Idaho Rep. Votes Against Kindergarten Funding As It Helps Mothers 'Come Out of the Home'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
Wow I never thought that in 2021 I would read such an article and people would be so backward that they don't even know what is happening in their state.

According to the article 65% of children under 8 in Idaho have both parents in the workforce.

This isn't the 1950s. This is 2021. We live in a society that doesn't allow only one parent to work. Especially when the minimum wage is only 7.25 an hour. Young parents don't have the luxury to not work.

This hurts children and parents.

Wow I never thought that in 2021 I would read such an article and people would be so backward that they don't even know what is happening in their state.

According to the article 65% of children under 8 in Idaho have both parents in the workforce.

This isn't the 1950s. This is 2021. We live in a society that doesn't allow only one parent to work. Especially when the minimum wage is only 7.25 an hour. Young parents don't have the luxury to not work.

This hurts children and parents.

Surely we don’t want to discriminate against stay at home parents! The government shouldn’t be funding certain lifestyles and defunding other lifestyles. If we are going to fund kindergarten or preschool why not at the same time give stay at home parents a big tax break or subsidy?

And if we are going to fund kindergarten we should definitely give parents a choice where to send their kids. Let’s empower parents and students instead of bureaucrats!
Wow I never thought that in 2021 I would read such an article and people would be so backward that they don't even know what is happening in their state.

According to the article 65% of children under 8 in Idaho have both parents in the workforce.

This isn't the 1950s. This is 2021. We live in a society that doesn't allow only one parent to work. Especially when the minimum wage is only 7.25 an hour. Young parents don't have the luxury to not work.

This hurts children and parents.

Wow I never thought that in 2021 I would read such an article and people would be so backward that they don't even know what is happening in their state.

According to the article 65% of children under 8 in Idaho have both parents in the workforce.

This isn't the 1950s. This is 2021. We live in a society that doesn't allow only one parent to work. Especially when the minimum wage is only 7.25 an hour. Young parents don't have the luxury to not work.

This hurts children and parents.

Gonna be entertaining to see how the conservitards defend this.
Wow I never thought that in 2021 I would read such an article and people would be so backward that they don't even know what is happening in their state.

According to the article 65% of children under 8 in Idaho have both parents in the workforce.

This isn't the 1950s. This is 2021. We live in a society that doesn't allow only one parent to work. Especially when the minimum wage is only 7.25 an hour. Young parents don't have the luxury to not work.

This hurts children and parents.

Surely we don’t want to discriminate against stay at home parents! The government shouldn’t be funding certain lifestyles and defunding other lifestyles. If we are going to fund kindergarten or preschool why not at the same time give stay at home parents a big tax break or subsidy?

And if we are going to fund kindergarten we should definitely give parents a choice where to send their kids. Let’s empower parents and students instead of bureaucrats!
Wow I never thought that in 2021 I would read such an article and people would be so backward that they don't even know what is happening in their state.

According to the article 65% of children under 8 in Idaho have both parents in the workforce.

This isn't the 1950s. This is 2021. We live in a society that doesn't allow only one parent to work. Especially when the minimum wage is only 7.25 an hour. Young parents don't have the luxury to not work.

This hurts children and parents.

its one of the goals of the communist manifesto,,,

all children need to be indoctrinated to be good little workers,,,

lets not forget they want your kids pre-K also,,

the last thing they want is parents teaching their children,,
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Wow I never thought that in 2021 I would read such an article and people would be so backward that they don't even know what is happening in their state.

According to the article 65% of children under 8 in Idaho have both parents in the workforce.

This isn't the 1950s. This is 2021. We live in a society that doesn't allow only one parent to work. Especially when the minimum wage is only 7.25 an hour. Young parents don't have the luxury to not work.

This hurts children and parents.

good, if it keeps your ilk out of our state ....good.
We already got to many stink'n californians in this state
Wow I never thought that in 2021 I would read such an article and people would be so backward that they don't even know what is happening in their state.

According to the article 65% of children under 8 in Idaho have both parents in the workforce.

This isn't the 1950s. This is 2021. We live in a society that doesn't allow only one parent to work. Especially when the minimum wage is only 7.25 an hour. Young parents don't have the luxury to not work.

This hurts children and parents.

That 35% would surely rise if we offered stay at home parents tax breaks or subsidies. Is anyone against providing options for parents?

This isn't the 1950s. This is 2021. We live in a society that doesn't allow only one parent to work. Especially when the minimum wage is only 7.25 an hour. Young parents don't have the luxury to not work.

We’d be better off if we were still in the 1950s.

Your “society” argument is bullshit. It’s not Society forcing the two salary family; it’s the inability of people to live with their means. It’s the “need” for two (new) cars, the 60” flatscreen TVs, the 2800 sq ft house and the latest fashions that has caused this.

