Anti-Tea Party Member
The government seems to be printing out trillions of dollars by the day, so much so that the national debt clock in new york city needs 2 additional numbers so that it can go up to the quadrillion area. What if the United States government printed out 1 million dollars and sent it to EVERY single one of its citizens? Everyone who has a social security number gets 1 million dollars. Can you imagine how our economy would explode? Our GDP would be MASSIVE, the federal government's tax revenue would skyrocket so much we would be out of debt in a year, the DOW would go up 25,000 points in a day, restaraunts would be packed... it would be INCREDIBLE. The mortgage crisis would be over with because everyone could pay off their mortgages and the great depression would slip into the great manic! How much is 1 million x 300 million? 3 trillion? 30 trillion? Whatever it is, it would be chump change to the amount of tax revenue the government would rake in and how well the economy would do.
Seriously, what do you guys think? A million dollars for EVERYONE!
Seriously, what do you guys think? A million dollars for EVERYONE!