‘I Can’t Believe What I’m Seeing – This is a Coup’ – Registered Democrat and Poll Watcher Details Corruption at Philly Vote Counting Center (VIDEO)


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
If you had any doubts previously, this should end them. This election is being stolen:

A registered Democrat and poll watcher at the Philadelphia Convention Center overseeing ballot counters detailed corruption at the highest levels in the city of Philadelphia.
“They will not allow us within 30 to 100 feet to supervise the ballots being counted,” poll watcher Brian Mchafferty said. “This is a coup against the President of the United States of America and I want to call out the Mayor of Philadelphia, James Kenny…the Attorney General Josh Shapiro who tweeted that there was no way that Donald Trump would win president of the United States of America….”
He continued, “I can’t believe what I’m seeing right before my eyes. This has nothing to do with Joe Biden or Donald Trump. This has to do with our democracy and I will tell you, there is corruption at the highest levels in the city of Philadelphia.”
President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who is in Philly fighting the corruption, is aware of this shocking video from a Philly poll watcher.
Twitter took down the video. Know of anywhere else it might be?
Twitter took down the video. Know of anywhere else it might be?

Twitter sure is improving the transparency of the election - by censoring the president of the greatest nation of the planet.

Who the FUCK do they think they are? I would send in the SWAT team at this point, take over their operations and charge them with election collusion. Act first, ask questions later is the proper stance in dealing with anti-American enemies.
Twitter took down the video. Know of anywhere else it might be?

Twitter sure is improving the transparency of the election - by censoring the president of the greatest nation of the planet.

Who the FUCK do they think they are? I would send in the SWAT team at this point, take over their operations and charge them with election collusion. Act first, ask questions later is the proper stance in dealing with anti-American enemies.
Twitter is run by a gang of Stalinist. This is exactly how things were in the USSR.

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