If Hilary wins who will be umm..the first lady ?


Active Member
May 24, 2006
How exactly would that work? Would Bill Clinton be the first first Man? Im serious, how in the hell would that work?
No seriously...how exactly would that work..

P.S - I thought Monica was cute.. Loved her hair. Plus she looked like she could suck the nail off a park bench.
No seriously...how exactly would that work..

P.S - I thought Monica was cute.. Loved her hair. Plus she looked like she could suck the nail off a park bench.

Dont worry about how it would work, hillary wont get elected trust me. Women are too jelous to vote for her, men are too sexist to vote for her.
Which clearly wouldn't apply, so back to square one.

It is a sign of respect that goes with the position but not necessarily with the person. A judge is addressed with the phrase “Your Honor” even if, in one’s opinion, a particular judge is not worthy of honor.
It is a sign of respect that goes with the position but not necessarily with the person. A judge is addressed with the phrase “Your Honor” even if, in one’s opinion, a particular judge is not worthy of honor.

Since polls show nearly 50% of the people said they will NOT vote for Hillary - her illusions of President is about to get a strong dose of reality

The myth of the popularity of the Clintons will soon be proven once and for all
hi, new here! my first post!!! :)

i think there is plenty of time for hillary clinton to hang herself, however....''she ain't hung yet.....'' i also believe that her money, the team of people with influence behind her and her backing, will take her down to the wire in my opinion, in the democratic primary, unless something ''conveniently'' scummy comes out on Bill.

and i agree, the title, out of respect for the (female) President's spouse would more than likely be, the First Gentleman.

hi, new here! my first post!!! :)

i think there is plenty of time for hillary clinton to hang herself, however....''she ain't hung yet.....'' i also believe that her money, the team of people with influence behind her and her backing, will take her down to the wire in my opinion, in the democratic primary, unless something ''conveniently'' scummy comes out on Bill.

and i agree, the title, out of respect for the (female) President's spouse would more than likely be, the First Gentleman.


Her liberalism, the facts about her views, her personality, and hate for anyone who disagrees with her will be her downfall
50 Percent of Voters Won't Vote for Hillary
Posted Mar 28th 2007 9:52AM by Patrick Casey
Filed under: President 2008, Democrats, Polls, Hillary Clinton

A new Harris Poll conducted from March 6th to the 14th by Harris Interactive of 2,223 adults showed that a full 50% of respondents would not vote for Hillary Clinton for president, no matter the situation. An analysis, complete with all poll questions and responses, is here.

This jives with polls that have been taken on the senator over the past few years that show her disapproval rating ranging from 46% to 49%. That's a very difficult number to overcome, and whatever Hillary is doing now isn't helping, apparently. If she tacks left, as she will have to in order to win the Democrat presidential nomination, her overall disapproval rating will climb. And when she tacks to the right after winning the nomination (if she does), it will seem fake to the majority of the nation -- and her liberal base will desert her.

At that point she'll be relying not on herself but on the media to destroy her Republican opponent, giving the voters the "lesser of two evils" option. As most of the Democrat media is already bought and paid for by the Clintons, this is probably what Hillary hopes for, with numbers like these.
Unlike her husband Bill, Hillary is just not likable. It has nothing to do with being a woman, although for the most part she does remind men of their mothers-in-law, and women of the chicks that back-stabbed them on the way to the top. She lies continuously, to the point where it is difficult if not impossible for her media friends to hide it or cover for her anymore. Hence you now have another media darling, Barack Obama -- and the Clintons are seething.

Gone are the days when a candidate like Richard Nixon could get elected despite being unlikable. Unfortunately for Hillary, her husband ushered in a new era in presidential politics: electability being charisma and likability more than substance. It's always been that way to a certain extent. But never more so than today. That's one of the reasons why I don't think that the two current leaders on the Republican side, John McCain and Rudy Giuliani, will make it to the end -- although Rudy, even with his baggage, is more likely to than McCain.

On the Democrat side, however, the more the campaigns seem to develop, the more it seems like the past few years has been a political and financial chess match for the Clintons against everyone else, with Hillary the predestined winner.

But what about the rest of the country?
What I think will be truly fascinating is what the role of the First Gentleman (whenever we have the 1st female president), will be.

Traditionally, the role of the First Lady has been a diplomatic and intensely "feminine" role. She has entertained other diplomats wives, decorated the White House, held luncheons on issues that have primarily been viewed as "female-centered," visited day-cares, hugged children in hospitals, chosen the theme for the White House Christmas decorations.

Is a man going to be willing to take such a back-seat role? OR is the role going to be absorbed by presidential secretaries because the husband of such a powerful woman would most likely be someone with a fairly high-powered job himself?

It will be interesting to see...I just hope that we aren't seeing Bill Clinton tell us that the White House Christmas theme is going to be "Winter Intern Wonderland."
I'm going to go with: The First Big Creep.
Bill wil do all the hiring of WH interns - for both himself and Hillary

He takes one end and she takes the other
I think that Bill gets a big job in her administration.... Ambassador to the UN or Secretary of State come to mind.
I guess if Hillary get elected, he will helped her in her function. But I don't see him organizing the menu or the reception. So someone else will have to deal with the function of the first lady.
There have been very very few first ladys who actually did anything of importance while in the white house. Most just stand there and nod. With clinton as the first genltleman, he will influence alot of people and make some changes. Also he will use the white house budget wisely, like on a beer fountain, and strippers.

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