I no longer support Roe v Wade


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?

Prior to 1972 and Roe v Wade, the states decided whether to allow abortion or not. In effect, Blue states allowed it and red states banned it

After Roe v Wade, women in red states were allowed access to abortion.

With the nomination of Trump, it was obvious that Trump would appoint conservative federal judges and Supreme Court justices who would water down and eventually repeal Roe v Wade.

70 percent of women in Red States supported Trump. It is obvious that women in red states have little interest in maintaining abortion rights in their state

Repeal would mean that small minority of women would have to go to a blue state for abortions.......doesn't seem to be that big a deal to women

It is still important to establish and enforce Constitutional issues on both sides.
otherwise, this fight will continue if we never finish resolving the conflicts.

As for abortion itself, the problem will end when MEN are held equally
responsible for the decision to have sex, or MORE responsible in the case of rape
and coercion where women didn't agree to the sex, the pregnancy, and/or the abortion.

Address relationship abuse and sexual abuse, and abortion will be prevented as a result.
Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?
Every cloud has a silver lining.

Consider that millions of babies conceived since 1973 by liberal parents, were killed in the womb and so never lived to follow in their parents' footprints.

Could the liberals make a colorable argument that Roe v. Wade resulted in Hillary's defeat in 2016?
People are afraid to speak out against anything because feminists stalk among them ready to stir up the mob at the drop of a hat.

I don't know if you are being satirical but it's actually true. Most people don't have much sympathy for the abortion cause, not deep down, not anymore.
Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?

Prior to 1972 and Roe v Wade, the states decided whether to allow abortion or not. In effect, Blue states allowed it and red states banned it

After Roe v Wade, women in red states were allowed access to abortion.

With the nomination of Trump, it was obvious that Trump would appoint conservative federal judges and Supreme Court justices who would water down and eventually repeal Roe v Wade.

70 percent of women in Red States supported Trump. It is obvious that women in red states have little interest in maintaining abortion rights in their state

Repeal would mean that small minority of women would have to go to a blue state for abortions.......doesn't seem to be that big a deal to women


No pro choice needs to be maintained. To have to travel to get an abortion should not be needed. Women will be in an uproar if they change this, many women in the south get abortions just as much and there are less an less women getting abortions. Doesn't the supreme court have the constitution to contend with, freedom of religion and from religious zealots. The evangelical movement is a political one and for money reasons. Let the women pay. Bad enough they are defunding planned parenthood which treats VD's.

Trump has probably paid for abortions, and he stated on Stern show how Melanie uses birth control.
Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?

Prior to 1972 and Roe v Wade, the states decided whether to allow abortion or not. In effect, Blue states allowed it and red states banned it

After Roe v Wade, women in red states were allowed access to abortion.

With the nomination of Trump, it was obvious that Trump would appoint conservative federal judges and Supreme Court justices who would water down and eventually repeal Roe v Wade.

70 percent of women in Red States supported Trump. It is obvious that women in red states have little interest in maintaining abortion rights in their state

Repeal would mean that small minority of women would have to go to a blue state for abortions.......doesn't seem to be that big a deal to women

You sure are skipping a few steps in making your leap in logic. Trump has no intention of focusing on social issues. That was the last administration.
Come on tell us again RW how the next republican president is not born yet

Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?

Prior to 1972 and Roe v Wade, the states decided whether to allow abortion or not. In effect, Blue states allowed it and red states banned it

After Roe v Wade, women in red states were allowed access to abortion.

With the nomination of Trump, it was obvious that Trump would appoint conservative federal judges and Supreme Court justices who would water down and eventually repeal Roe v Wade.

70 percent of women in Red States supported Trump. It is obvious that women in red states have little interest in maintaining abortion rights in their state

Repeal would mean that small minority of women would have to go to a blue state for abortions.......doesn't seem to be that big a deal to women


No pro choice needs to be maintained. To have to travel to get an abortion should not be needed. Women will be in an uproar if they change this, many women in the south get abortions just as much and there are less an less women getting abortions. Doesn't the supreme court have the constitution to contend with, freedom of religion and from religious zealots. The evangelical movement is a political one and for money reasons. Let the women pay. Bad enough they are defunding planned parenthood which treats VD's.

