If Giuliani’s Obama Smear Wasn’t Racist, What Was It?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
When Rudy Giuliani accused President Obama of not loving America, was he expressing a form of racism? If not, what was Giuliani saying?

I have argued, controversially to some on the left, that it is important to grapple with ideas on their own terms before merely analyzing their motivations. American conservatism is historically intertwined with white racism in such a way that nearly any conservative idea could plausibly be understood as an appeal to racism, but most of those ideas can be expressed and justified in non-racial terms, and deserve to be taken at face value. The trouble with Giuliani’s comments is that they lack the coherence necessary to be analyzed as an idea. Brush away the bilious rage he has emitted, and nothing solid remains behind.

The original basis for Giuliani’s comments was Obama’s allegedly unusual upbringing. “He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up, through love of this country,” alleged the former mayor. As Wayne Barrett points out, Giuliani’s father was a mob enforcer, and he and his five brothers all avoided military service during World War II. What about this upbringing in any way suggests it conveyed some deeper patriotism than Obama’s?

Giuliani subsequently clarified his original remarks, though not in the way he intended, by asserting that Obama’s alleged anti-Americanism amounted to “socialism or possibly anti-colonialism.” Here Giuliani is reprising the theories of Dinesh D’Souza, who has described Obama as fundamentally influenced by Kenyan anti-colonialism. Unfortunately for Giuliani, D’Souza’s racism is so transparent not even many conservatives care to defend it any longer.

More: If Giuliani's Smear Wasn't Racist, What Was It? -- NYMag

If his Obama smear wasn't racist, I have no idea what it was. It was bizarre and makes no sense to rational thinking - other than racism. But why? What's his point? Is he thinking of running for president?
Rudolph Giulian's Skeleton Closet

Rudolf Giuliani is operatic, in the worst sense of the word -- overdramatic, pompous, self-important and full of emotional extremes. In everything he does, he stirs up trouble, picks useless fights, and flaunts his power in a cruel and petty way. His presidential campaign has been amazingly effective at hiding this side of his personality -- but even a quick look at his life will tell you that the quiet won't last long.

- Used Police & Tax Money to Pamper His Mistress
- Surrounded by Corrupt and Criminal Friends (Felons, Molestors, & Embezzlers)
- Married his cousin (and divorced her)
- Affairs -- Divorced his second wife (in a very ugly way)
- Mob ties (his Dad and uncle)
- Wears Women's Clothing
- Nasty, Mean-Spirited and Small-Minded Cuss
- Bernie Kerik
- Farmersville, NY Scandal
- Harding scandal
- Quotes

Skeleton Closet - Rudy Giuliani, The Dark Side

Sounds like Rudy should be more concerned with the skeletons in his own closet.
He spoke out against our President so it must be racist...

If it wasn't racist - what was his point? What is his agenda?

I don't know, he didn't consult me prior to making his comments. But I do know that, just because one disagrees with President Obama, one is not necessarily a racist. The man is entitled to his opinion. He doesn't think the President loves this country the way other presidents have. He thinks his up brining and early influences have contributed to this. That's his opinion. I think people are making way too much out it. Those on the right will seize upon the comments and say "YEAH!" and those on the left will take them and say "RACIST!" or "CRAZY!" As far as I can tell, the man is politically insignificant.

But tat's just me...
The left claims any criticism of Obama is racist which is generally though not always what people do when they can't refute a claim. As for does Obama not love America I can't say there is no way for me or anyone else to know what is truly in someone's heart based on a lot of his comments and speeches it seems like he thinks America is the cause of a lot of the worlds problems.
Opinions are like assholes - everyone has one. However, opinions don't mean much without some facts to support them. Can anyone provide any "credible" proof that President Obama doesn't love America? I couldn't blame him if he didn't. That he isn't a Christian? Who cares? Personally, I'd much rather he be an Atheist. He's taking care of business and keeping us safe.
I've had about enough of you people and your damn racism bullshit being spewed on every damn subject.

Fuck you and the racism horse your stupid ass rode in here.
I've had about enough of you people and your damn racism bullshit being spewed on every damn subject.

Fuck you and the racism horse your stupid ass rode in here.

Aw, do you want me to pack up my teepee and leave "your" country?
When Rudy Giuliani accused President Obama of not loving America, was he expressing a form of racism? If not, what was Giuliani saying?

I have argued, controversially to some on the left, that it is important to grapple with ideas on their own terms before merely analyzing their motivations. American conservatism is historically intertwined with white racism in such a way that nearly any conservative idea could plausibly be understood as an appeal to racism, but most of those ideas can be expressed and justified in non-racial terms, and deserve to be taken at face value. The trouble with Giuliani’s comments is that they lack the coherence necessary to be analyzed as an idea. Brush away the bilious rage he has emitted, and nothing solid remains behind.

The original basis for Giuliani’s comments was Obama’s allegedly unusual upbringing. “He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up, through love of this country,” alleged the former mayor. As Wayne Barrett points out, Giuliani’s father was a mob enforcer, and he and his five brothers all avoided military service during World War II. What about this upbringing in any way suggests it conveyed some deeper patriotism than Obama’s?