Young couples shouldn’t be having kids if they can’t afford them. Simple as that.

I grew up in the 1980s and 90s with two brothers in a single income family. Wenever had all the bells and whistles. McDonalds was a rare treat. Eating out was almost unheard of. Name brand anything was extremely rare. We didn’t even have basic cable until 1988. But my parents made it work. So can people today; if they’re willing to make it work.
Republicans just love to force their lifestyle on other people regardless of whether or not they can afford it or want to do it. Particularly when the issue involves women, the republicans are all for Big Government and gag rules I remember when the republican party was a political party and not the freak show that it is now.
Wow I never thought that in 2021 I would read such an article and people would be so backward that they don't even know what is happening in their state.

According to the article 65% of children under 8 in Idaho have both parents in the workforce.

This isn't the 1950s. This is 2021. We live in a society that doesn't allow only one parent to work. Especially when the minimum wage is only 7.25 an hour. Young parents don't have the luxury to not work.

This hurts children and parents.


It's disgusting.

All those kids will be behind those who have parents who can send their kids to preschool.

It's not fair to the kids who are being left behind.
Wow I never thought that in 2021 I would read such an article and people would be so backward that they don't even know what is happening in their state.

According to the article 65% of children under 8 in Idaho have both parents in the workforce.

This isn't the 1950s. This is 2021. We live in a society that doesn't allow only one parent to work. Especially when the minimum wage is only 7.25 an hour. Young parents don't have the luxury to not work.

This hurts children and parents.


It's disgusting.

All those kids will be behind those who have parents who can send their kids to preschool.

It's not fair to the kids who are being left behind.
being behind in indoctrination is a good thing,,,

thats why homeschooling produces better adults,,
Wow I never thought that in 2021 I would read such an article and people would be so backward that they don't even know what is happening in their state.

According to the article 65% of children under 8 in Idaho have both parents in the workforce.

This isn't the 1950s. This is 2021. We live in a society that doesn't allow only one parent to work. Especially when the minimum wage is only 7.25 an hour. Young parents don't have the luxury to not work.

This hurts children and parents.

Gonna be entertaining to see how the conservitards defend this.

I've been scrolling past their posts. I usually don't read any of their posts.

It's all the same thing. Hate for anyone who doesn't agree with them, try to change the subject, try to claim democrats do the same thing and lies.

Once you've read one of their posts, you've read them all.
Republicans just love to force their lifestyle on other people regardless of whether or not they can afford it or want to do it. Particularly when the issue involves women, the republicans are all for Big Government and gag rules I remember when the republican party was a political party and not the freak show that it is now.

I remember when they hid who and what they are well but don't remember a time when they weren't a freak show.

This is the normal progression of their party. They started taking their masks off in the reagan years. The masks aren't all the way off but close to it.

They didn't just become this over night. They've been like this all along.
If the people of Idaho support such antediluvian ideals, who are we to judge...
This isn't the 1950s. This is 2021. We live in a society that doesn't allow only one parent to work. Especially when the minimum wage is only 7.25 an hour. Young parents don't have the luxury to not work.

We’d be better off if we were still in the 1950s.

Your “society” argument is bullshit. It’s not Society forcing the two salary family; it’s the inability of people to live with their means. It’s the “need” for two (new) cars, the 60” flatscreen TVs, the 2800 sq ft house and the latest fashions that has caused this.

Young couples shouldn’t be having kids if they can’t afford them. Simple as that.

I grew up in the 1980s and 90s with two brothers in a single income family. Wenever had all the bells and whistles. McDonalds was a rare treat. Eating out was almost unheard of. Name brand anything was extremely rare. We didn’t even have basic cable until 1988. But my parents made it work. So can people today; if they’re willing to make it work.

You grew up in the 80s and 90s? Wow, I figured you were at least 85. ;)
Freaking Idaho - Outside of Boise/ Ada County (1/2 the population in the state) they are still trapped in 1952.

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Republicans just love to force their lifestyle on other people regardless of whether or not they can afford it or want to do it. Particularly when the issue involves women, the republicans are all for Big Government and gag rules I remember when the republican party was a political party and not the freak show that it is now.

I remember when they hid who and what they are well but don't remember a time when they weren't a freak show.

This is the normal progression of their party. They started taking their masks off in the reagan years. The masks aren't all the way off but close to it.

They didn't just become this over night. They've been like this all along.

At least since the "Southern Strategy." I grew up in a town that was probably predominantly Republican, and my parents were independents who voted, I think, mostly Republican, so they didn't seem so ghoulish and disgusting back then. Now they are a totally out-of-the-closet freak show. Very primitive, tribal. An article about them might appear in National Geographic quite soon.

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