If someone is religious is it immoral for them NOT to proselytize?


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
If you've been on this board you know I don't believe in a god. Very rarely am I ever proselytized and on the rare occasions that it happens I normally just sit quiet and move on or politely inform the person I'm not interested and it ends peacefully.

However to me, if I were a hardcore believer in one of the main religions of the world I would think I'd be someone who proselytizes. Most religions as far as I can tell say non-believers belong in hell, I would find it very important to try to help someone avoid such a place. So I can certainly morally understand why people proselytize.

Do you agree? Disagree?
It depends on what religion you're talking about. Protestant Christian sects are the only ones I've encountered that actively, and regularly attempt to recruit new believers in a large volume. Some Muslim sects in America do it too, and I'm sure the Abrahamic religions aren't the only organizations that proselytize. I think it's arrogant, and obnoxious. Live and let live, instead of creating more of a divide by telling people that their personal beliefs are wrong, and that they're going to face eternal punishment for it.

Nobody fucking knows what happens on the other side of life anyway, assuming there even is one.
It depends on what religion you're talking about. Protestant Christian sects are the only ones I've encountered that actively, and regularly attempt to recruit new believers in a large volume. Some Muslim sects in America do it too, and I'm sure the Abrahamic religions aren't the only organizations that proselytize. I think it's arrogant, and obnoxious. Live and let live, instead of creating more of a divide by telling people that their personal beliefs are wrong, and that they're going to face eternal punishment for it.

Nobody fucking knows what happens on the other side of life anyway, assuming there even is one.

But there are tons of people who claim to know what happens after life, and if in your own mind you're 100% certain someone is going to hell for their beliefs wouldn't you at least try in a small way to in your view help them?
If you've been on this board you know I don't believe in a god. Very rarely am I ever proselytized and on the rare occasions that it happens I normally just sit quiet and move on or politely inform the person I'm not interested and it ends peacefully.

However to me, if I were a hardcore believer in one of the main religions of the world I would think I'd be someone who proselytizes. Most religions as far as I can tell say non-believers belong in hell, I would find it very important to try to help someone avoid such a place. So I can certainly morally understand why people proselytize.

Do you agree? Disagree?

There are so many ways I could try to reply to this, and could probably write a book, lol. I love this topic, and am ever learning about it (sharing the Gospel) as it's always been in my heart big time. When someone knows the truth of Jesus, it's like He said, "It is finished." To me, that is the most important. After someone knows the truth of Christ, they can't "unknow" it. (And HE begins the "good" work..not ourselves.. "HE" does - all Glory to Him)

So...., overall, my response without using God's Word would be yes but "it depends on each situation, person, etc".

However, I need to back that up by sharing the Bible on this subject... because it's all of God. That is, when someone is born again and when God uses us to witness by His Spirit. Since God knows our hearts, He can use certain people at certain time for a certain Word from Him to others. When the Revelation of Jesus Christ comes upon a person, that is we KNOW He is the Lord, and we know this because this is by His Spirit alone. No "man" could have shown us this.

As for who God uses and when, that's all up to Him, and I'm still learning on this. It's all by His Spirit and only He knows the perfect timing. In the meantime, when I share the Gospel, I'll try to be gentle... but if someone is kicking against, or they don't want to hear it, I need to be done. I'm learning more and more to just back off and wipe the dust off so to speak. His will be done!

Here's some verses about witnessing, etc...
Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

We never know when someone is born again...
John 3:8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

God sents people out to share the Gospel...
Romans 10
14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

His Word is needed for faith to come about...
Romans 10:17
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

Sadly for some, the Message of the Cross offends them rather than encourages them to seek God more....
1 Corinthians 1:18
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

I love Charles Spurgeons quotes in relation to preaching about Christ:
///"It is a strange thing; but if Christ is fully preached, somehow men cannot be
indifferent to him. If they can be right away, and never hear of him, they may be
indifferent; but the true gospel either offends men, or else it charms them."

"How vain, as well as wicked, are all attempts to kill the gospel. Those who attempt
the crime, in any fashion, will be for ever still beginning, and never coming near their
end. They will be disappointed in all cases, whether they would slay it with
persecution, smother it with worldliness, crush it with error, starve it with neglect,
poison it with misrepresentation, or drown it with infidelity. While God liveth his
Word shall live." //-Charles Spurgeon

God gives each one of us gift(s) of the Spirit - that is, of His Spirit. We all have different gifts to encourage one another or unbelievers to Him. The focus and edification is always Jesus Christ, because the purpose of the gifts are to Glorify Him. He gets our eyes of "self" and unto Him, loving Him, and others, loving others. Gifts can be different, depending upon His will also.

