I finally found my answer and I found it here...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Thank you.

I have spent my life imitating the thief on the left side of Jesus, condemning him for not saving me from my suffering.

Now, thanks to the good people of USMB, I realize I must imitate the thief on the right side of Jesus, realize that whatever suffering I experience, it is probably less than I deserve, and ask Jesus every day to remember me when he enters into his Kingdom.

I am hoping this is the beginning of a new life for me.
Thank you.

I have spent my life imitating the thief on the left side of Jesus, condemning him for not saving me from my suffering.

Now, thanks to the good people of USMB, I realize I must imitate the thief on the right side of Jesus, realize that whatever suffering I experience, it is probably less than I deserve, and ask Jesus every day to remember me when he enters into his Kingdom.

I am hoping this is the beginning of a new life for me.
I am hoping this is the beginning of a new life for me.

you might try the religion of antiquity as prescribed by the (true) Almighty - the triumph of good vs evil - and stop being a sinner, a christian.

* just ask the sinners at the time of noah how it worked out for them ...
Being born again can also be as upsetting as being born biologically. I used the contractive form of firetruck repeatedly the day lightening struck the electrical mast on our house and Gail was telling me she wanted us to take her child by a previous marriage to church so I read 7 chapters a day for several years to try and find those non-existent contradictions in scripture that were supposed to be in the Bible. I pray you will find a church that preaches the bible sequentially. Calvary Chapel and evangelical free churches are good about that
Concerning suffering. There was an accident, and good men died. The disciples asked Jesus what those men did to deserve that. His response was, "The rain falls on the just and the unjust." This is earth, and shit happens. But our loving Father, so that we will know Him, lets the sun shine on us all.

If at times you feel our suffering, our "punishment" is too excessive, bring Lot to mind. Satan doesn't need to go after the nonbelievers. He already has a lock on them, but a believer can expect to be bombarded.
Nevertheless, strive for this:
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.

And thank him daily, in the sunshine and the rain, for such a long and bright future... :)
If ever in doubt read the footprints in the sand and remember you might only see one set of footprints while forgetting you are being carried...
I have looked at my own life and have realized that God Blesses us when we walk in Obedience, and when we are Astray, He removes His Hand, and gives us over to The Evil One.

Most of the suffering in my life, I have brought on myself.

Thank you.

I have spent my life imitating the thief on the left side of Jesus, condemning him for not saving me from my suffering.

Now, thanks to the good people of USMB, I realize I must imitate the thief on the right side of Jesus, realize that whatever suffering I experience, it is probably less than I deserve, and ask Jesus every day to remember me when he enters into his Kingdom.

I am hoping this is the beginning of a new life for me.
I just cleaned my kitchen and put away my laundry, which normally I don't bother to do.
I need to be a better house cleaner myself.

Some bad things that happen to us are also for God’s Glory and have nothing to do with us being obedient or being astray.

The Story of Job is a good example.
It helps that I have just landed a part-time job and I'll probably get a new full-time job next week.

Tomorrow morning, I'm meeting someone new at the coffee shop.

But, with the negative things going in my head, I might have blown these opportunities.
I just cleaned my kitchen and put away my laundry, which normally I don't bother to do.
I need to be a better house cleaner myself.

Some bad things that happen to us are also for God’s Glory and have nothing to do with us being obedient or being astray.

The Story of Job is a good example.
Like the good thief, I'm no longer going to concern myself with why bad things happen to me. Instead, I will pray to God and try to develop a close relationship with him.
I'm meeting with the partner and some associates for breakfast Tuesday morning. I intend to do is smile and make a very big effort to memorize everyone's name and make them believe I'm really glad to meet them.
I’m single have a good job and without bragging am a good looking guy.

Right now I have found I have a greater desire to follow God, and strengthen my knowledge and walk with Him.

I simply want to seek Christ and His Word. I won’t honor any man made religion that puts rituals, tradition and history above Christ. It’s Christ and Christ alone for me. That’s the church I want to be in.

Id still like to meet someone, but I’m not putting in the effort right now. It’s not because I don’t want a good woman in my life, it’s because I want to focus on God for a while before starting down that road.

But know this, God wants us to be happy and He does not want us to be alone. He’d rather we be with a Godly woman, but He also allows us Free will.

I pray that God blesses you tomorrow in your meeting, and know that God has not only forgiven your past sins...He has forgotten them.

He wants you to have life, and more abundantly, so claim that and when seeking a woman seek God within her, and seek God’s guidance.

God wants you to be happy and it gives Him joy to give His children good things.

It helps that I have just landed a part-time job and I'll probably get a new full-time job next week.

Tomorrow morning, I'm meeting someone new at the coffee shop.

But, with the negative things going in my head, I might have blown these opportunities.
Normally, I rudely hang up on telemarketers.

Just now, I said with a smile: "Thank you, but I'm not interested."
I just cleaned my kitchen and put away my laundry, which normally I don't bother to do.
I need to be a better house cleaner myself.

Some bad things that happen to us are also for God’s Glory and have nothing to do with us being obedient or being astray.

The Story of Job is a good example.
Lott and Moses were pretty hard headed too. God likes independent thinkers.

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