If Hillary wins, she will have so called rapists and drug dealers to thank.



Trump has riled a beast with his accusation that Hispanics are rapists and drug dealers. If Hillary wins the presidency, it will be because of those so called rapists and drug dealers.

We know how much Republicans hate gays, blacks, Muslims, liberals and others, but was it a mistake to publically call Hispanics rapists and drug dealers?
Trump has riled a beast with his accusation that Hispanics are rapists and drug dealers. If Hillary wins the presidency, it will be because of those so called rapists and drug dealers.

We know how much Republicans hate gays, blacks, Muslims, liberals and others, but was it a mistake to publically call Hispanics rapists and drug dealers?

Trump never said that, Ricky Retardo
Hillary will win because:

She cheated
Dead people voted for her
Free stuff
She is a woman and stupid women voted for her
The liberal media
Hillary will win because:

She cheated
Dead people voted for her
Free stuff
She is a woman and stupid women voted for her
The liberal media

Can you imagine the repercussion for her cheating and losing? You play the Game of Thrones, Jake.
Trump has riled a beast with his accusation that Hispanics are rapists and drug dealers. If Hillary wins the presidency, it will be because of those so called rapists and drug dealers.

We know how much Republicans hate gays, blacks, Muslims, liberals and others, but was it a mistake to publically call Hispanics rapists and drug dealers?

Trump never said that, Ricky Retardo
Only "some" are good people:

Trump has riled a beast with his accusation that Hispanics are rapists and drug dealers. If Hillary wins the presidency, it will be because of those so called rapists and drug dealers.

We know how much Republicans hate gays, blacks, Muslims, liberals and others, but was it a mistake to publically call Hispanics rapists and drug dealers?

Trump never said that, Ricky Retardo
Then it turns out he did.

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