"If momma ain't happy, nobody's happy"? Well this momma ain't happy about the Critical Race Theory being forced down the throat of her kids!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2016
Tallahassee, FL
Why are parents so eager to turn over the education of their offspring to our government. A handy tool of Adolph Hitler was "The Hitler Youth". Just sayin'.

Black Parent Goes Off on Critical Race Theory in Impassioned School Board Speech

Samantha ChangMay 14, 2021 at 10:02am

A black mom with a biracial family torpedoed critical race theory at a school board meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia, saying the hateful left-wing propaganda is similar to the racist brainwashing employed by the Ku Klux Klan and Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

“CRT is not an honest dialogue,” Shawntel Cooper said on Tuesday. “It is a tactic that was used by Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan on slavery very many years ago to dumb down my ancestors so we could not think for ourselves.”

Cooper implored the school board to have “a backbone” and ban CRT, saying indoctrinating kids to hate themselves or view themselves as victims is child abuse.

“CRT is racist. It is abusive, it discriminates against one’s color,” she said. “Let me educate you. An honest dialogue does not oppress. An honest dialogue does not implement hatred or injustice.”

Cooper also blasted the school board for using classrooms to brainwash students with partisan propaganda.

Why are parents so eager to turn over the education of their offspring to our government. A handy tool of Adolph Hitler was "The Hitler Youth". Just sayin'.

Black Parent Goes Off on Critical Race Theory in Impassioned School Board Speech

Samantha ChangMay 14, 2021 at 10:02am

A black mom with a biracial family torpedoed critical race theory at a school board meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia, saying the hateful left-wing propaganda is similar to the racist brainwashing employed by the Ku Klux Klan and Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

“CRT is not an honest dialogue,” Shawntel Cooper said on Tuesday. “It is a tactic that was used by Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan on slavery very many years ago to dumb down my ancestors so we could not think for ourselves.”

Cooper implored the school board to have “a backbone” and ban CRT, saying indoctrinating kids to hate themselves or view themselves as victims is child abuse.

“CRT is racist. It is abusive, it discriminates against one’s color,” she said. “Let me educate you. An honest dialogue does not oppress. An honest dialogue does not implement hatred or injustice.”

Cooper also blasted the school board for using classrooms to brainwash students with partisan propaganda.

Sounds like a nice responsible lady, to me.
Why are parents so eager to turn over the education of their offspring to our government. A handy tool of Adolph Hitler was "The Hitler Youth". Just sayin'.

Black Parent Goes Off on Critical Race Theory in Impassioned School Board Speech

Samantha ChangMay 14, 2021 at 10:02am

A black mom with a biracial family torpedoed critical race theory at a school board meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia, saying the hateful left-wing propaganda is similar to the racist brainwashing employed by the Ku Klux Klan and Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

“CRT is not an honest dialogue,” Shawntel Cooper said on Tuesday. “It is a tactic that was used by Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan on slavery very many years ago to dumb down my ancestors so we could not think for ourselves.”

Cooper implored the school board to have “a backbone” and ban CRT, saying indoctrinating kids to hate themselves or view themselves as victims is child abuse.

“CRT is racist. It is abusive, it discriminates against one’s color,” she said. “Let me educate you. An honest dialogue does not oppress. An honest dialogue does not implement hatred or injustice.”

Cooper also blasted the school board for using classrooms to brainwash students with partisan propaganda.

Here is the solution:

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
Why are parents so eager to turn over the education of their offspring to our government. A handy tool of Adolph Hitler was "The Hitler Youth". Just sayin'.

Black Parent Goes Off on Critical Race Theory in Impassioned School Board Speech

Samantha ChangMay 14, 2021 at 10:02am

A black mom with a biracial family torpedoed critical race theory at a school board meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia, saying the hateful left-wing propaganda is similar to the racist brainwashing employed by the Ku Klux Klan and Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

“CRT is not an honest dialogue,” Shawntel Cooper said on Tuesday. “It is a tactic that was used by Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan on slavery very many years ago to dumb down my ancestors so we could not think for ourselves.”

Cooper implored the school board to have “a backbone” and ban CRT, saying indoctrinating kids to hate themselves or view themselves as victims is child abuse.

“CRT is racist. It is abusive, it discriminates against one’s color,” she said. “Let me educate you. An honest dialogue does not oppress. An honest dialogue does not implement hatred or injustice.”

Cooper also blasted the school board for using classrooms to brainwash students with partisan propaganda.

Our resident race baiter communists will be here shortly to tell us she's a ....Aunt...Jamima? What do you call a female Uncle Tom?
Do you really want to have a competition to see who can come up with the longest list of people on both sides of that issue? You post your one video. I'll show an opposing video. You post another, and I'll post another. After a while we have 20 or 30 or 100 people each who are all adamant, but on opposite sides of that subject. You need more than that video to prove your point.
Two words.... HOME SCHOOL.
Or private school Both are totally viable choices.

But the problem with that line of thinking is, it still allows a damaging, infectious, racist inducing disease to still go unchecked. It will infect others and them in their ignorance will spread it to others.

It's like having a cancerous kidney and the doctor tells you "don't worry, you have another one in there that's ok and you'll be ok with just that one" and then not removing the cancer.

No, this kind of shit needs to be removed from society like the cancer it is. People who preach, tolerate, believe or practice critical race theory should be removed from society.
Do you really want to have a competition to see who can come up with the longest list of people on both sides of that issue?
Where the hell did that come from?
You post your one video. I'll show an opposing video. You post another, and I'll post another. After a while we have 20 or 30 or 100 people each who are all adamant, but on opposite sides of that subject.
You do realize you are on a discussion forum...? That's kind of what is supposed to happen.
Why are parents so eager to turn over the education of their offspring to our government. A handy tool of Adolph Hitler was "The Hitler Youth". Just sayin'.

