I hope it does not come to this, but I don't put anything past certain people.


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
America may vote for President Trump in the coming election and may do so in overwhelming numbers, but as Joseph Stalin pontificated, it's not the people who vote that count; it's the people who count the votes. But it's also the people who report the votes. Soros secretaries of state may not give actual numbers.

If the outcome of this November's election comes down to fights over counting mail-in ballots and claims of fraud by President Donald Trump, Democrat Joe Biden may have a quiet advantage: The top election officials in many of the key states that could decide the election are Democrats.
Democrats are understandably confident that their secretaries of state will do whatever is necessary to assure a Democrat will win in a close contest.
And networks may stall, as they did in 2016, to give Democrats time to "find" votes or may even misreport, like their 2000 call for Gore in Florida (oops).

The plan is to give Biden a lead with mail-in ballots and then pounce, call the election, say the president can't overcome Biden's leads with the votes that remain. Any attempt to challenge the call will be blamed on extreme right-wing Trump voters not accepting the election results. And Democrats are giddy over the possibility of sending in the military to drag President Trump out of the White House if he "won't accept the results of the election."

If we don't want governors ruling our lives, seizing our property, and controlling our elections, then the time to fight is now. Open your business, gather and celebrate your freedom, and vote!

But also gather where the votes are counted. Monitor Democrat officials to keep them from operating in the shadows. Be poll-watchers — see something, say something. If we allow these insurgents to openly steal our elections, then it will be the end of our Republic. And there will be no coming back.

But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it. —John Adams
Romney got zero votes in 59 Philadelphia precincts. Yes poll watchers are a necessity to be sure the votes are counted fairly, especially in Philadelphia.
"The Phildadelphia Inquirer reported today that, in 59 precincts in inner-city Philadelphia, the GOP nominee received not a single vote. And according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, nine precincts in Cleveland returned zero Romney votes."
America may vote for President Trump in the coming election and may do so in overwhelming numbers, but as Joseph Stalin pontificated, it's not the people who vote that count; it's the people who count the votes. But it's also the people who report the votes. Soros secretaries of state may not give actual numbers.

If the outcome of this November's election comes down to fights over counting mail-in ballots and claims of fraud by President Donald Trump, Democrat Joe Biden may have a quiet advantage: The top election officials in many of the key states that could decide the election are Democrats.
Democrats are understandably confident that their secretaries of state will do whatever is necessary to assure a Democrat will win in a close contest.
And networks may stall, as they did in 2016, to give Democrats time to "find" votes or may even misreport, like their 2000 call for Gore in Florida (oops).

The plan is to give Biden a lead with mail-in ballots and then pounce, call the election, say the president can't overcome Biden's leads with the votes that remain. Any attempt to challenge the call will be blamed on extreme right-wing Trump voters not accepting the election results. And Democrats are giddy over the possibility of sending in the military to drag President Trump out of the White House if he "won't accept the results of the election."

If we don't want governors ruling our lives, seizing our property, and controlling our elections, then the time to fight is now. Open your business, gather and celebrate your freedom, and vote!

But also gather where the votes are counted. Monitor Democrat officials to keep them from operating in the shadows. Be poll-watchers — see something, say something. If we allow these insurgents to openly steal our elections, then it will be the end of our Republic. And there will be no coming back.

But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it. —John Adams

I would be surprised if this election doesn't end in the 11th hour with some unique twist curve-ball thrown us in desperation by the Democrats. They have been trying to stage a quiet coup d'état for years without it being noticed or overtly CALLED that.

They want to call the military in to drag the president out of the WH, meantime they screamed bloody unfair murder when Trump simply sent in federal troops to protect federal property.
Romney got zero votes in 59 Philadelphia precincts. Yes poll watchers are a necessity to be sure the votes are counted fairly, especially in Philadelphia.
"The Phildadelphia Inquirer reported today that, in 59 precincts in inner-city Philadelphia, the GOP nominee received not a single vote. And according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, nine precincts in Cleveland returned zero Romney votes."

