I honestly feel that more republicans would abandon their party if they just accepted two facts:


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
1) if you want to stimulate economic growth, you help the middle class and poor, not the wealthy. Think about this. The wealthy are doing better now MORE THAN EVER BERORE, so why has growth not been faster? It's because the middle class is shrinking because of rising income inequality. The rise in income inequality will only destabilize our economy even further because consumer spending is decreasing. Consumer spending is vital to the economy - it accounts for 70% of it.

Meanwhile, all this stimulus (tax cuts) to the wealthy does jack shit for the economy overall. Why? Two reasons: A) the wealthy are investing less and less these days because it is just easier for them to keep the money they save rather than make huge investments to grow their business. And even if they were investing more money, it wouldn't do jack shit to increase economic demand which is ultimately what matters. Businesses invest more when demand is up. B) the wealthy, individually when it comes to consumer spending, spend just as much money as someone in the middle class does when it comes to daily/monthly purchases. Sure they make extravagant purchases, but those ultimately do little for the economy at large.

2) Most Americans side with liberal issues that republicans oppose like raising the minimum wage, certain gun control laws, extending unemployment benefits, and gay marriage. Oh and recent polls show that most Americans believe in dramatic climate change and want the gov to do something about it.
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the wealthy are investing less and less these days because it is just easier for them to keep the money they save rather than make huge investments to grow their business.

Just sitting on money makes more then investing it.....
With the Dow Jones at record levels the wealthy aren't investing......
Yeah...that makes sense.
and in typical Obama fashion I think your statements are a big fat lie
85 million gun owners in this country
the populace and state legislatures voted against gay marriage. if you were right it wouldn't have ended up in the courts like it did
and last of all the biggest lie global warming. Glad I live in the mtn west and not back east
Yep, hope and change, pumping worthless dollars out like no two ways about it. I guess the cool aid has lasting effects and does damage brain cells. Who cares what the voters want, they don't know whats good for them, but dam he and his crony's do.
1) if you want to stimulate economic growth, you help the middle class and poor, not the wealthy. Think about this. The wealthy are doing better now MORE THAN EVER BERORE, so why has growth not been faster? It's because the middle class is shrinking because of rising income inequality. The rise in income inequality will only destabilize our economy even further because consumer spending is decreasing. Consumer spending is vital to the economy - it accounts for 70% of it.

Meanwhile, all this stimulus (tax cuts) to the wealthy does jack shit for the economy overall. Why? Two reasons: A) the wealthy are investing less and less these days because it is just easier for them to keep the money they save rather than make huge investments to grow their business. B) the wealthy, individually when it comes to consumer spending, spend just as much money as someone in the middle class does when it comes to daily/monthly purchases. Sure they make extravagant purchases, but those ultimately do little for the economy at large.

2) Most Americans side with liberal issues that republicans oppose like raising the minimum wage, certain gun control laws, extending unemployment benefits, and gay marriage. Oh and recent polls show that most Americans believe in dramatic climate change and want the gov to do something about it.
Gotta disagree about the investing part. They are investing their money. Its just not where it helps the economy.
1) if you want to stimulate economic growth, you help the middle class and poor, not the wealthy. Think about this. The wealthy are doing better now MORE THAN EVER BERORE, so why has growth not been faster? It's because the middle class is shrinking because of rising income inequality. The rise in income inequality will only destabilize our economy even further because consumer spending is decreasing. Consumer spending is vital to the economy - it accounts for 70% of it.

Meanwhile, all this stimulus (tax cuts) to the wealthy does jack shit for the economy overall. Why? Two reasons: A) the wealthy are investing less and less these days because it is just easier for them to keep the money they save rather than make huge investments to grow their business. B) the wealthy, individually when it comes to consumer spending, spend just as much money as someone in the middle class does when it comes to daily/monthly purchases. Sure they make extravagant purchases, but those ultimately do little for the economy at large.