Ephesians 4
11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

So my answer, yes and no and still learning...lol. He sometimes gives us the opportunity, but it may either be received or rejected. Only God knows someones heart and intent. It may be we just share His Word "now", but that Word is planted so to speak... and the Lord will bring others into people's lives to keep on planting, etc.

HE, overall, gives the increase, though, He alone is God.

1 Corinthians 3:6
I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

I could probably say more, and still learning, but I'll leave it at that for now. Just some things that came across when you brought it up.
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Jeepers, I realize I didn't really answer the question in the actual title, sorry Drock. I mean what I said above goes along with it, but it's hard to say if it's "immoral" not to. God's grace is sufficient. I'd never think less of someone if they weren't witnessing. Because they may be more gifted in edifying the church. (Those who already believe)

But Okay..here's what I would call a good response below..but we also learn along the way "discernment". Again, why toss the Word of God at someone if they don't want to hear it, or won't? Or rather, yes, share the Gospel when it's time, but we learn soon enough when to walk away.

How does God distribute spiritual gifts?
There is one thing that is abundantly clear—God’s command is God’s enablement. If God commands us to do something (such as witness, love the unlovely, disciple the nations, etc.), He will enable us to do it. Some may not be as gifted at evangelism as others, but God commands all Christians to witness and disciple (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). We are all called to evangelize whether or not we have the spiritual gift of evangelism. A determined Christian who strives to learn the Word and develop his teaching ability may become a better teacher than one who may have the spiritual gift of teaching, but who neglects the gift.

Learning as I go, hopefully more will answer too.
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Jeepers, I realize I didn't really answer the question in the actual title, sorry Drock. I mean what I said above goes along with it, but it's hard to say if it's "immoral" not to. God's grace is sufficient. I'd never think less of someone if they weren't witnessing. Because they may be more gifted in edifying the church. (Those who already believe)

But Okay..here's what I would call a good response below..but we also learn along the way "discernment". Again, why toss the Word of God at someone if they don't want to hear it, or won't? Or rather, yes, share the Gospel when it's time, but we learn soon enough when to walk away.

How does God distribute spiritual gifts?
There is one thing that is abundantly clear—God’s command is God’s enablement. If God commands us to do something (such as witness, love the unlovely, disciple the nations, etc.), He will enable us to do it. Some may not be as gifted at evangelism as others, but God commands all Christians to witness and disciple (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). We are all called to evangelize whether or not we have the spiritual gift of evangelism. A determined Christian who strives to learn the Word and develop his teaching ability may become a better teacher than one who may have the spiritual gift of teaching, but who neglects the gift.

Learning as I go, hopefully more will answer too.

I agree, I'd like to think if I were a believer I wouldn't find it immoral not to prostelyze. As your other post showed it says there's people who have such a calling, meaning probably not everyone does.
It's far easier, for me anyway, to (I prefer to call it) Testify on a more personal face-to-face manner.

Message boards and Forums are far too difficult to convey the Gospel properly.
Marie does it wonderfully, though.

Most of my postings are always too short and tend to fall short of my intended meaning.
His Word deserves more than I can express in a few short lines.

Is it immoral *not* to?
That would depend on the individual according to their gifts.
With Marie, for example, her gift of meticulously presenting her message would make it (at least) a waste of her God-given talent not to testify.

God knows my weaknesses and knows that I try where I can, as the Spirit moves me.
I wouldn't want someone out there just mangling the Word just for the sake of spreading It. (see:phelps :D )

As a recovering Catholic, that's lived in more than a few places, in practice
it depends.

All members of the faith are to look out for thier fellow man and do what they can to "save" them.
Usually by making it part of a conversation.

some faiths have a turn taking for who is going to be actively seeking people out. The people that come to your door are on a mission, the booth at the local fair. I think the mormons even have to copy the trail thier ancestors took from wherever to Utah, in cloths and transportation of the times, to demonstrate the strength of thier faith.

but the reality of it is; Don't talk about religion of politcs, as a basic of conversational manners.

Basically, I don't think it's "immoral" to not go out actively seeking to convert, but it would be to say nothing if the instance presented itself.
But there are tons of people who claim to know what happens after life, and if in your own mind you're 100% certain someone is going to hell for their beliefs wouldn't you at least try in a small way to in your view help them?
Maybe, I don't know. I was a "free will" Christian when I was religious. The path a person chose was theirs to make. If they didn't want to convert, nothing I could have said would have changed their minds.
I love reading Marie's messages! I wish i could describe my thoughts and feelings the same way....

