I may have gotten the impeachment thing all wrong


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on
Oh P-shaw!

We already know that Trump puts ketchup on his welldone steak, has two scoops of vanilla ice cream, and gets to use larger Salt and Pepper shakers than everyone else.

We don't really need to tie up the entire legislative branch to publicize these Trumpian Character "Flaws".
criticizing Trump or any president doesnt mean i hate him or stopped supporting him

it means i am holding him accountable

that's what Schiff and the Dems are doing, my friends
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on
I'm sorry that 3 years of false accusations by Democrats refuted by 6 inquiries that the Democrats billed American taxpayers and voters for, failed to get your attention, Mr. or Ms. Slade.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The amendments were designed to drag the process out as far as possible, add new charges not part of the articles, and basically make the whole thing a shit show. If they allowed one side to bring in new evidence, they would have opened a floodgate.

The House was supposed to make it's case via the articles themselves, not with added bullshit afterwards.
The truth is that Biden is corrupt and needs to be investigated and Trump was right to ask for help from a foreign government which likely has some of the evidence.

The Truth is that Biden doesn't get a pass from investigation for possible criminal wrongdoing when he was VP just because he is now one of several candidates for president....no matter what the Democratic/Socialist Controlled Media says.

And this is why he and his crack-head son need to testify at this farce of an impeachment--if there are any witnesses at all. Defendants get to Defend themselves. Trump's phone call to the president of Ukraine was "perfect" and if the Bidens have to answer questions under oath---they will prove it!
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on
The GOP is about as interested in bringing corrupt officials like FBI lying Hillary or Quid Pro Joe Biden to justice as they were building a border wall or repealing and replacing Obamacare when they owned the entire federal government the first two years of Trump's presidency.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on
The truth is that Biden is corrupt and needs to be investigated and Trump was right to ask for help from a foreign government which likely has some of the evidence.

The Truth is that Biden doesn't get a pass from investigation for possible criminal wrongdoing when he was VP just because he is now one of several candidates for president....no matter what the Democratic/Socialist Controlled Media says.

And this is why he and his crack-head son need to testify at this farce of an impeachment--if there are any witnesses at all. Defendants get to Defend themselves. Trump's phone call to the president of Ukraine was "perfect" and if the Bidens have to answer questions under oath---they will prove it!
About the ONLY help Trump will get to investigate corrupt Joe Biden is a foreign government.

Joe is a tenured Swamp creature, and as such has earned the label of untouchable.
criticizing Trump or any president doesnt mean i hate him or stopped supporting him

it means i am holding him accountable

that's what Schiff and the Dems are doing, my friends

Silly Wabbit. That is not what Shiftface and his comrades are doing. They are trying to undo the 2016 election. That is all.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The House had their clown show and nobody on the left objected. They did what they want, silenced who they wanted, and conducted it their way. Now the Senate is doing the same, and all of a sudden it's unfair.

Let me tell you what's unfair, and that is having this impeachment without knowing who is responsible for making the charges. The so-called whistleblower is anonymous, so is the person that provided him or her the information, and they cannot be addressed.

Can you tell me why the Senate Republicans would help the Democrats after these phony charges were made; charges with no crime; charges that aren't even impeachable according to the US Constitution? It's ridiculous already. The Senate Republicans are not going to support the deep state. Election is less than a year away, if Americans don't want Trump in office anymore, that should be our decision, not the commies.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on
I'm sorry that 3 years of false accusations by Democrats refuted by 6 inquiries that the Democrats billed American taxpayers and voters for, failed to get your attention, Mr. or Ms. Slade.
Stick to the subject please I’m not taking about any of that noise, I’m talking about how this impeachment is being handled.
Oh P-shaw!

We already know that Trump puts ketchup on his welldone steak, has two scoops of vanilla ice cream, and gets to use larger Salt and Pepper shakers than everyone else.

We don't really need to tie up the entire legislative branch to publicize these Trumpian Character "Flaws".
I agree, but that’s not at all what I’m talking about
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

well considering the dems set the precedent for how things should be ran when they refused everything the repubes wanted in the house hearings,,,

and to hear dems complain about corruption is just hypocritical at best but is most likely just jealousy ,,,

fact is there isnt a president in my 54yr lifetime that didnt deserve impeachment,,,
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The amendments were designed to drag the process out as far as possible, add new charges not part of the articles, and basically make the whole thing a shit show. If they allowed one side to bring in new evidence, they would have opened a floodgate.

The House was supposed to make it's case via the articles themselves, not with added bullshit afterwards.
they have their case with their articles. They were blocked from getting supporting evidence in the house. I think it completely reasonable for the senate to allow the subpoena of documents and witnesses. Also very reasonable to let a Republican appointed Supreme Court justice determine whether witnesses are material or not. The fact that the Reps blocked that completely shows their cards.
Oh P-shaw!

We already know that Trump puts ketchup on his welldone steak, has two scoops of vanilla ice cream, and gets to use larger Salt and Pepper shakers than everyone else.

We don't really need to tie up the entire legislative branch to publicize these Trumpian Character "Flaws".
I agree, but that’s not at all what I’m talking about

It appears that what you are saying is that although the Dems completely disregarded the concepts of fairness, due process, representation, and the right to confront one's accuser in the House Farce, it's somehow reprehensible that McConnell wants to use basically the same rules as used for the Clinton impeachment and to not have the House takeover the Senate.
criticizing Trump or any president doesnt mean i hate him or stopped supporting him

it means i am holding him accountable

that's what Schiff and the Dems are doing, my friends

Silly Wabbit. That is not what Shiftface and his comrades are doing. They are trying to undo the 2016 election. That is all.

And allow me to add, also attempt to influence the 2020 election.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on
The Rules were Voted in Unanimously 100-0. What you saw was Democrats submitting Amendments to change The Rules in their favor that they earlier voted for 100-0.

Nothing worth discussing after that fact.

The only hyperbole is your misrepresentation of what The Senate is doing.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The amendments were designed to drag the process out as far as possible, add new charges not part of the articles, and basically make the whole thing a shit show. If they allowed one side to bring in new evidence, they would have opened a floodgate.

The House was supposed to make it's case via the articles themselves, not with added bullshit afterwards.
they have their case with their articles. They were blocked from getting supporting evidence in the house. I think it completely reasonable for the senate to allow the subpoena of documents and witnesses. Also very reasonable to let a Republican appointed Supreme Court justice determine whether witnesses are material or not. The fact that the Reps blocked that completely shows their cards.

It shows they learned from the Democrats "we control the venue, we control the rules"

There is zero gain for Republicans to play nice when Democrats wouldn't do it in the house.

That's why for the past few decades they have been constantly outmaneuvered by the left.

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