*If I Were In Mexico, I'd Trade Anything To Get To USA*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Well yeah!
2. The way the laws up here, I'd haul ass north too!
3. Easy as hell to make something of yourself, is sneak into USA.
4. You fuckchops down in Mexico should all come up here, I sure as hell would!
5. Our laws are not stopping you!

Your point escapes me. You would lie, cheat and steal because...well, remind me? You side with liars and frauds, that is a character flaw. Perhaps you are corrupt as THEY are? Fact is, Mexico SUCKS. True. OK. it's a overcrowded sh*thole. OK, true. Mexico really truly sucks. OK, that is a given. YOU should try living with illegal Mexican motherf*kers, then. Do ya? I do. You sound soooo nobel and all. But reality is, MEXICANS bring with them ALL the crap they are trying to escape. Trite as is sounds. Read all the posts on this topic…Not to many good ones praising illegals, are there? So, Chess, what do ya know about the subject?
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Sorry bout that,

Your point escapes me. You would lie, cheat and steal because...well, remind me? You side with liars and frauds, that is a character flaw. Perhaps you are corrupt as THEY are? Fact is, Mexico SUCKS. True. OK. it's a overcrowded sh*thole. OK, true. Mexico really truly sucks. OK, that is a given. YOU should try living with illegal Mexican motherf*kers, then. Do ya? I do. You sound soooo nobel and all. But reality is, MEXICANS bring with them ALL the crap they are trying to escape. Trite as is sounds. Read all the posts on this topic…Not to many good ones praising illegals, are there? So, Chess, what do ya know about the subject?

1. I'm just looking at this from the eyes of the poor Mexicans.
2. If I were in their shoes.
3. Ofcourse its wrong, I do understand that, and its stealing, I get that too.
4. But the laws we have in place, and our border itself is no barrier, so why should they stay in Mexico, and suffer?
5. I'd do the very same thing.
6. The burden on our tax payers is killing us, and yet, still they come.
7. They've been coming for 50 years that I know of, and nothings really changed.
8. Actually we would be better off, just taking them over.

Why? I am not trying to be a jerk here, either. I live with these people, I am not feeling the love here. You just sound condescending. Don't do that. I live almost a thousand miles away from the border, and they are flooding the place. Why not put yourself in MY place instead? We have more in common than YOU will ever have with these...poor Mexicans. I know from whence I speak, brother . All they have to do is legally immigrate, by the way. And there is no real excuse otherwise. Don’t idealize them.
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Sorry bout that,

Why? I am not trying to be a jerk here, either. I live with these people, I am not feeling the love here. You just sound condescending. Don't do that. I live almost a thousand miles away from the border, and they are flooding the place. Why not put yourself in MY place instead? We have more in common than YOU will ever have with these...poor Mexicans. I know from whence I speak, brother . All they have to do is legally immigrate, by the way. And there is no real excuse otherwise. Don’t idealize them.

1. Why would I come here? ,......because it sucks being poor in Mexico, thats why.
2. Being poor here is, *fantastic*! compared to Mexico.
3. Unless our government takes hold of this problem, and fixes it once and for all, why should we expect anything to change, I'm not stupid you know, I see the hand writing on the wall, and these *fuckchops* up in Washington, have no plans to fix this!
4. I hate the fact you are inundated by these illegals, its sad, its not your fault, but what can you do about it, if the government has no plans to fix this problem?,......:dunno:
5. You see, we have the supposed most intelligent people going to Washington DC. to run things, and if they can't see the problem, then it must not be a problem, at least not as much as I think it is, so, ..........:dunno:
6. I think all in all, everything being equal and all, we are *fuckchopping* ourselves.
7. And the leaders of this nation are deaf and blind to it, and that sickens me, but there again,.....:dunno:
8. Its a strange thing, immigration in USA, I'm amazed we allow whats taking place, but, again,.......:dunno:
9. As far as your plight, maybe take a Mexican wife, could work out great!:eusa_shhh:

Sorry bout that,

1. Well yeah!
2. The way the laws up here, I'd haul ass north too!
3. Easy as hell to make something of yourself, is sneak into USA.
4. You fuckchops down in Mexico should all come up here, I sure as hell would!
5. Our laws are not stopping you!

I have a few friends with cash. We are actually eyeing
a 750 acre farm in Mexico.
Have fun, OK ?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Well yeah!
2. The way the laws up here, I'd haul ass north too!
3. Easy as hell to make something of yourself, is sneak into USA.
4. You fuckchops down in Mexico should all come up here, I sure as hell would!
5. Our laws are not stopping you!

I have a few friends with cash. We are actually eyeing
a 750 acre farm in Mexico.
Have fun, OK ?

1. Wow, you must really live in some backwards hell hole of a country, to think that moving to Mexico would be an upgrade???
2. Mexico is terrible, like moving to a sewer, drinking sewer water, bathing in sewer water, eating sewer water sandwiches, shits deep in Mexico man.
3. And I am sorry you have to depend on some one else with money, in order to leave where you are, thats gotta suck bad too!

$3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.

30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.

The legal and illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the United States.

Two-thirds of illegal aliens lack a high school degree, the primary reason they create a fiscal deficit is their low education levels and resulting low incomes and tax payments, into their legal status or heavy use of most social services.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Well yeah!
2. The way the laws up here, I'd haul ass north too!
3. Easy as hell to make something of yourself, is sneak into USA.
4. You fuckchops down in Mexico should all come up here, I sure as hell would!
5. Our laws are not stopping you!


What laws in Mexico are you talking about? There are none if you got any money at all. $5.00 can buy off a cop.
I take it that you don't know any one in Mexico. Those who are working are doing quite well. It's just they can do better here with all the freebies and how easy it is to commit fraud and other crimes.. Easy to steal for employer's here. I can get anything I want out of the trunk of a car and if not put my order in. Even a car.
I have friends in Guadalajara that don't even think of coming here. We are getting the low of the lowest. And my friends are not even middle class.
Once while visiting here, my firend was asked by an American if they lived in grass huts in Mexico. That's how ignorant americans are of Mexico. Mexico is not a third world country.
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Mexico has more millionaires than any other country. The richest person on the planet is in Mexico. Hard work in Mexico will get you a long way.
Unemployment in Mexico is at a record high of 5.4% and government of MExico do not hand out freebies.
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I wouldn't.
I'd work on ways to smuggle drugs tbh and go further south near the coast.

Cause i'm not toting a gun with them and i just want money.
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