If Obama is elected agenda 21 will be put into place.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
If Obama wins-- I fully expect him to spend over a trillion dollars getting the sustainability part of this into place.

Wouldn't surprise me if the 90 billion the last 4 years looks small next to his second term.

Electric cars for us all as gas will go over 5.00 a gallon. They're doing this on purpose. Killing permits and closing the gulf, etc.

Coal is going to be destroyed

Oil is going to be destroyed---The American portion of this has been going down.

People are going to be forced into the cities with mass transit forcing people closer to the city. More national parks and federal lands.

Woman and non-whites no matter if they're less capable are going to be quota'd. Some Men no matter how hard they try are going to be left behind.

The last 40 years are going to be a joke as the democrats are the party of agenda 21.

Less freedom and more regional control over our lives. China has been talking about a global currency....

They're bringing America down and pushing China, India and Africa up.

More working with the UN and less American power within this world.

DSD :: Resources - Publications - Core Publications

This is the link to it....
It has parts from sustainability to transfer of our wealth to the third world. This is the agenda Obama is pushing. This is very real.
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If Obama wins-- I fully expect him to spend over a trillion dollars getting the sustainability part of this into place.

Wouldn't surprise me if the 90 billion the last 4 years looks small next to his second term.

Electric cars for us all as gas will go over 5.00 a gallon. They're doing this on purpose. Killing permits and closing the gulf, etc.

Coal is going to be destroyed

Oil is going to be destroyed---The American portion of this has been going down.

People are going to be forced into the cities with mass transit forcing people closer to the city. More national parks and federal lands.

Woman and non-whites no matter if they're less capable are going to be quota'd. Some Men no matter how hard they try are going to be left behind.

The last 40 years are going to be a joke as the democrats are the party of agenda 21.

Less freedom and more regional control over our lives. China has been talking about a global currency....

They're bringing America down and pushing China, India and Africa up.

More working with the UN and less American power within this world.

DSD :: Resources - Publications - Core Publications

This is the link to it....
It has parts from sustainability to transfer of our wealth to the third world. This is the agenda Obama is pushing. This is very real.

Sorry Bud, If Obama is re-elected he will likely Face Republican Majorities in Both Houses of Congress. I don't think they will go along with his agenda.

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