I can't say how many times i've been having conversations with someone and "something" just pops into my head to say to them about God's Love, or saying a certain thing that i know is going to make them feel better and i have no idea where the thought comes from, but i know i have to convey it to the person i'm talking too. Then i'll realize that the only possible way this happened was by God putting it in my head.
So many times i will end up being at a place where someone needs some help, or someone will need a kind word from me, and i feel God has put me in these places to help others.
I've also been in situations where there's been someone, even a stranger, with me at the right time that i needed to have that person there...it's awsom when you think back to an event and realize it was God that did it all!
As for your question...i don't believe it's immoral at all. Some people are just "made" to talk to others and have the knack to help by proselytizing. I'm really not one of them...i know it does NO good to push God on unbelievers. If i'm asked something about God, or if by chance God comes into a conversation and i'm asked my opinion, i will always tell them exactly how i feel and why. I have never told anyone they are going to hell, it's not my decision. I'm probably just as much a sinner as the next person and i have to ask for forgiveness all the time! I try to spread God's love by being the kind of person He wants me to be....
If you've been on this board you know I don't believe in a god. Very rarely am I ever proselytized and on the rare occasions that it happens I normally just sit quiet and move on or politely inform the person I'm not interested and it ends peacefully.

However to me, if I were a hardcore believer in one of the main religions of the world I would think I'd be someone who proselytizes. Most religions as far as I can tell say non-believers belong in hell, I would find it very important to try to help someone avoid such a place. So I can certainly morally understand why people proselytize.

Do you agree? Disagree?

What are the main religions in your opinion? Why would a Hindu feel a need to proselytize?
If you've been on this board you know I don't believe in a god. Very rarely am I ever proselytized and on the rare occasions that it happens I normally just sit quiet and move on or politely inform the person I'm not interested and it ends peacefully.

However to me, if I were a hardcore believer in one of the main religions of the world I would think I'd be someone who proselytizes. Most religions as far as I can tell say non-believers belong in hell, I would find it very important to try to help someone avoid such a place. So I can certainly morally understand why people proselytize.

Do you agree? Disagree?

What are the main religions in your opinion? Why would a Hindu feel a need to proselytize?

With the sheer number of Gods that Hindus worship, they'd have no time to do anything BUT proselytize

I really don't care if people prostelytize. But, once they understand that I'm not interested in what they are selling, they need to stop.
I really don't care if people prostelytize. But, once they understand that I'm not interested in what they are selling, they need to stop.

And without saying, "Ok then....I'll pray for you"

And I don't mean that in a mean way, either.
I know how irritating that is to a non-believer. They might as well say "phukk you".

(I would pray for you, though.....just not tell you so)

It doesn't bother me if people pray for me. But some believers do a thing where they actually ill-wish non-believers, they appear to want something bad to happen to us so that we'll be more receptive to their views. That's some screwed up nonsense right there.

Y'all can keep those prayers for yourselves.
It's funny. I hardly ever think about hell. How can I when I feel the presence and the joy the Spirit brings?

When I was originally learning, when I was seeking to know for myself whether there was a God and what was true, it didn't happen immediately but when I finally recognized the Spirit for what He was, I realized I had many experiences with Him before but just didn't realize. I was truly humbled by the experience. I could feel the love of God, the glory of God. It didn't compel me, but when I recognized it, I knew that if I was being honest with myself I was nothing compared to what I experienced. I couldn't create it myself (Believe me I tried).

I just felt overwhelming joy and happiness and love. It didn't matter what I had done before, no matter how stupid i acted. no matter how bad I was. I was loved and my past was irrelevant.

When you experience the pure love of God, you want to share it with others. You want others to feel that power and love. You want them to realize their personal worth, that God loves them, even if they don't like themselves at the moment.

Who can preach damnation when they feel the love of God? I can't. Hell fire and brimstone is the last thing on my mind. But the love of God. The hope that brings. The desire to be better that comes from it. That I can share.

Love is a much better thing to preach than fear. It has the power to change human hearts much easier.
I really don't care if people prostelytize. But, once they understand that I'm not interested in what they are selling, they need to stop.

If they have been touched by the Spirit of God, they won't stop loving you simply because you aren't currently interested in the message. Miracles happen.

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