ID needed for vaccine passport but not to vote?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

ID needed for vaccine passport but not to vote?

5 Aug 2021 ~~
There is much discussion these days about vaccine passports. President Biden’s administration is coordinating efforts among agencies to achieve this goal.
The Washington Post reported that proponents “want to make sure all Americans will be able to get credentials that prove they have been vaccinated, but also want to set up systems that are not easily hacked and design passports that cannot be counterfeited.”
Presumably, this is a document that will clearly identify that a specific individual has, in fact, been immunized. That it cannot be counterfeited indicates it will have some mechanism to ensure that those who have not been immunized will not be able to produce a document that falsely reports they have been.
How is this different from requiring a voter ID to vote?
Both a voter ID and a vaccine passport will have to identify an individual (how?); will have to declare something (eligibility to vote or verification one has been vaccinated); and both should be safe from being counterfeited (how?).
Why is a vaccine passport supported by Democrats but not voter ID, and why do Republicans support voter ID but not a vaccine passport, if both seem to have similar goals: positive ID, proof of something, and an inability to counterfeit?
Surely the processes to get the documents will be similar. If we can do one, what prevents us from doing the other?
If an individual can’t get a voter ID, how will they get a vaccine passport? If one can be done online, why not the other? Do not the arguments against one not apply to the other?

Apparently to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats it's more important to identify people that have legitimately been vaccination than people identifying their residency when voting.
At leas one GOP Senator has his heart in the right place! :thup:

Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-North Dakota, is proposing legislation that would require states that require vaccine passports, or cards that show evidence of immunization, to also mandate voter identification.


ID needed for vaccine passport but not to vote?

5 Aug 2021 ~~
There is much discussion these days about vaccine passports. President Biden’s administration is coordinating efforts among agencies to achieve this goal.
The Washington Post reported that proponents “want to make sure all Americans will be able to get credentials that prove they have been vaccinated, but also want to set up systems that are not easily hacked and design passports that cannot be counterfeited.”
Presumably, this is a document that will clearly identify that a specific individual has, in fact, been immunized. That it cannot be counterfeited indicates it will have some mechanism to ensure that those who have not been immunized will not be able to produce a document that falsely reports they have been.
How is this different from requiring a voter ID to vote?
Both a voter ID and a vaccine passport will have to identify an individual (how?); will have to declare something (eligibility to vote or verification one has been vaccinated); and both should be safe from being counterfeited (how?).
Why is a vaccine passport supported by Democrats but not voter ID, and why do Republicans support voter ID but not a vaccine passport, if both seem to have similar goals: positive ID, proof of something, and an inability to counterfeit?
Surely the processes to get the documents will be similar. If we can do one, what prevents us from doing the other?
If an individual can’t get a voter ID, how will they get a vaccine passport? If one can be done online, why not the other? Do not the arguments against one not apply to the other?

Apparently to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats it's more important to identify people that have legitimately been vaccination than people identifying their residency when voting.
You have to prove your residency when registering to vote or have you never registered? I bet you have not.

ID needed for vaccine passport but not to vote?

5 Aug 2021 ~~
There is much discussion these days about vaccine passports. President Biden’s administration is coordinating efforts among agencies to achieve this goal.
The Washington Post reported that proponents “want to make sure all Americans will be able to get credentials that prove they have been vaccinated, but also want to set up systems that are not easily hacked and design passports that cannot be counterfeited.”
Presumably, this is a document that will clearly identify that a specific individual has, in fact, been immunized. That it cannot be counterfeited indicates it will have some mechanism to ensure that those who have not been immunized will not be able to produce a document that falsely reports they have been.
How is this different from requiring a voter ID to vote?
Both a voter ID and a vaccine passport will have to identify an individual (how?); will have to declare something (eligibility to vote or verification one has been vaccinated); and both should be safe from being counterfeited (how?).
Why is a vaccine passport supported by Democrats but not voter ID, and why do Republicans support voter ID but not a vaccine passport, if both seem to have similar goals: positive ID, proof of something, and an inability to counterfeit?
Surely the processes to get the documents will be similar. If we can do one, what prevents us from doing the other?
If an individual can’t get a voter ID, how will they get a vaccine passport? If one can be done online, why not the other? Do not the arguments against one not apply to the other?

Apparently to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats it's more important to identify people that have legitimately been vaccination than people identifying their residency when voting.
Meanwhile back in reality, the first bill out of the gate this year, passed by the Democrats, was an election security bill. The GOP blocked it in the Senate.
You have to prove your residency when registering to vote or have you never registered? I bet you have not.
When I moved to Florida in 2013, I sent in a postcard which had a box for me to check, next to which was the statement: "I am a legal Florida resident" (or words to that effect).

I didn't have to prove a fuckin' thing...

ID needed for vaccine passport but not to vote?

5 Aug 2021 ~~
There is much discussion these days about vaccine passports. President Biden’s administration is coordinating efforts among agencies to achieve this goal.
The Washington Post reported that proponents “want to make sure all Americans will be able to get credentials that prove they have been vaccinated, but also want to set up systems that are not easily hacked and design passports that cannot be counterfeited.”
Presumably, this is a document that will clearly identify that a specific individual has, in fact, been immunized. That it cannot be counterfeited indicates it will have some mechanism to ensure that those who have not been immunized will not be able to produce a document that falsely reports they have been.
How is this different from requiring a voter ID to vote?
Both a voter ID and a vaccine passport will have to identify an individual (how?); will have to declare something (eligibility to vote or verification one has been vaccinated); and both should be safe from being counterfeited (how?).
Why is a vaccine passport supported by Democrats but not voter ID, and why do Republicans support voter ID but not a vaccine passport, if both seem to have similar goals: positive ID, proof of something, and an inability to counterfeit?
Surely the processes to get the documents will be similar. If we can do one, what prevents us from doing the other?
If an individual can’t get a voter ID, how will they get a vaccine passport? If one can be done online, why not the other? Do not the arguments against one not apply to the other?

