If It Took This To Teach About Marxism....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
.....then most folks haven't learned anything from history.

"Only 1 in 5 American voters want to expand government control over the economy after coronavirus
Just 21% of U.S. voters said in a Just the News poll they wanted to 'Launch new programs to increase the federal government’s role in the economy'
Just one in five American voters want to expand government control over the economy after coronavirus, according to a new the Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.

The results come as Congress and the White House negotiate over how to continue to respond to the economic crisis around the coronavirus, amid rising unemployment and shuttering businesses.


Read correctly, this places only 21% of Americans favoring the Left.

The Right: The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Left: Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

And it only took a fraction of the over 100 million slaughtered to install Leftist economies by the Left......
The Right: The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

That died in 1861 when the Republicans took control of the US and increased the central power of the US govt. introduced national income tax and militarily took control of the US under strict control along with social adjustments from political ideology...

Yet, Polislick can only conjure up how the bad Dems did it.....

Now we have a Republican president attacking social media because he doesn't want to be fact checked on his continuous exultation of lies to play rhetorical propaganda that Hitler would be proud of.
The Left: Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump signed an executive order targeting social media companies on Thursday, days after Twitter called two of his tweets "potentially misleading."
Speaking from the Oval Office ahead of signing the order, Trump said the move was to "defend free speech from one of the gravest dangers it has faced in American history."
"A small handful of social media monopolies controls a vast portion of all public and private communications in the United States," he claimed. "They've had unchecked power to censor, restrict, edit, shape, hide, alter, virtually any form of communication between private citizens and large public audiences."
The executive order tests the boundaries of the White House's authority. In a long-shot legal bid, it seeks to curtail the power of large social media platforms by reinterpreting a critical 1996 law that shields websites and tech companies from lawsuits. But legal experts on both the right and the left have raised serious concerns about the proposal. They say it may be unconstitutional because it risks infringing on the First Amendment rights of private companies and because it attempts to circumvent the two other branches of government.

Again, Polislick denies the reality of the Republicans in power and how the Repubs want to control, command and regulate private industry.
.....then most folks haven't learned anything from history.

"Only 1 in 5 American voters want to expand government control over the economy after coronavirus
Just 21% of U.S. voters said in a Just the News poll they wanted to 'Launch new programs to increase the federal government’s role in the economy'
Just one in five American voters want to expand government control over the economy after coronavirus, according to a new the Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.

The results come as Congress and the White House negotiate over how to continue to respond to the economic crisis around the coronavirus, amid rising unemployment and shuttering businesses.

View attachment 342438

Read correctly, this places only 21% of Americans favoring the Left.

The Right: The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Left: Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

And it only took a fraction of the over 100 million slaughtered to install Leftist economies by the Left......
You are beyond redemption. Keep drinking the Trump kool aid and see where it gets you. Keep on living in that bubble and you will be passed by!!!
.....then most folks haven't learned anything from history.

"Only 1 in 5 American voters want to expand government control over the economy after coronavirus
Just 21% of U.S. voters said in a Just the News poll they wanted to 'Launch new programs to increase the federal government’s role in the economy'
Just one in five American voters want to expand government control over the economy after coronavirus, according to a new the Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.

The results come as Congress and the White House negotiate over how to continue to respond to the economic crisis around the coronavirus, amid rising unemployment and shuttering businesses.

View attachment 342438

Read correctly, this places only 21% of Americans favoring the Left.

The Right: The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Left: Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

And it only took a fraction of the over 100 million slaughtered to install Leftist economies by the Left......
You are beyond redemption. Keep drinking the Trump kool aid and see where it gets you. Keep on living in that bubble and you will be passed by!!!

What a vapid post.

You leftists seem able to whine, and that's all.

Your brethren slaughtered over 100 million human beings to show how wonderfully socialism worked.....

....and it didn't.

Yet.....you rush to support every iteration of same.

Really.....how dumb can you be?

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