If oil's running out...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
If global supplies of oil are running out that we need to drill for new reserves in Anwar, and invade oil-rich countries to steal their's, and such, why are vehicles in the US still being made that can greatly exceed the maximum speed limit anywhere in the US? If we made vehicles only capable of reaching say 75mph, the reduced engine size and power would surely save quite a bit of fuel. Instead of raising MPG standards, just cap engine performance. Would help law enforcement out in addition. Law enforcement and emergency vehicles could get exemptions obviously. And vehicles made for racing. But just as California's smog requirements result in vehicles for California, vs those for other states came to be, why not vehicles which can't exceed the highest speed limit anywhere in the country? If it saves fuel, helps law enforcement, reduces emissions, etc. why not do it.
If global supplies of oil are running out that we need to drill for new reserves in Anwar, and invade oil-rich countries to steal their's, and such, why are vehicles in the US still being made that can greatly exceed the maximum speed limit anywhere in the US? If we made vehicles only capable of reaching say 75mph, the reduced engine size and power would surely save quite a bit of fuel. Instead of raising MPG standards, just cap engine performance. Would help law enforcement out in addition. Law enforcement and emergency vehicles could get exemptions obviously. And vehicles made for racing. But just as California's smog requirements result in vehicles for California, vs those for other states came to be, why not vehicles which can't exceed the highest speed limit anywhere in the country? If it saves fuel, helps law enforcement, reduces emissions, etc. why not do it.

'cuz that would put socialism in cars
If global supplies of oil are running out that we need to drill for new reserves in Anwar, and invade oil-rich countries to steal their's, and such, why are vehicles in the US still being made that can greatly exceed the maximum speed limit anywhere in the US? If we made vehicles only capable of reaching say 75mph, the reduced engine size and power would surely save quite a bit of fuel. Instead of raising MPG standards, just cap engine performance. Would help law enforcement out in addition. Law enforcement and emergency vehicles could get exemptions obviously. And vehicles made for racing. But just as California's smog requirements result in vehicles for California, vs those for other states came to be, why not vehicles which can't exceed the highest speed limit anywhere in the country? If it saves fuel, helps law enforcement, reduces emissions, etc. why not do it.

'cuz that would put socialism in cars

Better a little socialism now than totalitarianism later when the oil shortage becomes more pronounced. Weaken engines and we can extend how long we can drive cars at all. Ignore the problem until there's gas lines again (I was around for those) and solutions will be much more draconian.
Relax. Oil is NOT running out - it is one of the big leftard lies in their war on fossil fuels.
If global supplies of oil are running out that we need to drill for new reserves in Anwar, and invade oil-rich countries to steal their's, and such, why are vehicles in the US still being made that can greatly exceed the maximum speed limit anywhere in the US? If we made vehicles only capable of reaching say 75mph, the reduced engine size and power would surely save quite a bit of fuel. Instead of raising MPG standards, just cap engine performance. Would help law enforcement out in addition. Law enforcement and emergency vehicles could get exemptions obviously. And vehicles made for racing. But just as California's smog requirements result in vehicles for California, vs those for other states came to be, why not vehicles which can't exceed the highest speed limit anywhere in the country? If it saves fuel, helps law enforcement, reduces emissions, etc. why not do it.

Because the oil cartel rules.

Big Oil is also why we have a train system that looks like something out of "Petticoat Junction" and why the Gulf of Mexico is a mess but nobody's talking about that anymore unless they live and work along the Gulf coast...
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If global supplies of oil are running out that we need to drill for new reserves in Anwar, and invade oil-rich countries to steal their's, and such, why are vehicles in the US still being made that can greatly exceed the maximum speed limit anywhere in the US? If we made vehicles only capable of reaching say 75mph, the reduced engine size and power would surely save quite a bit of fuel. Instead of raising MPG standards, just cap engine performance. Would help law enforcement out in addition. Law enforcement and emergency vehicles could get exemptions obviously. And vehicles made for racing. But just as California's smog requirements result in vehicles for California, vs those for other states came to be, why not vehicles which can't exceed the highest speed limit anywhere in the country? If it saves fuel, helps law enforcement, reduces emissions, etc. why not do it.

It's not so much that we're running out of supplies, it's that demand is increasing faster than new reserves are being discovered. The more demand the more production facilities have to increase too.

Why stop at Anwr? Lets open up all the Federal waters in the eastern Gulf of Mexico too.