The Democrats will attempt to use the COVID-19 social distancing excuse to not allow poll watchers, this will only be Republican poll watchers of course. The entire thing in Pennsylvania where they say that the mail in ballots do not have to have a matching signature or even a post mark by election day is all designed for the Democrat vote fraud through ballot harvesting, they are saying that of the mail in ballots requested that 700,000 have not yet been returned and we have to entertain the prospect that the Democrats have these 700,000 mail in ballots already in their harvesting HQ and it's these that they will use to attempt to steal Pennsylvania.

They did a test run of how their mail in ballot harvesting machine could work in the 2018 elections, this is how they got Orange County in California for example, the Republicans had a good lead only to see the leads evaporate during the days after the election when the harvested mail in ballots were counted. The Democrats saw it worked in 2018 and they aim to repeat this next week but in multiple states not only Pennsylvania but I think also in North Carolina and Georgia and perhaps even in Texas, the Democrats and all these Left Wing Activists are really pushing the "Texas Going Blue?" thing, all the Democrats media organizations from CNN to ABC and in between have all been pushing this about Texas, the mail in ballot harvesting is probably underway in Harris County which is Houston and they probably have something going in Dallas and San Antonio also with the mail in ballot harvesting.
America may vote for President Trump in the coming election and may do so in overwhelming numbers, but as Joseph Stalin pontificated, it's not the people who vote that count; it's the people who count the votes. But it's also the people who report the votes. Soros secretaries of state may not give actual numbers.

If the outcome of this November's election comes down to fights over counting mail-in ballots and claims of fraud by President Donald Trump, Democrat Joe Biden may have a quiet advantage: The top election officials in many of the key states that could decide the election are Democrats.
Democrats are understandably confident that their secretaries of state will do whatever is necessary to assure a Democrat will win in a close contest.
And networks may stall, as they did in 2016, to give Democrats time to "find" votes or may even misreport, like their 2000 call for Gore in Florida (oops).

The plan is to give Biden a lead with mail-in ballots and then pounce, call the election, say the president can't overcome Biden's leads with the votes that remain. Any attempt to challenge the call will be blamed on extreme right-wing Trump voters not accepting the election results. And Democrats are giddy over the possibility of sending in the military to drag President Trump out of the White House if he "won't accept the results of the election."

If we don't want governors ruling our lives, seizing our property, and controlling our elections, then the time to fight is now. Open your business, gather and celebrate your freedom, and vote!

But also gather where the votes are counted. Monitor Democrat officials to keep them from operating in the shadows. Be poll-watchers — see something, say something. If we allow these insurgents to openly steal our elections, then it will be the end of our Republic. And there will be no coming back.

But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it. —John Adams

I would be surprised if this election doesn't end in the 11th hour with some unique twist curve-ball thrown us in desperation by the Democrats. They have been trying to stage a quiet coup d'état for years without it being noticed or overtly CALLED that.

They want to call the military in to drag the president out of the WH, meantime they screamed bloody unfair murder when Trump simply sent in federal troops to protect federal property.

I agree that the Democrats have something up their sleeve. We and President Trump must be vigilant.
Vote in overwhelming numbers...that's the cure for fraud....
Poll watchers and vote counters are the cure for voter fraud.
So are voter ID cards but they're having none of it. One has to assume from that that they are of course indeed planning to cheat by any means possible and don't want any extra impediments to overcome.
Soros secretaries of state may not give actual numbers.

It's serious Stalininst ratfukkery to push faked conspiracy theories in order to to undermine free elections.

You're doing that, making you a very open and proud Stalinist ratfuk.

The Democrats and the Left Wing MSM have pushed the Russia Conspiracy Theory for 4 years now and so pot meet kettle.
Vote in overwhelming numbers...that's the cure for fraud....
Poll watchers and vote counters are the cure for voter fraud.
So are voter ID cards but they're having none of it. One has to assume from that that they are of course indeed planning to cheat by any means possible and don't want any extra impediments to overcome.

If there was Voter ID then the Democrats couldn't manufacture votes that they need to steal elections, it's the same reason why they are fighting tooth and nail to keep it that the mail in ballots in Pennsylvania don't have to have matching signatures but MUST still be allowed to be counted.
Just a quick nitpick ... The Donald will be President until sometime in late January ... plenty of time for due process of law ...

