I know y'all don't like this, but, it is what it is


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I got to thinking about something a few minutes ago- I care not who has the money, give me the power- I used it in another thread or two also-

The anti-semite (snark intended) in me thought, a few minutes ago: Strategy, for long term results, is what money can buy, especially in today's political climate- who has money, but not Military might, and is deeply entrenched in our political games? Yes, they are games- for the wealthy.

Who has a history of being driven from every country they've tried to inflict their will on? They haven't had military might on their side, but, they don't care about who has power, they want money.

Is it too perplexing to see the land "granted them" isn't big enough to suit them- and they don't have the military might to protect it even against stone age fighters- yeah, they have an awesome air force- and? Oh, nuclear capability- my bad- I apologize for that over sight.

Obviously, they can't attack the US, they don't have the military might- so, they attack who? How?
And when publicly rejected they claim victim status via holahoax-

So, what is their long term objective?

I've posted a couple of articles, in different threads, exposing the graft connections to BOTH sides of the Duopoly Party- and not one erudite has reacted, never mind responded. That tells us a lot- mainly people (y'all) DGAFF and like having your heads planted firmly in the sand. It is Party allegiance at its finest.

Every once in a great while I meet, or run across, people who give an old man, like myself, a little hope for the future- there are few of those on political message boards, very few vs the number of participants.

And no, I'm not looking for a pat on the back- that infers I care what people think of me- I don't. I do care what people think of each other and in light of the amount of disrespect illustrated on message boards it's plain that self respect is all but non-existent- therefore, there can be no respect shown others, which is the key to having self respect-

I care not who has the power, give me the money
- think about that, if you're capable- don't wait for the official talking points to guide you.
I got to thinking about something a few minutes ago- I care not who has the money, give me the power- I used it in another thread or two also-

The anti-semite (snark intended) in me thought, a few minutes ago: Strategy, for long term results, is what money can buy, especially in today's political climate- who has money, but not Military might, and is deeply entrenched in our political games? Yes, they are games- for the wealthy.

Who has a history of being driven from every country they've tried to inflict their will on? They haven't had military might on their side, but, they don't care about who has power, they want money.

Is it too perplexing to see the land "granted them" isn't big enough to suit them- and they don't have the military might to protect it even against stone age fighters- yeah, they have an awesome air force- and? Oh, nuclear capability- my bad- I apologize for that over sight.

Obviously, they can't attack the US, they don't have the military might- so, they attack who? How?
And when publicly rejected they claim victim status via holahoax-

So, what is their long term objective?

I've posted a couple of articles, in different threads, exposing the graft connections to BOTH sides of the Duopoly Party- and not one erudite has reacted, never mind responded. That tells us a lot- mainly people (y'all) DGAFF and like having your heads planted firmly in the sand. It is Party allegiance at its finest.

Every once in a great while I meet, or run across, people who give an old man, like myself, a little hope for the future- there are few of those on political message boards, very few vs the number of participants.

And no, I'm not looking for a pat on the back- that infers I care what people think of me- I don't. I do care what people think of each other and in light of the amount of disrespect illustrated on message boards it's plain that self respect is all but non-existent- therefore, there can be no respect shown others, which is the key to having self respect-

I care not who has the power, give me the money- think about that, if you're capable- don't wait for the official talking points to guide you.
I care not who has the money, give me the power
Interesting phrase. I can interpret it two different ways. At the individual level it means essentially I do not begrudge successful people as long as I have the freedom to pursue my path to success and happiness. At the government level it means I don't care who gets rich or how as long as I have the power to institute the policies I want.
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I can interpret it two different ways.
“Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.”
~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild
[Mayer Amschel Bauer] (1744 -1812), Godfather of the Rothschild Banking Cartel of Europe
in 'The Creature from Jekyll Island' (American Opinion Publishing), p. 218

Mayer Amschel Rothschild, [Mayer Amschel Bauer] (1744 -1812), Godfather of the Rothschild Banking Cartel of Europe


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