
Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
OK, it's been a week since the election and it appears the nation remains in the grip of some sort of mass psychosis. I keep expecting everyone suddenly to burst out laughing and pointing at me and screaming "Aaahhaaa. Gotcha! No college professor anywhere actually canceled classes because their preferred candidate for president lost the election. And universities aren't really handing out Play-Doh to college students to help them "cope" with the results of an election. Hahaha. Really had you going."

But nope. Karen Singer of the North Shore/Evanston YWCA sent an email to staff yesterday which included the following:

Mia, a staff member who answers our domestic violence crisis line, wrote something yesterday that especially resonated with us:

“(My son) stayed up with me until 12:30 am. He went to bed knowing it was probably over, but saying that maybe it wasn’t. There was a tiny bit of hope in his heart. The Cubs taught him about late night miracles last week. Still, I could hear the despair in his voice when he said, ‘I don’t want to go to school tomorrow, Mom.'”

“In the morning I came downstairs immediately after hearing him get up. I hugged him long and hard, with tears in my eyes, tears that are still in my eyes as I type this. I said, ‘I love you.’ And then I said, ‘You have to go to school today. You have to go to school for all those girls and Latinos and blacks and gays and Muslims at your school who were just told by America that they are not valued. You have to show up for them.'”

Insane. In Mia's world, a gay Muslim who voted for Donald Trump double reverse devalued himself.

I read a quote somewhere, "I'm gay and a Jew and I'm literally afraid for my life." Seriously, guy? The outcome of this election was a matter of life and death for you? Really? By all appearances the answer is a solemn "yes".

Here I'm going to stick up for "snowflakes", as people are calling them. If you've lived long enough that you have a few presidential elections in the rear-view mirror, it's pretty easy to call out most of the wall-to-wall nonsense, propaganda, malice, and bullshit that has been the defining characteristic of this particular campaign. But imagine this is the first election that you've watched unfold as an adult. Imagine you were a blank slate when you began to follow avidly election reading the Washington Post.

Your sense of this election and its place in our history wouldn't even be remotely connected to a reasoned, reality-based view. If your only experience of presidential politics were the election coverage of the 2016 campaign by the Washington Post, you would be entirely justified in fearing, come February, all the carnivores at the National Zoo would from then on subsist on a diet of homosexual Muslims.

Since the election, in an orgy of soul-searching and mea culpas, the media establishment has been trying to come to terms with the wholesale fraud, blatant propaganda, and outright lies that defined its coverage of this election. My money says they will fail. There isn't enough honor left in that profession to make it worth honest self-reflection. So it's only going to get worse.

And there's the real problem. The media keeps moving the goalposts, and always in absolutely the worst direction. Never in my lifetime have I seen Americans in the streets protesting the RESULTS of an election. We've crossed a very significant line here. There are places where protesting election results is routine--places like Kenya--and hundreds, even thousands, die. In such places, issues no longer matter in the political arena. Your vote is determined by an accident of your birth, the tribe to which you belong. America is far along that path, as Mia's embarrassing drivel, cited by the Evanston/North Shore YWCA, demonstrates.
That's how more than fifty percent of the country feels, cnelsen.

They are younger, stronger, and more committed than the elderly wilting alt right.
That's how more than fifty percent of the country feels, cnelsen.

They are younger, stronger, and more committed than the elderly wilting alt right.
I don't think over 50% of the popular vote is melting down. It's the paid protesters, irresponsible millennials and those who are just looking for a good time. The adults of the election, are now moving along, looking forward to the real change we need.
That's how more than fifty percent of the country feels, cnelsen.

They are younger, stronger, and more committed than the elderly wilting alt right.

Did you just manufacture that last sentence merely wishing it were true?
Younger? Surely.
Stronger? Who cares?
Committed? Yeah, right. They do not even know where Germany is on a map. But they sure know all about transgenders needing their bathroom demands met because they have hurt feelings. They sure know that there's a Muslim family in their neighborhood who came as refugees and they are very nice people so that means Trump and conservatives are mean and vindictive and full of crap to worry that someone might be a terrorist. And they are in love with global warming, after all, that jackass in the oval office called it the greatest threat to our country, more than terrorism. Plus they probably think someone who mentions the word 'God' in the pledge of allegiance or a seasonal song just invaded their space.

Plus, Jake, 50% of this nation could not tolerate the traitor in the oval office for the last 8 years, but we did. So why you think this latest 50% crowd is so special should not surprise me. Because they think they are special, too.
tur, it's all true, and you don't like the truth.

You on the alt right are a bunch of wilting, elderly little twinks with tiny little hands pawing uselessly at the world passing by.

Trump is turning his back on your kind already.

Many of you are man and vindictive, yes.

So we will see how all this falls out.