No way is Portland, Oregon sending The Donald's EVs ... Republicans are wasting their time observing ... Portland's 7 EVs were dedicated to the Democrats back in 1968 ... nothing's going to change that ... Portland is Bluer than San Francisco in every way ... except maybe that public nudity thing they got going in SF ...

Just a few "battleground" states ... but I don't know of any so completely dominated by Democrats where fraud would be abundant ... a state that voted totally Democrat in 2018 shouldn't be expected to send up The Donald's EVs ... yes, I know, but the Chinese military doesn't have all that many moles in elections departments around our nation ... neither does the Russian military ... much cheaper flooding the internet with fake news and get folks upset over something they need not get upset about ...

It's a shame the OP didn't get his observer credentials for his political party in time ... or he could have been assigned to an election worker and watched everything that worker does with the ballots ... thank you for caring enough ... hopefully you can get signed up for 2022 ... I applaud your concern and wish you the very best in your efforts to expose voter fraud ...

You're an American ...
America may vote for President Trump in the coming election and may do so in overwhelming numbers, but as Joseph Stalin pontificated, it's not the people who vote that count; it's the people who count the votes. But it's also the people who report the votes. Soros secretaries of state may not give actual numbers.

If the outcome of this November's election comes down to fights over counting mail-in ballots and claims of fraud by President Donald Trump, Democrat Joe Biden may have a quiet advantage: The top election officials in many of the key states that could decide the election are Democrats.
Democrats are understandably confident that their secretaries of state will do whatever is necessary to assure a Democrat will win in a close contest.
And networks may stall, as they did in 2016, to give Democrats time to "find" votes or may even misreport, like their 2000 call for Gore in Florida (oops).

The plan is to give Biden a lead with mail-in ballots and then pounce, call the election, say the president can't overcome Biden's leads with the votes that remain. Any attempt to challenge the call will be blamed on extreme right-wing Trump voters not accepting the election results. And Democrats are giddy over the possibility of sending in the military to drag President Trump out of the White House if he "won't accept the results of the election."

If we don't want governors ruling our lives, seizing our property, and controlling our elections, then the time to fight is now. Open your business, gather and celebrate your freedom, and vote!

But also gather where the votes are counted. Monitor Democrat officials to keep them from operating in the shadows. Be poll-watchers — see something, say something. If we allow these insurgents to openly steal our elections, then it will be the end of our Republic. And there will be no coming back.

But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it. —John Adams

They won't have to.

We sat up fake polling places through out red states. Jimbob, Janebob, their sons Daryl, Darrell, and the other brother Darryl will be standing in line for hours to cast a ballot at a location we sat up next to the tire fire.

So don't worry about the county clerks...they'll never see your ballots.
Romney got zero votes in 59 Philadelphia precincts. Yes poll watchers are a necessity to be sure the votes are counted fairly, especially in Philadelphia.
"The Phildadelphia Inquirer reported today that, in 59 precincts in inner-city Philadelphia, the GOP nominee received not a single vote. And according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, nine precincts in Cleveland returned zero Romney votes."

The Democrats will attempt to use the COVID-19 social distancing excuse to not allow poll watchers, this will only be Republican poll watchers of course. The entire thing in Pennsylvania where they say that the mail in ballots do not have to have a matching signature or even a post mark by election day is all designed for the Democrat vote fraud through ballot harvesting, they are saying that of the mail in ballots requested that 700,000 have not yet been returned and we have to entertain the prospect that the Democrats have these 700,000 mail in ballots already in their harvesting HQ and it's these that they will use to attempt to steal Pennsylvania.