Trump has probably paid for abortions, and he stated on Stern show how Melanie uses birth control.
This is true. No one wants it anymore anyway. It should be left as in, so people in need can use it.

There is a lot of pigs that Trump will be compromising with.
Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?
Every cloud has a silver lining.

Consider that millions of babies conceived since 1973 by liberal parents, were killed in the womb and so never lived to follow in their parents' footprints.

Could the liberals make a colorable argument that Roe v. Wade resulted in Hillary's defeat in 2016?
Conservative sluts have abortions too
Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?

Prior to 1972 and Roe v Wade, the states decided whether to allow abortion or not. In effect, Blue states allowed it and red states banned it

After Roe v Wade, women in red states were allowed access to abortion.

With the nomination of Trump, it was obvious that Trump would appoint conservative federal judges and Supreme Court justices who would water down and eventually repeal Roe v Wade.

70 percent of women in Red States supported Trump. It is obvious that women in red states have little interest in maintaining abortion rights in their state

Repeal would mean that small minority of women would have to go to a blue state for abortions.......doesn't seem to be that big a deal to women

You sure are skipping a few steps in making your leap in logic. Trump has no intention of focusing on social issues. That was the last administration.

I know of this nice bridge in Brooklyn....
To funny The tell us again how the next republican president was not even born yet

Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?

Prior to 1972 and Roe v Wade, the states decided whether to allow abortion or not. In effect, Blue states allowed it and red states banned it

After Roe v Wade, women in red states were allowed access to abortion.

With the nomination of Trump, it was obvious that Trump would appoint conservative federal judges and Supreme Court justices who would water down and eventually repeal Roe v Wade.

70 percent of women in Red States supported Trump. It is obvious that women in red states have little interest in maintaining abortion rights in their state

Repeal would mean that small minority of women would have to go to a blue state for abortions.......doesn't seem to be that big a deal to women


No pro choice needs to be maintained. To have to travel to get an abortion should not be needed. Women will be in an uproar if they change this, many women in the south get abortions just as much and there are less an less women getting abortions. Doesn't the supreme court have the constitution to contend with, freedom of religion and from religious zealots. The evangelical movement is a political one and for money reasons. Let the women pay. Bad enough they are defunding planned parenthood which treats VD's.

Trump has probably paid for abortions, and he stated on Stern show how Melanie uses birth control.
This is true. No one wants it anymore anyway. It should be left as in, so people in need can use it.

There is a lot of pigs that Trump will be compromising with.

That is for sure.
Roe V. Wade is simply a 7 to 2 decision that legislated that even without any mention of the issue in the Constitution anywhere, ladies and women should be allowed to choose in all 50 states, DC, and the territories, whether or not they may have an abortion.

In reality, this is probably a state by state issue, not federal.

Anyone with half a brain should be able to see this.

The swing voters on the Court, namely Kennedy and Roberts, are not likely to overturn the decision however.

That's just the way it is.

It will remain law until the day it is overturned.
Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?
Every cloud has a silver lining.

Consider that millions of babies conceived since 1973 by liberal parents, were killed in the womb and so never lived to follow in their parents' footprints.

Could the liberals make a colorable argument that Roe v. Wade resulted in Hillary's defeat in 2016?
Conservative sluts have abortions too
I see. You seem to be taking all of this personal. Relax. Everything will be ok. I promise.
Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?

Prior to 1972 and Roe v Wade, the states decided whether to allow abortion or not. In effect, Blue states allowed it and red states banned it

After Roe v Wade, women in red states were allowed access to abortion.

With the nomination of Trump, it was obvious that Trump would appoint conservative federal judges and Supreme Court justices who would water down and eventually repeal Roe v Wade.

70 percent of women in Red States supported Trump. It is obvious that women in red states have little interest in maintaining abortion rights in their state

Repeal would mean that small minority of women would have to go to a blue state for abortions.......doesn't seem to be that big a deal to women

Maybe Mexico can take over and abort Americans for profit?
Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?

Prior to 1972 and Roe v Wade, the states decided whether to allow abortion or not. In effect, Blue states allowed it and red states banned it

After Roe v Wade, women in red states were allowed access to abortion.