You are going to be very unhappy, I think.
Reading the op ed section and page 1 of the national and state sections of the paper, this election is NOT over. CNN is rabidly digging in and slamming Trump for every appointment or thought of an appointment, and the paper is full of people still slamming him.
I didn't vote for Trump and I watch Fox to keep up with the opposition's activities, but this needs to stop. I'm very disappointed in CNN for not getting over it. Wonder if the majors are handling things with the same bald bias?
tur, it's all true, and you don't like the truth.

You on the alt right are a bunch of wilting, elderly little twinks with tiny little hands pawing uselessly at the world passing by.

Trump is turning his back on your kind already.

Many of you are man and vindictive, yes.

So we will see how all this falls out.

You are going to be very unhappy, I think.

So, in other words, you support those pathetic priorities and non-issues on the left as thee things that are wrong with this nation and world? You actually think like those naive, clueless snowflakes taking up space in our universities? - - - - - - and their flaky, elitist, ego maniacal professors?
tur, it's all true, and you don't like the truth.

You on the alt right are a bunch of wilting, elderly little twinks with tiny little hands pawing uselessly at the world passing by.

Trump is turning his back on your kind already.

Many of you are man and vindictive, yes.

So we will see how all this falls out.

You are going to be very unhappy, I think.

So, in other words, you support those pathetic priorities and non-issues on the left as thee things that are wrong with this nation and world? You actually think like those naive, clueless snowflakes taking up space in our universities? - - - - - - and their flaky, elitist, ego maniacal professors?
I am saying your pathetic nonsense of what you think Trump was going to do and laughing about it, apparently, has put the laugh on you.

No mass deportations.

No registration and ban of Muslims.

ACA morphed into something better. Single payer.

SS and medicare and medicaid untouched.

Roe untouched. Obegefell untouched. PA laws untouched.

You are one unhappy snowflake, aintcha?
Today's Best Poster said:
.... all the carnivores at the National Zoo would from then on subsist on a diet of homosexual Muslims....

I snarfed coffee on the screen when I read that. It took a good 5 minutes to stop laughing.

Reading the op ed section and page 1 of the national and state sections of the paper, this election is NOT over. CNN is rabidly digging in and slamming Trump for every appointment or thought of an appointment, and the paper is full of people still slamming him.
I didn't vote for Trump and I watch Fox to keep up with the opposition's activities, but this needs to stop. I'm very disappointed in CNN for not getting over it. Wonder if the majors are handling things with the same bald bias?
MSNBC is right there with CNN post election. Still bashing away at anything/everything that has to do with Trump. You'd think after 17 solid months of it and how it didn't help their candidate get elected they'd get a clue. All they're doing is preaching to their choir and that's not gonna influence a damn thing. They're a curious lot for sure.
tur, it's all true, and you don't like the truth.

You on the alt right are a bunch of wilting, elderly little twinks with tiny little hands pawing uselessly at the world passing by.

Trump is turning his back on your kind already.

Many of you are man and vindictive, yes.

So we will see how all this falls out.

You are going to be very unhappy, I think.
tur, it's all true, and you don't like the truth.

You on the alt right are a bunch of wilting, elderly little twinks with tiny little hands pawing uselessly at the world passing by.

Trump is turning his back on your kind already.

Many of you are man and vindictive, yes.

So we will see how all this falls out.

You are going to be very unhappy, I think.
It's likely the reason you have such a low rating is because your method of disputation is so unattractive. You imagine a future scenario in a way calculated to feed the cravings of your personal malice, then cite your own hallucinations as sufficient evidence to dispatch the arguments of those you hate.
tur, it's all true, and you don't like the truth.

You on the alt right are a bunch of wilting, elderly little twinks with tiny little hands pawing uselessly at the world passing by.

Trump is turning his back on your kind already.

Many of you are man and vindictive, yes.

So we will see how all this falls out.

You are going to be very unhappy, I think.
tur, it's all true, and you don't like the truth.

You on the alt right are a bunch of wilting, elderly little twinks with tiny little hands pawing uselessly at the world passing by.

Trump is turning his back on your kind already.

Many of you are man and vindictive, yes.

So we will see how all this falls out.

You are going to be very unhappy, I think.
It's likely the reason you have such a low rating is because your method of disputation is so unattractive. You imagine a future scenario in a way calculated to feed the cravings of your personal malice, then cite your own hallucinations as sufficient evidence to dispatch the arguments of those you hate.
cnelsen, your evaluation is worthless. What you say about me really does not faze me. You attack me personally, yet I have no problem rebutting your nonsense.

Trump will in the end keep ACA as a morphed better program; will not change medicaid, medicare, and SS; will not ban and register Muslims; will not deport 11 million illegals. He has no use for your type of hatred.

OK, scamper along.
tur, it's all true, and you don't like the truth.

You on the alt right are a bunch of wilting, elderly little twinks with tiny little hands pawing uselessly at the world passing by.

