Identity Politics and Critical Race Theory Have No Place in U.S. Military


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Identity Politics and Critical Race Theory Have No Place in U.S. Military
Identity Politics and Critical Race Theory Have No Place in U.S. Military | The Heritage Foundation
29 Mar 2021 ~~ By Dakota Wood

Sen. Tom Cotton, rightly angered that the Department of Defense is moving to indoctrinate U.S. military personnel in divisive critical race theory, has introduced a bill that would forbid it.
Like colleagues in the House who sent letters to Adm. Mike Gilday, the chief of naval operations, expressing severe disapproval of the Navy’s decision to include books on critical race theory and other aspects of identity politics on professional reading lists, Cotton, R-Ark., and a former soldier, demonstrated he understands the corrosive effect that such teachings would have on the U.S military.
  1. The beauty of military service is that the uniform and common objective supplants grouping by individual identities of color, class, gender, or religion.
  2. Critical race theory would move the military in the wrong direction by undoing decades, even centuries, of work to foster a team-centered culture.
  3. When we view people through the lens of race, gender, or religion, we embrace the polar opposite of everything the U.S. military strives for.

Progressive Marxist Sociaist/DSA Democrat Leftists push this nonsense only if they intend to destroy and have this nation conquered.
It certainly appears that this is exactly what they are doing.
A major stumbling block is that the positions of Joint Chiefs of Staff, are politically appointed. The current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, recently said in a speech, that: "We don't defend/support any one party or one person, we only defend the Constitution." Yet, the left is regularly attacking the Constitution and the military is only sitting back and letting it happen. Why? Political appointments.
I recall awhile back, where a graduate of the Air Force Academy, had his picture taken, holding his cover/hat, so that the inside could be seen and inside, were the words, "Communism will win." The Air Force kicked him out, however, one must wonder if he is just the "tip of the iceberg," as they say. Considering that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are just sitting back and not stepping on on the left's actions, I suspect that that iceberg could go all the way to the top of the military's command.
Any topic can be discussed. Taking it seriously is another thing.
Ideology and military are difficult to separate, but it is essential to filter.
I love how the right takes scary words thrown together and digs deep to make some conspiracy out of it. So predictable. Keep parroting away on your culture war angle. Only lost the general election by 7M votes.
and you can keep babbling crap
I recall awhile back, where a graduate of the Air Force Academy, had his picture taken, holding his cover/hat, so that the inside could be seen and inside, were the words, "Communism will win." The Air Force kicked him out, however, one must wonder if he is just the "tip of the iceberg," as they say. Considering that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are just sitting back and not stepping on on the left's actions, I suspect that that iceberg could go all the way to the top of the military's command.

Actually, you are wrong. THis was a graduate of West Point (Army) that did that.

Should point out the Cadet in question had also won Air Assault, Airborne and Combat Infantryman badges before he ever got into West Point.

Identity Politics and Critical Race are forms of hate and racism.
The government has no business spreading Left Wing bigotry and stereotyping.
The Democrat Party is a dangerous cult.
A major stumbling block is that the positions of Joint Chiefs of Staff, are politically appointed. The current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, recently said in a speech, that: "We don't defend/support any one party or one person, we only defend the Constitution." Yet, the left is regularly attacking the Constitution and the military is only sitting back and letting it happen. Why? Political appointments.
I recall awhile back, where a graduate of the Air Force Academy, had his picture taken, holding his cover/hat, so that the inside could be seen and inside, were the words, "Communism will win." The Air Force kicked him out, however, one must wonder if he is just the "tip of the iceberg," as they say. Considering that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are just sitting back and not stepping on on the left's actions, I suspect that that iceberg could go all the way to the top of the military's command.

The chairman of the joint chiefs was appointed by Trump.
Identity Politics and Critical Race Theory Have No Place in U.S. Military
Identity Politics and Critical Race Theory Have No Place in U.S. Military | The Heritage Foundation
29 Mar 2021 ~~ By Dakota Wood

Sen. Tom Cotton, rightly angered that the Department of Defense is moving to indoctrinate U.S. military personnel in divisive critical race theory, has introduced a bill that would forbid it.
Like colleagues in the House who sent letters to Adm. Mike Gilday, the chief of naval operations, expressing severe disapproval of the Navy’s decision to include books on critical race theory and other aspects of identity politics on professional reading lists, Cotton, R-Ark., and a former soldier, demonstrated he understands the corrosive effect that such teachings would have on the U.S military.
  1. The beauty of military service is that the uniform and common objective supplants grouping by individual identities of color, class, gender, or religion.
  2. Critical race theory would move the military in the wrong direction by undoing decades, even centuries, of work to foster a team-centered culture.
  3. When we view people through the lens of race, gender, or religion, we embrace the polar opposite of everything the U.S. military strives for.