Black Parent Goes Off on Critical Race Theory in Impassioned School Board Speech

Samantha ChangMay 14, 2021 at 10:02am
A black mom with a biracial family torpedoed critical race theory at a school board meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia, saying the hateful left-wing propaganda is similar to the racist brainwashing employed by the Ku Klux Klan and Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

“CRT is not an honest dialogue,” Shawntel Cooper said on Tuesday. “It is a tactic that was used by Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan on slavery very many years ago to dumb down my ancestors so we could not think for ourselves.”

Cooper implored the school board to have “a backbone” and ban CRT, saying indoctrinating kids to hate themselves or view themselves as victims is child abuse.

“CRT is racist. It is abusive, it discriminates against one’s color,” she said. “Let me educate you. An honest dialogue does not oppress. An honest dialogue does not implement hatred or injustice.”

Cooper also blasted the school board for using classrooms to brainwash students with partisan propaganda.

Here is the solution:

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
Purposely that has never happened here in the USA!
Do you really want to have a competition to see who can come up with the longest list of people on both sides of that issue? You post your one video. I'll show an opposing video. You post another, and I'll post another. After a while we have 20 or 30 or 100 people each who are all adamant, but on opposite sides of that subject. You need more than that video to prove your point.
Um, did you read the OP? It said, this woman was angry. And she was. Point proven. Critical Race Theory is bullshit and my school district has banned it already. Along with your bullshit 1619 Project.
Why are parents so eager to turn over the education of their offspring to our government. A handy tool of Adolph Hitler was "The Hitler Youth". Just sayin'.

Black Parent Goes Off on Critical Race Theory in Impassioned School Board Speech

Samantha ChangMay 14, 2021 at 10:02am
A black mom with a biracial family torpedoed critical race theory at a school board meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia, saying the hateful left-wing propaganda is similar to the racist brainwashing employed by the Ku Klux Klan and Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

“CRT is not an honest dialogue,” Shawntel Cooper said on Tuesday. “It is a tactic that was used by Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan on slavery very many years ago to dumb down my ancestors so we could not think for ourselves.”

Cooper implored the school board to have “a backbone” and ban CRT, saying indoctrinating kids to hate themselves or view themselves as victims is child abuse.

“CRT is racist. It is abusive, it discriminates against one’s color,” she said. “Let me educate you. An honest dialogue does not oppress. An honest dialogue does not implement hatred or injustice.”

Cooper also blasted the school board for using classrooms to brainwash students with partisan propaganda.

Our resident race baiter communists will be here shortly to tell us she's a ....Aunt...Jamima? What do you call a female Uncle Tom?
I remember when you tried to find common ground and reason with them........LMAO
You were a USMB newbie then.
Do you really want to have a competition to see who can come up with the longest list of people on both sides of that issue? You post your one video. I'll show an opposing video. You post another, and I'll post another. After a while we have 20 or 30 or 100 people each who are all adamant, but on opposite sides of that subject. You need more than that video to prove your point.

No, all anyone needs to do is look beyond the title and propaganda and they'll see that our kids are being taught to be racist and to hate themselves. This should anger both sides of the aisle.

Do you really want to have a competition to see who can come up with the longest list of people on both sides of that issue? You post your one video. I'll show an opposing video. You post another, and I'll post another. After a while we have 20 or 30 or 100 people each who are all adamant, but on opposite sides of that subject. You need more than that video to prove your point.

The point is pretty simple and she said it in there. CRT divides our kids from each other, makes them look at each other with suspicion, and that is not a healthy way to go forward. Find a better way to teach history.
Do you really want to have a competition to see who can come up with the longest list of people on both sides of that issue? You post your one video. I'll show an opposing video. You post another, and I'll post another. After a while we have 20 or 30 or 100 people each who are all adamant, but on opposite sides of that subject. You need more than that video to prove your point.
I think you are missing the point of the thread.

It is that parents are angry the government officials are brainwashing their kids with hate.
They are also trying to use tactics to prevent them from opposing these tactics, which is very authoritarian. You sit there and say, "oh, we can have an open debate on this."

OH, really? Can we? I guess you didn't read the OP, did you? :dunno:

Teachers Compile List Of Parents Who Question Racial Curriculum, Plot War On Them​

Virginia Parent On "Hit List" For Anti-CRT Parents: Beat Cancel Culture With Fearlessness, Substance, and Mockery

. . . and it is not just white parents, it is black parents as well.

Back in the 90's, mixed communities lived in peace.

CRT is NOT about equality. . . it is about having the government try to force equity. That is only Marxism under another name.

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You want your kid to go to school to learn the skills that will help them succeed in life, have the opportunity to follow their dreams and compete in the world. This CRT B.S is racism, plain and simple, it's designed to divide society just as apartheid does. it's sickening.

Parents need to start suing based on your constitution that no one is to be treated differently based on their race.

No wonder Europe is looking away from the U.S, these crazy alt-left sobs are doing just as I warned (and some of you mocked me for presenting as possible). Socialists who have become Marxists. They ruin everything they touch for their own power ambitions. They will sink a nation if it serves hem personally.
Do you really want to have a competition to see who can come up with the longest list of people on both sides of that issue? You post your one video. I'll show an opposing video. You post another, and I'll post another. After a while we have 20 or 30 or 100 people each who are all adamant, but on opposite sides of that subject. You need more than that video to prove your point.

No, all anyone needs to do is look beyond the title and propaganda and they'll see that our kids are being taught to be racist and to hate themselves. This should anger both sides of the aisle.

And the democrat party, Soros, China, et al, LOVE IT. Keeping America divided makes us weak.

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