If abortions are murder…


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Than the method and reason should not matter. Death penalty is murder. Abortions are murder. Putting a gun to someone’s head is murder. Collateral Damage is murder. Does it make a difference who that victim is? Rape, incest that produce a pregnancy and if that pregnancy is terminated it is not murder? Or life in a test tube terminated. What makes that life different from a life produced by a husband and wife, etc?

Than the method and reason should not matter. Death penalty is murder. Abortions are murder. Putting a gun to someone’s head is murder. Collateral Damage is murder. Does it make a difference who that victim is? Rape, incest that produce a pregnancy and if that pregnancy is terminated it is not murder? Or life in a test tube terminated. What makes that life different from a life produced by a husband and wife, etc?

Good question.

I never see the "Pro-Life" crowd ever say how they are going to enforce a ban on abortion.

Are they going to put the women in jail?
How can anyone truly be pro-life and support wars, terminating life in a test tube and life created by rape and incest.

Than the method and reason should not matter. Death penalty is murder. Abortions are murder. Putting a gun to someone’s head is murder. Collateral Damage is murder. Does it make a difference who that victim is? Rape, incest that produce a pregnancy and if that pregnancy is terminated it is not murder? Or life in a test tube terminated. What makes that life different from a life produced by a husband and wife, etc?

Good question.

I never see the "Pro-Life" crowd ever say how they are going to enforce a ban on abortion.

Are they going to put the women in jail?

Abortion laws will not end abortions. If a woman want an abortion she will find a way to get one or she will give herself one as they did in the olden days. Midwifes were able to terminate pregnancies.

Than the method and reason should not matter. Death penalty is murder. Abortions are murder. Putting a gun to someone’s head is murder. Collateral Damage is murder. Does it make a difference who that victim is? Rape, incest that produce a pregnancy and if that pregnancy is terminated it is not murder? Or life in a test tube terminated. What makes that life different from a life produced by a husband and wife, etc?

Good question.

I never see the "Pro-Life" crowd ever say how they are going to enforce a ban on abortion.

Are they going to put the women in jail?

I heard Chris Matthews interview GOP Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn after the debate and he tried to wring an answer to that out of her, and she obstinately refused to say what the actual enforcement would entail.

They don't because they want the political benefit of SAYING they're pro-life, but they don't want the political damage that taking the rhetoric to its logical conclusion.

If abortion is murder then a woman who has an abortion is a murderer.
morons talking in circles

carry on

It's the intolerant left.... again. Anyone who thinks differently, or... heaven forbid... actually thinks for themselves is not tolerated. They are getting stupider by the day.

It isn't a matter of toleraing your views...

It's just askign you a simple question.

If you ever got abortion banned, how would you make those laws actually work?

Would you throw women who got abortions in prison? (This, by the way, was never done, even in the bad old Coat Hanger days before Roe v. Wade.)

There are countries where you all have gotten your wet dream of illegal abortions.

They still have abortions in those countries. Lots of them.

As an example, in the Philippines, abortion is illegal, but it is estimated that 500-800K abortions are performed every year.

This data comes from an anti-abortion website.

Legal Updates and free legal information Family Code Philippines: Laws, facts and statistics on abortions in the Philippines

[1] In 2005, there were some 400,000 to 500,000 abortions in the Philippines. The World Health Organization estimate puts the figure at nearly 800,000, one of the highest rates of unsafe abortions in Asia.

[2] Seventy percent of unwanted pregnancies in the Philippines end in abortion, according to the WHO. Pro-Life Philippines, an anti-abortion group, says that one of four pregnancies in the Philippines end in abortion.

[3] According to the Department of Health, nearly 100,000 women who have unsafe abortions every year end up in the hospital.

Your more than entitled to your opinions, but at least consider what you are proposing.
morons talking in circles

carry on

Okay, why don't you take a shot at the question.

You get Roe v. Wade overturned, and a few states ban it.

How do you enforce the law?

Are you going to throw women in prison for getting abortions?

Vichy France had the death penalty for women getting abortions; the last execution was in 1942;

it's not like it's an absurd notion.

Than the method and reason should not matter. Death penalty is murder. Abortions are murder. Putting a gun to someone’s head is murder. Collateral Damage is murder. Does it make a difference who that victim is? Rape, incest that produce a pregnancy and if that pregnancy is terminated it is not murder? Or life in a test tube terminated. What makes that life different from a life produced by a husband and wife, etc?

Innocent life you hack......Innocent....We pro life people know that babies didnt do anything where as the scumbag on death row did.....I know you progressives always want to save those that kill soldiers and cops.

Than the method and reason should not matter. Death penalty is murder. Abortions are murder. Putting a gun to someone’s head is murder. Collateral Damage is murder. Does it make a difference who that victim is? Rape, incest that produce a pregnancy and if that pregnancy is terminated it is not murder? Or life in a test tube terminated. What makes that life different from a life produced by a husband and wife, etc?

Good question.

I never see the "Pro-Life" crowd ever say how they are going to enforce a ban on abortion.

Are they going to put the women in jail?

I heard Chris Matthews interview GOP Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn after the debate and he tried to wring an answer to that out of her, and she obstinately refused to say what the actual enforcement would entail.

They don't because they want the political benefit of SAYING they're pro-life, but they don't want the political damage that taking the rhetoric to its logical conclusion.

If abortion is murder then a woman who has an abortion is a murderer.

Technically, she's an accessory to murder. The abortionist is the murderer.
morons talking in circles

carry on

Okay, why don't you take a shot at the question.

You get Roe v. Wade overturned, and a few states ban it.

How do you enforce the law?

Are you going to throw women in prison for getting abortions?

Vichy France had the death penalty for women getting abortions; the last execution was in 1942;

it's not like it's an absurd notion.

As I recall, that was an execution of an abortion provider, not an abortion patient.

Marie-Louise Giraud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you are really citing a Nazi Collaborationist state as an example we should follow?

Technically, she's an accessory to murder. The abortionist is the murderer.

Technically, she's a woman practicing birth control, because fetuses aren't people...

But let's take your silly notion of giving civil rights to sperm to it's logical conclusion.

What if she takes RU-486? No doctor required. Isn't she totally on the hook for murder herself at that point?
Progressives love to kill innocent babies and make heroes out of cop killers.......

So you can't answer the qeustion, either, then...

Always can tell when a funditard can't answer a simple question. They just think screaming "murder" louder is an argument.

ONe more time... How are you going to enforce an anti-abortion law once you get it on the books?
Good question.

I never see the "Pro-Life" crowd ever say how they are going to enforce a ban on abortion.

Are they going to put the women in jail?

I heard Chris Matthews interview GOP Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn after the debate and he tried to wring an answer to that out of her, and she obstinately refused to say what the actual enforcement would entail.

They don't because they want the political benefit of SAYING they're pro-life, but they don't want the political damage that taking the rhetoric to its logical conclusion.

If abortion is murder then a woman who has an abortion is a murderer.

Technically, she's an accessory to murder. The abortionist is the murderer.

I think that if you paid someone to kill your 2 year old child, which the pro-lifers believe is no different than getting an abortion,

you're pretty much considered a murderer.
Technically, she's an accessory to murder. The abortionist is the murderer.

Technically, she's a woman practicing birth control, because fetuses aren't people...

But let's take your silly notion of giving civil rights to sperm to it's logical conclusion.

What if she takes RU-486? No doctor required. Isn't she totally on the hook for murder herself at that point?

Try reading the whole discussion shithead. That way you won't put words in my mouth that aren't there.

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