"I never CHANGED a view or a vote based on any DONATION I have received!"


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The Clintons are master liars and this latest lie by the Hildebeast is a perfect example. Let's analyze this latest lie. First Hillary has no views to begin with so she will happily vote for whatever entity has bought access. She hasn't CHANGED her view, get it? Second when you are paid a FEE for a speech that is not a donation is it? It is reminiscent of "I never had improper relations with that woman." There is always a carefully placed word like IMPROPER, or CHANGED or DONATION or MARKED CLASSIFIED that the Clintons use to deceive. If you want to cast your vote for a serial liar and criminal then Hillary is your gal.
i love your ability to start with a conclusion and make up whatever you feel you need to reach it.

that's quite a talent.
Of Course Hill is telling the truth. I am just so glad she was able to avoid the bloodshed spilled when she went to Bosnia. Praise the Lord!
The Clintons are master liars and this latest lie by the Hildebeast is a perfect example. Let's analyze this latest lie. First Hillary has no views to begin with so she will happily vote for whatever entity has bought access. She hasn't CHANGED her view, get it? Second when you are paid a FEE for a speech that is not a donation is it? It is reminiscent of "I never had improper relations with that woman." There is always a carefully placed word like IMPROPER, or CHANGED or DONATION or MARKED CLASSIFIED that the Clintons use to deceive. If you want to cast your vote for a serial liar and criminal then Hillary is your gal.
Well I would agree she never CHANGED her vote because she was intending to vote for the people ( corporations ) that give her money all along.

But that doesn't make her any more criminal than any other Congressman who takes " campaign contributions " from corporations and then allows the corporations lawyers to actually write the legislation they introduce on the floor.

The Clintons are master liars and this latest lie by the Hildebeast is a perfect example. Let's analyze this latest lie. First Hillary has no views to begin with so she will happily vote for whatever entity has bought access. She hasn't CHANGED her view, get it? Second when you are paid a FEE for a speech that is not a donation is it? It is reminiscent of "I never had improper relations with that woman." There is always a carefully placed word like IMPROPER, or CHANGED or DONATION or MARKED CLASSIFIED that the Clintons use to deceive. If you want to cast your vote for a serial liar and criminal then Hillary is your gal.
Well I would agree she never CHANGED her vote because she was intending to vote for the people ( corporations ) that give her money all along.

But that doesn't make her any more criminal than any other Congressman who takes " campaign contributions " from corporations and then allows the corporations lawyers to actually write the legislation they introduce on the floor.


Drunk this early in the morning, Willie?

It is her "view" not her "vote" that is under discussion. The VIEW Hillary has on any given issue at any given time depends on the reward available. Hilliary is a crook and a whore. Her views are for sale to the highest bidder. Be this cash, or votes (i.e. power)
The Clintons are master liars and this latest lie by the Hildebeast is a perfect example. Let's analyze this latest lie. First Hillary has no views to begin with so she will happily vote for whatever entity has bought access. She hasn't CHANGED her view, get it? Second when you are paid a FEE for a speech that is not a donation is it? It is reminiscent of "I never had improper relations with that woman." There is always a carefully placed word like IMPROPER, or CHANGED or DONATION or MARKED CLASSIFIED that the Clintons use to deceive. If you want to cast your vote for a serial liar and criminal then Hillary is your gal.
Well I would agree she never CHANGED her vote because she was intending to vote for the people ( corporations ) that give her money all along.

But that doesn't make her any more criminal than any other Congressman who takes " campaign contributions " from corporations and then allows the corporations lawyers to actually write the legislation they introduce on the floor.

True, but she is the one suggesting that she is not suseptable to this. She doesn't come right out and say it, but that is the message many are receiving, and she knows it.
The Clintons are master liars and this latest lie by the Hildebeast is a perfect example. Let's analyze this latest lie. First Hillary has no views to begin with so she will happily vote for whatever entity has bought access. She hasn't CHANGED her view, get it? Second when you are paid a FEE for a speech that is not a donation is it? It is reminiscent of "I never had improper relations with that woman." There is always a carefully placed word like IMPROPER, or CHANGED or DONATION or MARKED CLASSIFIED that the Clintons use to deceive. If you want to cast your vote for a serial liar and criminal then Hillary is your gal.

Ha.Ha.---I don't think so--CNN is reporting this and I don't think it's because they're making it up. Hillary Clinton has all along stated that top level Government officials have their own private servers also.

It looks like they just PROVED it-- In fact it was funny, when they brought this up during an interview with a top Republican Party head. "He replied--welllll..... Colin Powell isn't running for President--LOL That was his answer.

The Clintons are master liars and this latest lie by the Hildebeast is a perfect example. Let's analyze this latest lie. First Hillary has no views to begin with so she will happily vote for whatever entity has bought access. She hasn't CHANGED her view, get it? Second when you are paid a FEE for a speech that is not a donation is it? It is reminiscent of "I never had improper relations with that woman." There is always a carefully placed word like IMPROPER, or CHANGED or DONATION or MARKED CLASSIFIED that the Clintons use to deceive. If you want to cast your vote for a serial liar and criminal then Hillary is your gal.

Ha.Ha.---I don't think so--CNN is reporting this and I don't think it's because they're making it up. Hillary Clinton has all along stated that top level Government officials have their own private servers also.

It looks like they just PROVED it-- In fact it was funny, when they brought this up during an interview with a top Republican Party head. "He replied--welllll..... Colin Powell isn't running for President--LOL That was his answer.


having a private server is fine. Using it for government business is illegal. Using it to send and receive classified data is illegal.

this is not complicated.
The Clintons are master liars and this latest lie by the Hildebeast is a perfect example. Let's analyze this latest lie. First Hillary has no views to begin with so she will happily vote for whatever entity has bought access. She hasn't CHANGED her view, get it? Second when you are paid a FEE for a speech that is not a donation is it? It is reminiscent of "I never had improper relations with that woman." There is always a carefully placed word like IMPROPER, or CHANGED or DONATION or MARKED CLASSIFIED that the Clintons use to deceive. If you want to cast your vote for a serial liar and criminal then Hillary is your gal.
I actually believe her on this. Of course I recall her being on the Wal_Mart board when Slick was governor, and she never brought up working conditions .... or women not being promoted.
Hillary's lies have approached a level where it can be considered a form of political, slapstick comedy. Especially her favorite lie, "Violence has nothing to do with the teachings of Islam." When I've read the Quran (before tossing it in my BBQ) and it's a book of bloodthirst page after page after page. And since Pisslam has killed 300,000,000 people and still counting, I wonder how many more millions this maggoty religion has to kill before these liberal psychopath pigs actually call it "violent." That **** brags she's going to continue Obama's perpetual Islam cocksucking.

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