being involved in multiple standoffs, some of them armed. In 2014, Bundy was a part of the standoff between the federal government and his father, rancher Cliven Bundy -- n 2016, Bundy led an armed group of anti-government extremists who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The standoff lasted for 40 days until Bundy and his allies were arrested. In his gubernatorial campaign announcement, Bundy defended the 2014 standoff, describing it as "fighting back" against "federal tyranny."

The good thing about Bundy is...he doesn't just talk empty rhetoric; he will actually take action and launch a real armed rebellion to defend liberty and justice from this infestation on our country...and he was smart to refer to his political opponents as insects...that way you won't see them as human and thus anything you do to them can be justified as simply exterminating insects...Trump was weak in this regard; he was just talking shit on Twitter but when it came down to action, he did nothing...Bundy would be a perfect candidate for 2024 -- whether he wins the governor's race or not.
Something different------------can't be any worse than our swamp crooked pols now...let him in. See if he can get rid of our problem bugs.
I guess my question would be how?

For example....Idaho has been run by conservatives for quite some time....so policy wise; what "bed bugs" would he need to get rid of -- that decades of conservative rule have not already fixed??
its complicated and you wouldnt understand,,
As usual when I ask a conservative a policy question...they deflect.....

I guess shouting over the top hyperbole and bullshit is enough to get your dopamine fix.......because it damn sure isn't policy
I'm not a conservative you stupid fuck,,
Sure you aren't.
great!! someone else telling me what I am,,,
Are you a progressive? Then you are a conservative. Are you suggesting your a moderate independent? Then why are you a Progressive Hunter? Do you ever hunt Conservatives?
and that is what makes you a fucking idiot,,

"if you arent one of me youre one of them"

"Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy claimed America was under attack from an "invasive species" that must be destroyed in a video posted online a few weeks before he declared his candidacy over the weekend. Current governor Brad Little (R) has not announced his reelection plans for what is likely to continue to be a Republican-held seat. In a video streamed online May 27, Bundy walked through an apple orchard on his property and noted that the trees were infested with an invasive species. "What's happening in my orchard is what's happening in our country, and if we don't get serious about destroying the invasive specie, it's already doing terrible damage to our orchard or to our country," said Bundy.

In the announcement for his gubernatorial campaign, Bundy accused President Joe Biden once again of being the puppet of a "Deep State" that "control him." Bundy has a long history of anti-government activity, including being involved in multiple standoffs, some of them armed. In 2014, Bundy was a part of the standoff between the federal government and his father, rancher Cliven Bundy -- n 2016, Bundy led an armed group of anti-government extremists who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The standoff lasted for 40 days until Bundy and his allies were arrested. In his gubernatorial campaign announcement, Bundy defended the 2014 standoff, describing it as "fighting back" against "federal tyranny."

The good thing about Bundy is...he doesn't just talk empty rhetoric; he will actually take action and launch a real armed rebellion to defend liberty and justice from this infestation on our country...and he was smart to refer to his political opponents as insects...that way you won't see them as human and thus anything you do to them can be justified as simply exterminating insects...Trump was weak in this regard; he was just talking shit on Twitter but when it came down to action, he did nothing...Bundy would be a perfect candidate for 2024 -- whether he wins the governor's race or not.
Something different------------can't be any worse than our swamp crooked pols now...let him in. See if he can get rid of our problem bugs.
I guess my question would be how?

For example....Idaho has been run by conservatives for quite some time....so policy wise; what "bed bugs" would he need to get rid of -- that decades of conservative rule have not already fixed??
its complicated and you wouldnt understand,,
As usual when I ask a conservative a policy question...they deflect.....

I guess shouting over the top hyperbole and bullshit is enough to get your dopamine fix.......because it damn sure isn't policy
I'm not a conservative you stupid fuck,,
Sure you aren't.
great!! someone else telling me what I am,,,
Let me guess...you are one of those cowardly contrarians who just takes the opposing view to whatever given topic......and the fact that opposing view always comes down on the "conservative" side is just a coincidence...

Shut yo coward ass up
not at all,,

I am smart enough to know that a bedbug is an infestation from outside,,, which is what Idaho and several other states face,,

"Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy claimed America was under attack from an "invasive species" that must be destroyed in a video posted online a few weeks before he declared his candidacy over the weekend. Current governor Brad Little (R) has not announced his reelection plans for what is likely to continue to be a Republican-held seat. In a video streamed online May 27, Bundy walked through an apple orchard on his property and noted that the trees were infested with an invasive species. "What's happening in my orchard is what's happening in our country, and if we don't get serious about destroying the invasive specie, it's already doing terrible damage to our orchard or to our country," said Bundy.

In the announcement for his gubernatorial campaign, Bundy accused President Joe Biden once again of being the puppet of a "Deep State" that "control him." Bundy has a long history of anti-government activity, including being involved in multiple standoffs, some of them armed. In 2014, Bundy was a part of the standoff between the federal government and his father, rancher Cliven Bundy -- n 2016, Bundy led an armed group of anti-government extremists who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The standoff lasted for 40 days until Bundy and his allies were arrested. In his gubernatorial campaign announcement, Bundy defended the 2014 standoff, describing it as "fighting back" against "federal tyranny."

The good thing about Bundy is...he doesn't just talk empty rhetoric; he will actually take action and launch a real armed rebellion to defend liberty and justice from this infestation on our country...and he was smart to refer to his political opponents as insects...that way you won't see them as human and thus anything you do to them can be justified as simply exterminating insects...Trump was weak in this regard; he was just talking shit on Twitter but when it came down to action, he did nothing...Bundy would be a perfect candidate for 2024 -- whether he wins the governor's race or not.

Stay scared, masked, and hiding in Mommy's basement until state run media (CNN and MSNBC) issue the all clear Biff darling.
I dont understand how felons cant vote but they can stand for office.
Once you get out you can vote again. At least in Michigan you can. Republicans wanted it so if you have a felony you can never vote again. Then they charged black people with felonies for using crack cocaine. But not the white cocaine dealers.
I dont understand how felons cant vote but they can stand for office.
Once you get out you can vote again. At least in Michigan you can. Republicans wanted it so if you have a felony you can never vote again. Then they charged black people with felonies for using crack cocaine. But not the white cocaine dealers.
wasnt it biden and the democrats that did the crime bill that resulted is so many blacks getting felony drug charges??

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