With the nomination of Trump, it was obvious that Trump would appoint conservative federal judges and Supreme Court justices who would water down and eventually repeal Roe v Wade.

70 percent of women in Red States supported Trump. It is obvious that women in red states have little interest in maintaining abortion rights in their state

Repeal would mean that small minority of women would have to go to a blue state for abortions.......doesn't seem to be that big a deal to women

You sure are skipping a few steps in making your leap in logic. Trump has no intention of focusing on social issues. That was the last administration.

I know of this nice bridge in Brooklyn....

Oh yea tell us all about that bridge and the next republican president was not born yet

Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?
Every cloud has a silver lining.

Consider that millions of babies conceived since 1973 by liberal parents, were killed in the womb and so never lived to follow in their parents' footprints.

Could the liberals make a colorable argument that Roe v. Wade resulted in Hillary's defeat in 2016?
Conservative sluts have abortions too
THE COURT: What do you tell them, does the fetus feel pain or not when they ask?

THE WITNESS: What I tell them is that the subject of the fetal pain and whether a fetus can appreciate pain is a subject of some research and controversy and that I don’t know to what extent the fetus can feel pain but that its —

THE COURT: Do you tell them it feels some pain?

THE WITNESS: I do know that when we do, for instance an amniocentesis and put a needle through the abdomen into the amniotic cavity that the fetus withdraws so I certainly know based on my experience that the fetus with [sic] withdraw in response it a painful stimulus.

Q. And at the time you either cut the umbilical cord or collapse the skull, is the fetus living?

A. Yes.

THE COURT: I want to know whether that woman knows that you are going to take a pair of
scissors and insert them into the base of the skull of her baby, of her fetus. Do you tell her?
THE WITNESS: I do not usually tell patients specific details of the operative approach. I'm
completely --
THE COURT: Do you tell her that you are going to then, ultimately, suck the brain out of the
THE WITNESS: In all of our D&Es the head is collapsed or crushed and the brains are
definitely out of the skull but those are --
THE COURT: Do you tell them that?
THE WITNESS: Those are details that would be distressing to my patients and would not --
information about that is not directly relevant to their safety.
Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?
Every cloud has a silver lining.

Consider that millions of babies conceived since 1973 by liberal parents, were killed in the womb and so never lived to follow in their parents' footprints.

Could the liberals make a colorable argument that Roe v. Wade resulted in Hillary's defeat in 2016?
Conservative sluts have abortions too
THE COURT: Doctor, that isn't my question. Do you discuss dismemberment? Do you tell
them about ripping or tearing a limb off the fetus?

THE WITNESS: I may very often discuss that I remove the fetus in pieces but that is not
necessarily a uniform part of the discussion.
Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?
Every cloud has a silver lining.

Consider that millions of babies conceived since 1973 by liberal parents, were killed in the womb and so never lived to follow in their parents' footprints.

Could the liberals make a colorable argument that Roe v. Wade resulted in Hillary's defeat in 2016?
Conservative sluts have abortions too

That is for sure. But this is a serious matter. If a women wants an abortion, she needs to have it done professionally.
Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?
Every cloud has a silver lining.

Consider that millions of babies conceived since 1973 by liberal parents, were killed in the womb and so never lived to follow in their parents' footprints.

Could the liberals make a colorable argument that Roe v. Wade resulted in Hillary's defeat in 2016?
Conservative sluts have abortions too
Q. Do you tell a woman who is considering a D&E that the fetal arms, legs, extremities may be
dismembered is in the course of a dismemberment variation D&E, Dr. Westhoff?
A. I tell patients that we will remove all of the fetus and the uterus and membrane, the placenta
and membranes from the uterus as safely as possible and that that proceeds somewhat differently
for all patients.
Q. How often will it be necessary to collapse the fetal skull during D&E whether the D&E
proceeds by a dismemberment or more relatively intact, Doctor?
A. For the vast majority of D&Es [] be necessary it either crush or collapse the fetal skull.
THE COURT: Do you tell the woman that? Do you use the word crush?
THE WITNESS: Your Honor, I do not.
THE COURT: I didn't think so.

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