I think I'm getting bored with women and I know I'm getting bored with talk radio show hosts

I'm on the dating scene and women are beginning to bore me. They all offer the same package, and they all make you run through the same set of obstacles to get access to that package. They all talk about their dogs and cats, their children, and their exes. All of them want to travel. I have yet to meet a woman with an original idea in her head. I am beginning to think all women are the same person, wearing a different face.

Talk radio show hosts are also beginning to sound all the same. It's gotten to the point that I can't stand listening to them anymore.

hmm...if you are a man and you are getting bored with women....

what can I say...you only have one way out.... that one or the tranny way....which is worse.

you are doomed brother.
There is no "career" more important than raising children. Two-income couples who both hold conventional jobs and latchkey kids are deluding themselves if they think the kids are better off than with Mom at home. There is NO RELEVANT study that supports this view. If wifey wants to be an oceanographer, there is plenty of time for that in a 45 year work career. First things first.
You are right, if that job is just so you can have another fancy car, or a great vacation, but unfortunately, many need that job to help feed the kids and keep shoes on their feet. Poor folks can't always just decide to stay home.
INCELs often blame women for their inability to connect with them emotionally and physically.

Assholes often call people INCELS, just for expressing any opinion that could possibly be considered critical of women, especially if it is something about "modern women".

Meanwhile anyone can talk as much shit as they want about MEN, and be called "stunning and brave" or some such shit.

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