2) Most Americans side with liberal issues that republicans oppose like raising the minimum wage, certain gun control laws, extending unemployment benefits, and gay marriage. Oh and recent polls show that most Americans believe in dramatic climate change and want the gov to do something about it.
You do realize you are wrong on both counts?

If you want to help the middle class, you remove the downward pressure on business (regulations and big government) so that middle class job creation can happen.

In addition, the majority of the country is right of center.

Have a nice night.
1) if you want to stimulate economic growth, you help the middle class and poor, not the wealthy. Think about this. The wealthy are doing better now MORE THAN EVER BERORE, so why has growth not been faster? It's because the middle class is shrinking because of rising income inequality. The rise in income inequality will only destabilize our economy even further because consumer spending is decreasing. Consumer spending is vital to the economy - it accounts for 70% of it.

Meanwhile, all this stimulus (tax cuts) to the wealthy does jack shit for the economy overall. Why? Two reasons: A) the wealthy are investing less and less these days because it is just easier for them to keep the money they save rather than make huge investments to grow their business. B) the wealthy, individually when it comes to consumer spending, spend just as much money as someone in the middle class does when it comes to daily/monthly purchases. Sure they make extravagant purchases, but those ultimately do little for the economy at large.

2) Most Americans side with liberal issues that republicans oppose like raising the minimum wage, certain gun control laws, extending unemployment benefits, and gay marriage. Oh and recent polls show that most Americans believe in dramatic climate change and want the gov to do something about it.
Gotta disagree about the investing part. They are investing their money. Its just not where it helps the economy.
Yes this is true. It's possible investment is doing better than I think.
1) if you want to stimulate economic growth, you help the middle class and poor, not the wealthy. Think about this. The wealthy are doing better now MORE THAN EVER BERORE, so why has growth not been faster? It's because the middle class is shrinking because of rising income inequality. The rise in income inequality will only destabilize our economy even further because consumer spending is decreasing. Consumer spending is vital to the economy - it accounts for 70% of it.

Meanwhile, all this stimulus (tax cuts) to the wealthy does jack shit for the economy overall. Why? Two reasons: A) the wealthy are investing less and less these days because it is just easier for them to keep the money they save rather than make huge investments to grow their business. B) the wealthy, individually when it comes to consumer spending, spend just as much money as someone in the middle class does when it comes to daily/monthly purchases. Sure they make extravagant purchases, but those ultimately do little for the economy at large.

2) Most Americans side with liberal issues that republicans oppose like raising the minimum wage, certain gun control laws, extending unemployment benefits, and gay marriage. Oh and recent polls show that most Americans believe in dramatic climate change and want the gov to do something about it.
You do realize you are wrong on both counts?

If you want to help the middle class, you remove the downward pressure on business (regulations and big government) so that middle class job creation can happen.

In addition, the majority of the country is right of center.

Have a nice night.
Regulations do very little to inhibit job growth. The BLS data proves that.
Anyone raise their hands here: Is there a difference between the Democrats and the Republicans? Not just in name either. I can't tell the difference anymore. Hint:Obama isn't my president in more ways than one...
No wonder the good guys and gals in the mainstream GOP voted against the far candidates in the primaries championed by the dipwads above. Boehner will eventually realize the TP remnants are anti-American and step on them for good.
Billy, you support a President that has helped the rich more than any President in the history of the world. You support a President that has hurt the middle class and the poor more than any being in world history.

Accept my facts peeon!!!!

Fucking moron.

Politics has gone full retard these days, hyper partisan fucks at every turn, left and right.
No wonder the good guys and gals in the mainstream GOP voted against the far candidates in the primaries championed by the dipwads above. Boehner will eventually realize the TP remnants are anti-American and step on them for good.

The only thing you are is mainstream retarded Jake lol.

No one, NO One takes you seriously, you're a joke here haha. I can't even imagine what that feels like, I'm an asshole much of the time but at least I get respect for a majority of the boards.

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