I hope Fox started a new trend in debates

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Playing clips of the candidates then asking them to explain their position or clarify it. It left virtually no room for flip flopping. I thought is actually provoked a good exchange on immigration between Bush, Cruz & Rubio
No room for flip flopping It's really a bad thing!!!! How about if Grampa disses a candidate (say...Trump) for months on end and then FLASH: He votes for said candidate (Trump) in the general?

Everyone has reasons for "flip flopping"...best to find out why.
No room for flip flopping It's really a bad thing!!!! How about if Grampa disses a candidate (say...Trump) for months on end and then FLASH: He votes for said candidate (Trump) in the general?

Everyone has reasons for "flip flopping"...best to find out why.

How about if Republicans spend over a decade yelling RINO, and vote for the most liberal candidate running?
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No room for flip flopping It's really a bad thing!!!! How about if Grampa disses a candidate (say...Trump) for months on end and then FLASH: He votes for said candidate (Trump) in the general?

Everyone has reasons for "flip flopping"...best to find out why.
It would be a tough choice.

Candidate A: liberal who pretends to be conservative
Candidate B: a liberal who admits being liberal

What a choice!
Flipflopping in itself is not necessarily a bad thing, because people change their minds. What a politician should have to do, however, is admit that they changed positions and explain why. Making them respond to their exact words before and after is a good thing.
No room for flip flopping It's really a bad thing!!!! How about if Grampa disses a candidate (say...Trump) for months on end and then FLASH: He votes for said candidate (Trump) in the general?

Everyone has reasons for "flip flopping"...best to find out why.
It would be a tough choice.

Candidate A: liberal who pretends to be conservative
Candidate B: a liberal who admits being liberal

What a choice!
:) We just don't have much of a choice here. This anti-establishment movement screwed up everything, but it was necessary.
I'm just looking at the traits and possible accomplishments each candidate brings to the table. I am more anti-establishment than I ever thought I would be. Corruption in our elected officials, I believe. is staggering.
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Yes we never want a candidate who changes their mind when presented with new information. That would be a tragedy. Stay the course.
I never claimed that. Recognizing you're wrong & changing course is a good thing but that's not how most candidates explain their changes. Many of them flat out lie.
I should have watched it..

" you said this " clip following .. you lie, you die, continue please ... good idea IMO.
Playing clips of the candidates then asking them to explain their position or clarify it. It left virtually no room for flip flopping. I thought is actually provoked a good exchange on immigration between Bush, Cruz & Rubio

It's a horrible strategy by FoxNews and when they did it all I could think was Trump made the right move. For starters any video can be edited so the viewer doesn't know the whole story. Second, candidates are allowed to evolve and change their stance and this type of video immediately gives the impression of a flip-flop. Third, the candidates are supposed to debate EACH OTHER, not FoxNews. Showing video makes it look like the candidates are debating the moderator who now has a decided advanage of preparing a piece of video for months ahead of time. Lastly, who is going to show video of Hillary and Bernie flip-flopping (and we know there's plenty)? The answer is no one. So now FoxNews has given Democrats ammunition.
No room for flip flopping It's really a bad thing!!!! How about if Grampa disses a candidate (say...Trump) for months on end and then FLASH: He votes for said candidate (Trump) in the general?

Everyone has reasons for "flip flopping"...best to find out why.

How about if Republicans spend over a decade yelling RINO, and vote for the most liberal candidate running?

No one else is building a wall...
Playing clips of the candidates then asking them to explain their position or clarify it. It left virtually no room for flip flopping. I thought is actually provoked a good exchange on immigration between Bush, Cruz & Rubio

It's a horrible strategy by FoxNews and when they did it all I could think was Trump made the right move. For starters any video can be edited so the viewer doesn't know the whole story. Second, candidates are allowed to evolve and change their stance and this type of video immediately gives the impression of a flip-flop. Third, the candidates are supposed to debate EACH OTHER, not FoxNews. Showing video makes it look like the candidates are debating the moderator who now has a decided advanage of preparing a piece of video for months ahead of time. Lastly, who is going to show video of Hillary and Bernie flip-flopping (and we know there's plenty)? The answer is no one. So now FoxNews has given Democrats ammunition.

so much for transparency on specific topics.

IMO it's not as much about flip flopping as it is telling bold face lies to a television audience that doesn't know any better and keeping candidates that want to be POTUS honest ... honest candidates, novel concept huh?
No room for flip flopping It's really a bad thing!!!! How about if Grampa disses a candidate (say...Trump) for months on end and then FLASH: He votes for said candidate (Trump) in the general?

Everyone has reasons for "flip flopping"...best to find out why.

How about if Republicans spend over a decade yelling RINO, and vote for the most liberal candidate running?

I don't care if Trump has liberal tendencies. Hell, I have liberal tendencies though I define myself as conservative because most of my positions are on "the right". But not ALL of my positions. Why is it the approach of so many on this board that we must be "all in" on one side or the other? Independent thinkers typically have a broad range of positions. My father in law absolutely votes Dem every single election, yet he holds conservative positions on the death penalty, abortion, and health care, and foreign trade.

I don't give a shit if Donald Trump is pro-gay marriage, pro-choice, or a totally social liberal. I like his stances on the border, protecting Americans above all else, and changing how we do business with foreign countries who sodomize us monetarily because our current group of leaders (both D and R) are a bunch of pussies or just don't give a fuck about the legal citizens of the United States.
Well, that would not hurt Trump in the least!!

Trump could flip more times than pancakes at IHOP. His supporters would run to his defense. And idiot pundits on TV would call his actions "Masterful" or "Genius".

I will sit here mumbling "How the hell he gets away with that!!"

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