Charter Member
What is it with NUDISTS? Why do they want to walk around naked all the time? I haven't heard a GOOD excuse, other than "we don't like to wear clothes." Yeah? Well WHY don't you like to wear clothes? I think it's all just a big, damn JOKE! What they really want to do is ogle each others nakedness, but then that is where it leaves me baffled... if that's what they like to do, then why don't men walk around with a constant woody, and the women wet? I would. They'd kick me out for sure, because I'd have a full mast. That's what naked women do to me, but why doesn't it do it to men who are nudists? Are they that brain washed that they are no longer sexually excited by the presence of a naked women? If so, that ain't good. The body is a turn on all by itself, and if a person becomes so desensitised to seeing it, then you're only doing yourself mental harm. It's NOT a good thing. Therefore, I think nudism is a big, damn joke.