Apparently to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats it's more important to identify people that have legitimately been vaccination than people identifying their residency when voting.
Your right to vote is in the constitution.
When I moved to Florida in 2013, I sent in a postcard which had a box for me to check, next to which was the statement: "I am a legal Florida resident" (or words to that effect).

I didn't have to prove a fuckin' thing...
When I moved to North Carolina I went to DMV and registered to a test issued a license and was automatically registered.

ID needed for vaccine passport but not to vote?

5 Aug 2021 ~~
There is much discussion these days about vaccine passports. President Biden’s administration is coordinating efforts among agencies to achieve this goal.
The Washington Post reported that proponents “want to make sure all Americans will be able to get credentials that prove they have been vaccinated, but also want to set up systems that are not easily hacked and design passports that cannot be counterfeited.”
Presumably, this is a document that will clearly identify that a specific individual has, in fact, been immunized. That it cannot be counterfeited indicates it will have some mechanism to ensure that those who have not been immunized will not be able to produce a document that falsely reports they have been.
How is this different from requiring a voter ID to vote?
Both a voter ID and a vaccine passport will have to identify an individual (how?); will have to declare something (eligibility to vote or verification one has been vaccinated); and both should be safe from being counterfeited (how?).
Why is a vaccine passport supported by Democrats but not voter ID, and why do Republicans support voter ID but not a vaccine passport, if both seem to have similar goals: positive ID, proof of something, and an inability to counterfeit?
Surely the processes to get the documents will be similar. If we can do one, what prevents us from doing the other?
If an individual can’t get a voter ID, how will they get a vaccine passport? If one can be done online, why not the other? Do not the arguments against one not apply to the other?

Apparently to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats it's more important to identify people that have legitimately been vaccination than people identifying their residency when voting.
The Democrats aren't Marxist or socialist of course - far from it - but they ARE extremely dangerous fascists.

If they succeed in imposing VPs, I'm guessing we'll see the Cold Civil War they started in 2016 when psychopath Hillary lost turn into an open/hot civil war.

Democrats are basically Nazis at this point.

ID needed for vaccine passport but not to vote?

5 Aug 2021 ~~
There is much discussion these days about vaccine passports. President Biden’s administration is coordinating efforts among agencies to achieve this goal.
The Washington Post reported that proponents “want to make sure all Americans will be able to get credentials that prove they have been vaccinated, but also want to set up systems that are not easily hacked and design passports that cannot be counterfeited.”
Presumably, this is a document that will clearly identify that a specific individual has, in fact, been immunized. That it cannot be counterfeited indicates it will have some mechanism to ensure that those who have not been immunized will not be able to produce a document that falsely reports they have been.
How is this different from requiring a voter ID to vote?
Both a voter ID and a vaccine passport will have to identify an individual (how?); will have to declare something (eligibility to vote or verification one has been vaccinated); and both should be safe from being counterfeited (how?).
Why is a vaccine passport supported by Democrats but not voter ID, and why do Republicans support voter ID but not a vaccine passport, if both seem to have similar goals: positive ID, proof of something, and an inability to counterfeit?
Surely the processes to get the documents will be similar. If we can do one, what prevents us from doing the other?
If an individual can’t get a voter ID, how will they get a vaccine passport? If one can be done online, why not the other? Do not the arguments against one not apply to the other?

Apparently to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats it's more important to identify people that have legitimately been vaccination than people identifying their residency when voting.

Well, if the US has a proper and fair electoral system, it's have proper politicians, and not have this partisan mess.

ID needed for vaccine passport but not to vote?

5 Aug 2021 ~~
There is much discussion these days about vaccine passports. President Biden’s administration is coordinating efforts among agencies to achieve this goal.
The Washington Post reported that proponents “want to make sure all Americans will be able to get credentials that prove they have been vaccinated, but also want to set up systems that are not easily hacked and design passports that cannot be counterfeited.”
Presumably, this is a document that will clearly identify that a specific individual has, in fact, been immunized. That it cannot be counterfeited indicates it will have some mechanism to ensure that those who have not been immunized will not be able to produce a document that falsely reports they have been.
How is this different from requiring a voter ID to vote?
Both a voter ID and a vaccine passport will have to identify an individual (how?); will have to declare something (eligibility to vote or verification one has been vaccinated); and both should be safe from being counterfeited (how?).
Why is a vaccine passport supported by Democrats but not voter ID, and why do Republicans support voter ID but not a vaccine passport, if both seem to have similar goals: positive ID, proof of something, and an inability to counterfeit?
Surely the processes to get the documents will be similar. If we can do one, what prevents us from doing the other?
If an individual can’t get a voter ID, how will they get a vaccine passport? If one can be done online, why not the other? Do not the arguments against one not apply to the other?

Apparently to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats it's more important to identify people that have legitimately been vaccination than people identifying their residency when voting.
It's ALL a crock of shit this covid crap. So many sheep none of us knew we had until recently. Disgusting.
Democrats destroy their own argument against voter ID'S by arguing for ID'S required for a vaccine passport.

You can't fix stupid.
They are not stupid. They are dangerously well organized. No passports for invaders at our borders, no IDs for voting, now the covid bullshit and people losing jobs if not jabbed, etc etc etc.

We are already at war. Just no shots fired yet..except in sheeps arms.

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