They did a test run of how their mail in ballot harvesting machine could work in the 2018 elections, this is how they got Orange County in California for example, the Republicans had a good lead only to see the leads evaporate during the days after the election when the harvested mail in ballots were counted. The Democrats saw it worked in 2018 and they aim to repeat this next week but in multiple states not only Pennsylvania but I think also in North Carolina and Georgia and perhaps even in Texas, the Democrats and all these Left Wing Activists are really pushing the "Texas Going Blue?" thing, all the Democrats media organizations from CNN to ABC and in between have all been pushing this about Texas, the mail in ballot harvesting is probably underway in Harris County which is Houston and they probably have something going in Dallas and San Antonio also with the mail in ballot harvesting.
Its up to the GOP to ensure that votes are counted properly and illegal votes are separated.
I can see the PA certification being last minute and not until mid-December right at the state certification deadline.
Vote in overwhelming numbers...that's the cure for fraud....
Poll watchers and vote counters are the cure for voter fraud.
So are voter ID cards but they're having none of it. One has to assume from that that they are of course indeed planning to cheat by any means possible and don't want any extra impediments to overcome.
IMHO as long as the registered voter rolls are used to control ballots we should be okay.
Its up to the GOP to scrub the voter rolls of illegal voters.
Romney got zero votes in 59 Philadelphia precincts. Yes poll watchers are a necessity to be sure the votes are counted fairly, especially in Philadelphia.
"The Phildadelphia Inquirer reported today that, in 59 precincts in inner-city Philadelphia, the GOP nominee received not a single vote. And according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, nine precincts in Cleveland returned zero Romney votes."

The Democrats will attempt to use the COVID-19 social distancing excuse to not allow poll watchers, this will only be Republican poll watchers of course. The entire thing in Pennsylvania where they say that the mail in ballots do not have to have a matching signature or even a post mark by election day is all designed for the Democrat vote fraud through ballot harvesting, they are saying that of the mail in ballots requested that 700,000 have not yet been returned and we have to entertain the prospect that the Democrats have these 700,000 mail in ballots already in their harvesting HQ and it's these that they will use to attempt to steal Pennsylvania.

They did a test run of how their mail in ballot harvesting machine could work in the 2018 elections, this is how they got Orange County in California for example, the Republicans had a good lead only to see the leads evaporate during the days after the election when the harvested mail in ballots were counted. The Democrats saw it worked in 2018 and they aim to repeat this next week but in multiple states not only Pennsylvania but I think also in North Carolina and Georgia and perhaps even in Texas, the Democrats and all these Left Wing Activists are really pushing the "Texas Going Blue?" thing, all the Democrats media organizations from CNN to ABC and in between have all been pushing this about Texas, the mail in ballot harvesting is probably underway in Harris County which is Houston and they probably have something going in Dallas and San Antonio also with the mail in ballot harvesting.
Its up to the GOP to ensure that votes are counted properly and illegal votes are separated.
I can see the PA certification being last minute and not until mid-December right at the state certification deadline.

Let's hope the GOP has the balls to do it, the GOP in Orange County, California didn't in 2018.
Just a quick nitpick ... The Donald will be President until sometime in late January ... plenty of time for due process of law ...

No way is Portland, Oregon sending The Donald's EVs ... Republicans are wasting their time observing ... Portland's 7 EVs were dedicated to the Democrats back in 1968 ... nothing's going to change that ... Portland is Bluer than San Francisco in every way ... except maybe that public nudity thing they got going in SF ...

Just a few "battleground" states ... but I don't know of any so completely dominated by Democrats where fraud would be abundant ... a state that voted totally Democrat in 2018 shouldn't be expected to send up The Donald's EVs ... yes, I know, but the Chinese military doesn't have all that many moles in elections departments around our nation ... neither does the Russian military ... much cheaper flooding the internet with fake news and get folks upset over something they need not get upset about ...

It's a shame the OP didn't get his observer credentials for his political party in time ... or he could have been assigned to an election worker and watched everything that worker does with the ballots ... thank you for caring enough ... hopefully you can get signed up for 2022 ... I applaud your concern and wish you the very best in your efforts to expose voter fraud ...

You're an American ...

I agree that Oregon and also Washington State will both go to Biden/Harris. We do have Conservative areas in both States, but there is massive corruption and vote rigging in Portland and Seattle and it's been going on for years, King County is a cesspit of election corruption.

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