Progressive Marxist Sociaist/DSA Democrat Leftists push this nonsense only if they intend to destroy and have this nation conquered.
It certainly appears that this is exactly what they are doing.
Sound just like those saying integration had no place in the military.

10 Jun 2921 ~~ By W, James Antle III
Rep. Ilhan Omar has once again exposed a rift in the Democratic caucus. A dozen House Democrats rebuked the polarizing Minnesotan for appearing to equate the United States and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban, adding that her comparison "at best discredits one's intended argument and at worst reflects deep-seated prejudice."
Omar's fellow members of the Squad were incensed. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) alleged that, by "skipping private conversations" and publicly chastising Omar in a way that will likely draw news coverage, they put Omar in danger. "Freedom of speech doesn't exist for Muslim women in Congress. The benefit of the doubt doesn't exist for Muslim women in Congress," protested Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), who accused Democratic leaders of "relentless, exclusive tone policing of Congresswomen of color."
This comes not long after high-profile progressives found themselves unable to condemn anti-Semitic attacks, allegedly provoked by recent fighting between Israel and Hamas, without also denouncing Islamophobia.
Democratic leaders are trying to tamp down the conflict. Omar also clarified she "was in no way equating terrorist organizations with democratic countries with well-established judicial systems." But in a new era of identity politics, Democrats are likely to return to these issues again.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats leftist identity problems are obvious. They can’t tell what a male and female is.
Marxists show that you can mend rifts as long as your only driving principle is exercise of power. You just hide the dissidence or assassinate the dissidents. As exhibieted by Xi Jinping's treatment, enslavement and genocide of the Uyghur population.
PM/DSA Democratic party is a conglomerate of people/factions who do not have much in common other than their ideology and would normally go at each other's throats. They are held together by a shared fear and hatred of America, Trump and their personal greed for power. When any of the factions/groups don't get their share of the pickings and lose hope of getting the spoils, they will show their true attitude towards others in their party and it will come apart. It is only a matter of time before they pounce on each other and rip each other into shreds.
“Green New Deal” from someone who has no concept of law of conservation of energy, by Carbon footprint, and environmentally friendly materials – is not prudent. True for Clueless AOC and her advisor from Cornell – who does not have credentials in Ecology/Environment.

Émilie du Châtelet,
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A major stumbling block is that the positions of Joint Chiefs of Staff, are politically appointed.

Well, not really.

The "Joint Chiefs" are the top leaders of each branch of service. And the process to appoint them is that when one retires (Chief of Staff of the Army, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Commandant of the Marine Corps, and the Chief of Naval Operations) a "short list" of those eligible to replace them is sent to the President. This is generally the senior 3-4 Generals in that branch of service, and the President sends their nominee to the Senate for approval.

And the Chairman is the exact same, except 2-3 names from each branch is sent and he decides from that list.

This makes it very unlike any other "Political Appointee" in the government. If the rest of it worked like that, you would have say the State Department forwarding a list of the 4 or 5 most senior members in the State Department to replace the outgoing Secretary of State. Not the President appointing whoever they want to the position.

In fact, unlike all the other most senior levels of government, the President can not actually "Fire" his Joint Chiefs. At most, they can only be removed from that position. They are then returned to their branch of service, for further appointment. The President can not actually "Fire" a General from the military, only from their position. And all Generals are appointed to their positions.
The purpose of an army is to be prepared to destroy an enemy. If rainbows and unicorns are effective in that regard, so much the better. Otherwise, effective measures are the principle concern. Sentiment needs to be left to civilian life. Playing at war is a major catastrophe. A nation must avoid that.
The purpose of an army is to be prepared to destroy an enemy. If rainbows and unicorns are effective in that regard, so much the better. Otherwise, effective measures are the principle concern. Sentiment needs to be left to civilian life. Playing at war is a major catastrophe. A nation must avoid that.

That is actually not the purpose. It is to act as a deterrence, so that it will hopefully not be attacked in the first place.

Then secondly, to render what assistance the nation might need.
The purpose of an army is to be prepared to destroy an enemy. If rainbows and unicorns are effective in that regard, so much the better. Otherwise, effective measures are the principle concern. Sentiment needs to be left to civilian life. Playing at war is a major catastrophe. A nation must avoid that.

That is actually not the purpose. It is to act as a deterrence, so that it will hopefully not be attacked in the first place.

Then secondly, to render what assistance the nation might need.
The purpose of the infantry is to engage and destroy the enemy.

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