Trump is turning his back on your kind already.

Many of you are man and vindictive, yes.

So we will see how all this falls out.

You are going to be very unhappy, I think.
tur, it's all true, and you don't like the truth.

You on the alt right are a bunch of wilting, elderly little twinks with tiny little hands pawing uselessly at the world passing by.

Trump is turning his back on your kind already.

Many of you are man and vindictive, yes.

So we will see how all this falls out.

You are going to be very unhappy, I think.
It's likely the reason you have such a low rating is because your method of disputation is so unattractive. You imagine a future scenario in a way calculated to feed the cravings of your personal malice, then cite your own hallucinations as sufficient evidence to dispatch the arguments of those you hate.
cnelsen, your evaluation is worthless. What you say about me really does not faze me. You attack me personally, yet I have no problem rebutting your nonsense.

Trump will in the end keep ACA as a morphed better program; will not change medicaid, medicare, and SS; will not ban and register Muslims; will not deport 11 million illegals. He has no use for your type of hatred.

OK, scamper along.

Having learned the predictive value of your political rantings from your pre-election prognostications, mark me down as not worried.
Reading the op ed section and page 1 of the national and state sections of the paper, this election is NOT over. CNN is rabidly digging in and slamming Trump for every appointment or thought of an appointment, and the paper is full of people still slamming him.
I didn't vote for Trump and I watch Fox to keep up with the opposition's activities, but this needs to stop. I'm very disappointed in CNN for not getting over it. Wonder if the majors are handling things with the same bald bias?

What do you expect when you have a sizable percentage of the population that convinces themselves that "hitler" is taking over the nation?

Tons of lefties have been saying that.

If they really BELIEVED IT, of course they aren't going to take that quietly.

And they are going to continue in this mindset.

And if their plan of Demographic shift continues,

THose people will be template for our future.

That's what everything the dems have been doing with immigration and identity politics have been leading.

That is what the GOAL is.

Because those people, once you get enough of them, will NEVER QUESTION, nor PERMIT questioning of the Agenda.
Reading the op ed section and page 1 of the national and state sections of the paper, this election is NOT over. CNN is rabidly digging in and slamming Trump for every appointment or thought of an appointment, and the paper is full of people still slamming him.
I didn't vote for Trump and I watch Fox to keep up with the opposition's activities, but this needs to stop. I'm very disappointed in CNN for not getting over it. Wonder if the majors are handling things with the same bald bias?
Coming to your senses? Good....
Reading the op ed section and page 1 of the national and state sections of the paper, this election is NOT over. CNN is rabidly digging in and slamming Trump for every appointment or thought of an appointment, and the paper is full of people still slamming him.
I didn't vote for Trump and I watch Fox to keep up with the opposition's activities, but this needs to stop. I'm very disappointed in CNN for not getting over it. Wonder if the majors are handling things with the same bald bias?

What do you expect when you have a sizable percentage of the population that convinces themselves that "hitler" is taking over the nation?

Tons of lefties have been saying that.

If they really BELIEVED IT, of course they aren't going to take that quietly.

And they are going to continue in this mindset.

And if their plan of Demographic shift continues,

THose people will be template for our future.

That's what everything the dems have been doing with immigration and identity politics have been leading.

That is what the GOAL is.

Because those people, once you get enough of them, will NEVER QUESTION, nor PERMIT questioning of the Agenda.
Interestingly, the same immigration invasion is happening in Europe, while Israel has built a wall. It's almost like there is some agenda afoot...
tur, it's all true, and you don't like the truth.

You on the alt right are a bunch of wilting, elderly little twinks with tiny little hands pawing uselessly at the world passing by.

Trump is turning his back on your kind already.

Many of you are man and vindictive, yes.

So we will see how all this falls out.

You are going to be very unhappy, I think.
tur, it's all true, and you don't like the truth.

You on the alt right are a bunch of wilting, elderly little twinks with tiny little hands pawing uselessly at the world passing by.

Trump is turning his back on your kind already.

Many of you are man and vindictive, yes.

So we will see how all this falls out.

You are going to be very unhappy, I think.
It's likely the reason you have such a low rating is because your method of disputation is so unattractive. You imagine a future scenario in a way calculated to feed the cravings of your personal malice, then cite your own hallucinations as sufficient evidence to dispatch the arguments of those you hate.
cnelsen, your evaluation is worthless. What you say about me really does not faze me. You attack me personally, yet I have no problem rebutting your nonsense.

Trump will in the end keep ACA as a morphed better program; will not change medicaid, medicare, and SS; will not ban and register Muslims; will not deport 11 million illegals. He has no use for your type of hatred.

OK, scamper along.

Having learned the predictive value of your political rantings from your pre-election prognostications, mark me down as not worried.
I have learned from your posturing and condemning to laugh out loud at your lack of common sense.

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