Giuliani subsequently clarified his original remarks, though not in the way he intended, by asserting that Obama’s alleged anti-Americanism amounted to “socialism or possibly anti-colonialism.” Here Giuliani is reprising the theories of Dinesh D’Souza, who has described Obama as fundamentally influenced by Kenyan anti-colonialism. Unfortunately for Giuliani, D’Souza’s racism is so transparent not even many conservatives care to defend it any longer.

More: If Giuliani's Smear Wasn't Racist, What Was It? -- NYMag

If his Obama smear wasn't racist, I have no idea what it was. It was bizarre and makes no sense to rational thinking - other than racism. But why? What's his point? Is he thinking of running for president?

Yeah cause if you don't love a black communist socialist POS you must be racist.
When Rudy Giuliani accused President Obama of not loving America, was he expressing a form of racism? If not, what was Giuliani saying?

I have argued, controversially to some on the left, that it is important to grapple with ideas on their own terms before merely analyzing their motivations. American conservatism is historically intertwined with white racism in such a way that nearly any conservative idea could plausibly be understood as an appeal to racism, but most of those ideas can be expressed and justified in non-racial terms, and deserve to be taken at face value. The trouble with Giuliani’s comments is that they lack the coherence necessary to be analyzed as an idea. Brush away the bilious rage he has emitted, and nothing solid remains behind.

The original basis for Giuliani’s comments was Obama’s allegedly unusual upbringing. “He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up, through love of this country,” alleged the former mayor. As Wayne Barrett points out, Giuliani’s father was a mob enforcer, and he and his five brothers all avoided military service during World War II. What about this upbringing in any way suggests it conveyed some deeper patriotism than Obama’s?

Giuliani subsequently clarified his original remarks, though not in the way he intended, by asserting that Obama’s alleged anti-Americanism amounted to “socialism or possibly anti-colonialism.” Here Giuliani is reprising the theories of Dinesh D’Souza, who has described Obama as fundamentally influenced by Kenyan anti-colonialism. Unfortunately for Giuliani, D’Souza’s racism is so transparent not even many conservatives care to defend it any longer.

More: If Giuliani's Smear Wasn't Racist, What Was It? -- NYMag

If his Obama smear wasn't racist, I have no idea what it was. It was bizarre and makes no sense to rational thinking - other than racism. But why? What's his point? Is he thinking of running for president?

I don't see anywhere Guiliani even made a reference to race.
When Rudy Giuliani accused President Obama of not loving America, was he expressing a form of racism? If not, what was Giuliani saying?
No. He was saying President obama doesn't love America.
I have argued, controversially to some on the left, that it is important to grapple with ideas on their own terms before merely analyzing their motivations. American conservatism is historically intertwined with white racism in such a way that nearly any conservative idea could plausibly be understood as an appeal to racism, but most of those ideas can be expressed and justified in non-racial terms, and deserve to be taken at face value.
Bullshit! Just because Democrats need black votes to win office doesn't make their bullshit rhetoric fact. Truth be told, Black Americans are more racist than white Americans and white Democrats would rather not have anything to do with blacks of any political persuasion except on the first Tuesday in November every other year. Disagreeing with a Democrat President is what Conservatives do. We disagreed with bill clinton and Jimmy Carter every bit as strenuously as we do with the half white POTUS currently in office.
The trouble with Giuliani’s comments is that they lack the coherence necessary to be analyzed as an idea. Brush away the bilious rage he has emitted, and nothing solid remains behind.
He said in language quite easy to understand "obama doesn't love America.
WTF is so difficult for you? The fact that you cannot grasp why anyone would say that about President obama does not make simple English "incoherent".
The original basis for Giuliani’s comments was Obama’s allegedly unusual upbringing. “He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up, through love of this country,” alleged the former mayor. As Wayne Barrett points out, Giuliani’s father was a mob enforcer, and he and his five brothers all avoided military service during World War II. What about this upbringing in any way suggests it conveyed some deeper patriotism than Obama’s?

obama wasn't brought up the way most of us were. He was born to a foreign national and a Communist, raised in an Islamic household in a foreign country until being abandoned by his mother and dumped on his Socialist grandparents.
Mayor Giuliani's upbringing is irrelevant. It had no effect whatever on the topic of his speech, namely obama's lack of love for our country.
But, because you can't dispute what the former mayor said, you instead attack the messenger with a side order of what a wonderful father obama is. (also irrelevant)
Giuliani subsequently clarified his original remarks, though not in the way he intended, by asserting that Obama’s alleged anti-Americanism amounted to “socialism or possibly anti-colonialism.” Here Giuliani is reprising the theories of Dinesh D’Souza, who has described Obama as fundamentally influenced by Kenyan anti-colonialism. Unfortunately for Giuliani, D’Souza’s racism is so transparent not even many conservatives care to defend it any longer.

Let me get this straight? saying the President may have been affected by Kenyan anti-colonialism is racist? How? Is a black NASCAR fan an Uncle Tom?

Same logic, Chief: None.
More: If Giuliani's Smear Wasn't Racist, What Was It? -- NYMag

If his Obama smear wasn't racist, I have no idea what it was. It was bizarre and makes no sense to rational thinking - other than racism. But why? What's his point? Is he thinking of running for president?

Finally! You have said something truthful and though not profound or a new revelation, quite a feat, for you.

Dam son! His POINT was barack obama does not love America. Which is cool with me because I have no love or respect for him.

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