I noticed something about the major cable networks in Manhatten last night


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
And fuck nigga, it was a cold night too (-12 degrees).

All of their premises look dirty and unkept. They didn't look like this is a few years ago. Even the Letterman show (10-12 blocks past TImes Square) looked pretty bad. That new comedian on HBO looked all right.

So what's going on there?

Oh, I should mention that the Fox premises were the only ones that looked good. CNN was hands down the worst.
Cnn probably doesn't own the Manhattan premises. Their HQ is actually in Atlanta, and doesn't look too shabby to me.

CNN Center - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Probably the same applies to the others. Manhattan and greater NYC is pretty shabby in general.

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