If I Shake my Fist at the Sky

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American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
If I shake my fist at the sky and declare to God that I am impressed with neither his presence nor his proofs to date, and I challenge the aforementioned God to kill me now or forever be regarded and described by me as fictitious, does that prove anything?


Well, on second thought. Maybe.

It proves the futility of the hacks at USMB who always try to "prove" to everyone else that "God" does not exist.

They are so hostile to religion, they imagine it is their duty to convince believers that they must "repent!"

I stand corrected.

I can ask for a platform from which to project my opinion.

Thank (insert your preferred Deity here) for the luck of living a life in the 21st Century, and (insert your preferred Deity here) BLESS The Constitution of The USA!!

Well, on second thought. Maybe.

It proves the futility of the hacks at USMB who always try to "prove" to everyone else that "God" does not exist.

They are so hostile to religion, they imagine it is their duty to convince believers that they must "repent!"


It proves the futility of the hacks at USMB who always try to "prove" to everyone else that "God" does exist.

AND, it proves just as much as praying (preying) does.

Well, on second thought. Maybe.

It proves the futility of the hacks at USMB who always try to "prove" to everyone else that "God" does not exist.

They are so hostile to religion, they imagine it is their duty to convince believers that they must "repent!"


It proves the futility of the hacks at USMB who always try to "prove" to everyone else that "God" does exist.

AND, it proves just as much as praying (preying) does.

If one is inclined to believe in a supernatural origin to the universe, then the name of the Almighty is not as important as the matter of whether He exists at all.

But if one is devout in the belief that there was no "creator," then it probably shouldn't matter to you if somebody else does believe in the divine.

You lolberal atheists care far too much about what others believe.

Either way, it doesn't harm anybody what the fuck you believe or don't believe. So why get so prissy about it?
If I shake my fist at the sky and declare to God that I am impressed with neither his presence nor his proofs to date and I challenge the aforementioned God to kill me now or forever be regarded and described by me as fictitious, does that prove anything?


Possibly could prove ignorance.

Well, on second thought. Maybe.

It proves the futility of the hacks at USMB who always try to "prove" to everyone else that "God" does not exist.

They are so hostile to religion, they imagine it is their duty to convince believers that they must "repent!"


It proves the futility of the hacks at USMB who always try to "prove" to everyone else that "God" does exist.

AND, it proves just as much as praying (preying) does.

If one is inclined to believe in a supernatural origin to the universe, then the name of the Almighty is not as important as the matter of whether He exists at all.

But if one is devout in the belief that there was no "creator," then it probably shouldn't matter to you if somebody else does believe in the divine.

You lolberal atheists care far too much about what others believe.

Either way, it doesn't harm anybody what the fuck you believe or don't believe. So why get so prissy about it?

I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I like the sound of my own voice.
If I shake my fist at the sky and declare to God that I am impressed with neither his presence nor his proofs to date and I challenge the aforementioned God to kill me now or forever be regarded and described by me as fictitious, does that prove anything?


Actually, there’s nothing to be ‘proven,’ given the fact there is no such thing as ‘god.’
If I shake my fist at the sky and declare to God that I am impressed with neither his presence nor his proofs to date and I challenge the aforementioned God to kill me now or forever be regarded and described by me as fictitious, does that prove anything?



Like I said, it proved something to me, and I'm a Monkey with enough resources to shout my opinion to the world.

Thanks for listening, by the way. :cool:
If I shake my fist at the sky and declare to God that I am impressed with neither his presence nor his proofs to date and I challenge the aforementioned God to kill me now or forever be regarded and described by me as fictitious, does that prove anything?



Like I said, it proved something to me, and I'm a Monkey with enough resources to shout my opinion to the world.

Thanks for listening, by the way. :cool:

What did it prove to you?
That was the final proof that I needed to let Jesus go five plus years ago.

Free at last, free at last, thank (insert your preferred Deity here) Almighty I'm free at last!!

It proved to me in my own heart that the 'God' of Abraham is fictitious.

Especially after five years in Florida.
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