I just saw an excellent expose on the origins of CV-19......by CNN!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
So I'm up late flipping channels and CNN has a report on the origins of Covid. I'm chuckling to myself thinking Oh this ought to good. But I watched it, and it was actually a GREAT report on how the CCP is flooding social media with bogus stories about Covid-19 origins. They are creating fictitious people who are supposedly prominent scientists criticizing the WHO and the US for "politicizing the virus". They run fake facebook posts for months until they are finally determined to be fake but by that time they've had a million views. Now they are doing the same with the Ft Dietrich Lab story claiming that CV-19 came from an American lab and not the Wuhan virology lab. Of course China Joe Biden will say nothing about this, and will conclude that his official investigation is inconclusive. But what else would he say, he is a bought and paid for operative of the CCP. It's a heck of world we live in right now, isn't it? Maybe this was a late night anomaly, but it was the first thing I've seen on CNN that wasn't dripping with Trump hate, or some other PC, CRT, BLM garbage in years.
So I'm up late flipping channels and CNN has a report on the origins of Covid. I'm chuckling to myself thinking Oh this ought to good. But I watched it, and it was actually a GREAT report on how the CCP is flooding social media with bogus stories about Covid-19 origins.
Sure. That and the fact that it fills the airwaves to keep off the subject about Biddum's Afghanistan.

They are creating fictitious people who are supposedly prominent scientists criticizing the WHO and the US for "politicizing the virus". They run fake facebook posts for months until they are finally determined to be fake but by that time they've had a million views.
That's right. They are actors in a government of false propaganda. Their basic strategy is being copied and replicated here by the Left and much of the MSM.

Of course China Joe Biden will say nothing about this
What can Joe say about anything? The man is a cartoon, barely functioning, he needs his teeth and reading glasses just to get out of bed. Your elected leaders have been giving the Chinese technology for years and years ala Hillary Clinton and have been selling out to them for ages. We may live in the building, but secretly, the Chinese have become the landlords, care of your treasonous government.
Now they are doing the same with the Ft Dietrich Lab story claiming that CV-19 came from an American lab and not the Wuhan virology lab.
A horseshoe bat respiratory coronavirus, genetically altered with the HIV virus, in a gain of function project to make it able to infect humans, was created at the virology lab in Fort Detrick.

The project was defunded and moved from Fort Detrick to the Wuhan facility in China.
So I'm up late flipping channels and CNN has a report on the origins of Covid. I'm chuckling to myself thinking Oh this ought to good. But I watched it, and it was actually a GREAT report on how the CCP is flooding social media with bogus stories about Covid-19 origins. They are creating fictitious people who are supposedly prominent scientists criticizing the WHO and the US for "politicizing the virus". They run fake facebook posts for months until they are finally determined to be fake but by that time they've had a million views. Now they are doing the same with the Ft Dietrich Lab story claiming that CV-19 came from an American lab and not the Wuhan virology lab. Of course China Joe Biden will say nothing about this, and will conclude that his official investigation is inconclusive. But what else would he say, he is a bought and paid for operative of the CCP. It's a heck of world we live in right now, isn't it? Maybe this was a late night anomaly, but it was the first thing I've seen on CNN that wasn't dripping with Trump hate, or some other PC, CRT, BLM garbage in years.
But with the US funding the Chinese labs, it is arguable that the Fauci democrats created the virus on foreign soil.

So China may be telling the truth, somewhat.
A horseshoe bat respiratory coronavirus, genetically altered with the HIV virus, in a gain of function project to make it able to infect humans, was created at the virology lab in Fort Detrick.

The project was defunded and moved from Fort Detrick to the Wuhan facility in China.
Let's say for the sake of argument that is true. That still points straight to Xi Jinping, the Wuhan Virology lab, NIH funding and Dr. Fauci as the originators of the Pandemic, NOT the Ft. Detrick lab.
So I'm up late flipping channels and CNN has a report on the origins of Covid. I'm chuckling to myself thinking Oh this ought to good. But I watched it, and it was actually a GREAT report on how the CCP is flooding social media with bogus stories about Covid-19 origins. They are creating fictitious people who are supposedly prominent scientists criticizing the WHO and the US for "politicizing the virus". They run fake facebook posts for months until they are finally determined to be fake but by that time they've had a million views. Now they are doing the same with the Ft Dietrich Lab story claiming that CV-19 came from an American lab and not the Wuhan virology lab. Of course China Joe Biden will say nothing about this, and will conclude that his official investigation is inconclusive. But what else would he say, he is a bought and paid for operative of the CCP. It's a heck of world we live in right now, isn't it? Maybe this was a late night anomaly, but it was the first thing I've seen on CNN that wasn't dripping with Trump hate, or some other PC, CRT, BLM garbage in years.
Criticizing WHO and politicizing the virus? Gee, doesn't that sound familiar.
What kind of fools choose to stay in a city by the ocean that is below sea level?
I recommend In the Same Breath on HBO/HBOMAX...

It was mildly disturbing to see just how similar the U.S. media and government handling of the pandemic information provided to the public in the early stages was to the Chinese handling of same...
I recommend In the Same Breath on HBO/HBOMAX...

It was mildly disturbing to see just how similar the U.S. media and government handling of the pandemic information provided to the public in the early stages was to the Chinese handling of same...

Not disturbing....just predictable....because the Democrats have been taken over by communists. They use Marxist tactics every day.
Trump's two impeachments were Marxist tactics....."accuse your opponent of what you yourself are doing to confuse the issue."

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