If T does win ..what 4-5 things do you want

Illegal immigrants take jobs away and benefits away from American citizens.
1) Who will milk the farmers cows, at the price they work for
2) Who would clean all the fine Hotels that you stay at, at the price they work for
3) Who would provide all that wonderful yardwork, at the price they work for
4) Who would do all the grunt work on construction sites, at the price they work for
5) Who would work hard in the fields, to bring fruits, vegetables, and nuts to our table, at the price they work

  1. Cows are milked by machines. Most farms are run by family, I know, I have relatives who own one.
  2. Hotel staff are paid a decent wage commensurate with US laws and skill levels that millions of white people live on across this country.
  3. My grass cutter makes $40/hr., cash, which tax-free is like working for $50/hr. More than many people with advanced degrees earn.
  4. Any construction work I've ever seen usually starts at around $16/hr.
  5. Farmers use machinery to harvest most things. Those items needing hand-picked are often picked by seasonal immigrants who send all the money home because it is far more than they can earn in their own country.

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