I say no to limiters.
If global supplies of oil are running out that we need to drill for new reserves in Anwar, and invade oil-rich countries to steal their's, and such, why are vehicles in the US still being made that can greatly exceed the maximum speed limit anywhere in the US? If we made vehicles only capable of reaching say 75mph, the reduced engine size and power would surely save quite a bit of fuel. Instead of raising MPG standards, just cap engine performance. Would help law enforcement out in addition. Law enforcement and emergency vehicles could get exemptions obviously. And vehicles made for racing. But just as California's smog requirements result in vehicles for California, vs those for other states came to be, why not vehicles which can't exceed the highest speed limit anywhere in the country? If it saves fuel, helps law enforcement, reduces emissions, etc. why not do it.

Mechanical systems do not like working at or near maximum capacity for long stretches of time. A car that CAN run at 110 MPH is really comfortable driving at 60-80 MPH. A car with a 75 MPH max would be more comfortable running at 30-50 MPH instead of flat out all the time.
If global supplies of oil are running out that we need to drill for new reserves in Anwar, and invade oil-rich countries to steal their's, and such, why are vehicles in the US still being made that can greatly exceed the maximum speed limit anywhere in the US? If we made vehicles only capable of reaching say 75mph, the reduced engine size and power would surely save quite a bit of fuel. Instead of raising MPG standards, just cap engine performance. Would help law enforcement out in addition. Law enforcement and emergency vehicles could get exemptions obviously. And vehicles made for racing. But just as California's smog requirements result in vehicles for California, vs those for other states came to be, why not vehicles which can't exceed the highest speed limit anywhere in the country? If it saves fuel, helps law enforcement, reduces emissions, etc. why not do it.

Earth to stupid, it ANWR not ANWAR. The reasons for holding back for ANWR are as retarded at you

See the pic. You see that tiny orange dot? That is all ANWR is! Again the reasons for not drilling are as retarded as you.


Second, where is god's name to do you get we STEAL oil from countries we invade? First, we LIBERATED Kuwait (something we should not have done, fuck the muslims let them kill each other) and we BARELY get any oil from them. They should have given us a sweet deal from stopping Iraq from committing genocide against them. No one else would have stopped them. Second, we get ZERO oil from Iraq. Again we knocked out Sadam and put in a worst less friendly government. What country in the M.E. gives us oil? Saudi Arabia! When did we invade them? We don't control their oil to any degree and we pay and PRETTY PENNY for their oil.

What african country do we get oil from? Nigeria! When did we invade them? Again we don't control their oil!

50% of our oil comes from domestic production. The majority of the rest comes from mostly Canada and Mexico, then after that Venezuela and then SA.

Get your facts right you stupid fuck!
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Relax. Oil is NOT running out - it is one of the big leftard lies in their war on fossil fuels.

Yes, there is an infinite supply of oil, so use it as fast as you can. Don't worry about the future--that is for uppity elitist Liberals. Them and their stupid educated ways.
If global supplies of oil are running out that we need to drill for new reserves in Anwar, and invade oil-rich countries to steal their's, and such, why are vehicles in the US still being made that can greatly exceed the maximum speed limit anywhere in the US? If we made vehicles only capable of reaching say 75mph, the reduced engine size and power would surely save quite a bit of fuel. Instead of raising MPG standards, just cap engine performance. Would help law enforcement out in addition. Law enforcement and emergency vehicles could get exemptions obviously. And vehicles made for racing. But just as California's smog requirements result in vehicles for California, vs those for other states came to be, why not vehicles which can't exceed the highest speed limit anywhere in the country? If it saves fuel, helps law enforcement, reduces emissions, etc. why not do it.

'cuz that would put socialism in cars

Better a little socialism now than totalitarianism later when the oil shortage becomes more pronounced. Weaken engines and we can extend how long we can drive cars at all. Ignore the problem until there's gas lines again (I was around for those) and solutions will be much more draconian.

First off fucko socialism ALWAYS by definition leads to large government and high government controls. See any very socialist government, USSR (communist socialist), Cambodia, NK, Cuba, Venezuela, NAZI Germany etc and you see the socialist big government becoming totalitarian.

Conservatives by their definition desire less government to AVOID the totaliterian government associated with Big Government that socialism creates.

Third, cars are NATURALLY becoming more fuel efficient. Yep their are race cars, but most people don't use them as their every day car. Cars are becoming much much more efficent.

Lastly, just like every liberal myth, peak oil is ways off. I remember getting very nervous in early 90s in Jr High when my teacher told us peak oil was going to occur in 1996 and it could end out civilization. Then it didn't come. Fast forward to today and large oil reserves are being discovered DAILY all over the world. Here in the States. Off-shore, deep sea, in Russia, in Canada, in brazil, In Israel, etc. Oil is poping up everywhere.

I am not in denial that peak oil won't occur nor that we should seek to get our cars and planes off of oil and I 100% support the electric car, but I believe peak oil will happen in even our children's lifetime!
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