I blame the people of Africa for the way Africa is


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Thats right, I blame Africans for sitting on their fucking asses instead of doing something to better them self's and their people. It needs to be said and pointed out that all these people care about is sucking off the titt of the first world aid. Maybe instead of demanding something from us, "they" should consider picking up a fucking book on farming or another topic that could help them enhance their condition and work to move them self's into the first world. Maybe if the people of Africa thought about advancing them self's for once maybe they could join the fucking 21st century. Stop blaming whitey and grow the fuck up, and join the 21st century and try to out do him. Hell, "if you" can, work to become the power center of the world and laugh all the way to the bank knowing that your people have something to be proud of.

Open up schools with high standards in math, reading, writing, history, ect. (In yes farming), instead of having stupid civil wars and murdering everything around you. Make it easy to have a business and make a profit in Africa instead of burning everything to the ground or stealing the money.

Remove the government through force if it wants to become a dictatorship. Show some fucking balls already and work on bettering the condition around you instead of laying in the crap and expecting it to get better.

Good god stop relying on the first world to feed you; learn how to farm, learn how to run a fucking economy and lastly grow up. It is not the United states or the Eu fucking business to nurse you like a fucking baby for the next 1,000 years. You dig a hole and then drop the seed into the dirt and water it. Keep watering it and it will grow. If you pull your head out of your ass, maybe just maybe your child won't starve to death, and you will have something to be proud of.

Stop blaming the rest of the world for your problems or troubles. In you have had your 15 minutes of fame...Again it's up to you rather you went to be a first world country or a third world shit hole. Choose wisely.
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You have angered Robert Mugabe.

Thats right, I blame Africans for sitting on their fucking asses instead of doing something to better them self's and their people. It needs to be said and pointed out that all these people care about is sucking off the titt of the first world aid. Maybe instead of demanding something from us, "they" should consider picking up a fucking book on farming or another topic that could help them enhance their condition and work to move them self's into the first world. Maybe if the people of Africa thought about advancing them self's for once maybe they could join the fucking 21st century. Stop blaming whitey and grow the fuck up, and join the 21st century and try to out do him. Hell, "if you" can, work to become the power center of the world and laugh all the way to the bank knowing that your people have something to be proud of.

Open up schools with high standards in math, reading, writing, history, ect. (In yes farming), instead of having stupid civil wars and murdering everything around you. Make it easy to have a business and make a profit in Africa instead of burning everything to the ground or stealing the money.

Remove the government through force if it wants to become a dictatorship. Show some fucking balls already and work on bettering the condition around you instead of laying in the crap and expecting it to get better.

Good god stop relying on the first world to feed you; learn how to farm, learn how to run a fucking economy and lastly grow up. It is not the United states or the Eu fucking business to nurse you like a fucking baby for the next 1,000 years. You dig a hole and then drop the seed into the dirt and water it. Keep watering it and it will grow. If you pull your head out of your ass, maybe just maybe your child won't starve to death, and you will have something to be proud of.

Stop blaming the rest of the world for your problems or troubles. In you have had your 15 minutes of fame...Again it's up to you rather you went to be a first world country or a third world shit hole. Choose wisely.

i think you should run for president or king of africa.
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You have angered Robert Mugabe.


I'm proud that I angered that evil pos. He destroyed his country, which was the bread basket of Africa. He destroyed many a good persons life that knew how to farm and took their homes away from them. Some of these people had family going back many a hundreds of years.

Robert Mugabe can go straight to hell. In if there was one ounce of justice in that fucking place he would be going very soon.
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Thats right, I blame Africans for sitting on their fucking asses instead of doing something to better them self's and their people. It needs to be said and pointed out that all these people care about is sucking off the titt of the first world aid. Maybe instead of demanding something from us, "they" should consider picking up a fucking book on farming or another topic that could help them enhance their condition and work to move them self's into the first world. Maybe if the people of Africa thought about advancing them self's for once maybe they could join the fucking 21st century. Stop blaming whitey and grow the fuck up, and join the 21st century and try to out do him. Hell, "if you" can, work to become the power center of the world and laugh all the way to the bank knowing that your people have something to be proud of.

Open up schools with high standards in math, reading, writing, history, ect. (In yes farming), instead of having stupid civil wars and murdering everything around you. Make it easy to have a business and make a profit in Africa instead of burning everything to the ground or stealing the money.

Remove the government through force if it wants to become a dictatorship. Show some fucking balls already and work on bettering the condition around you instead of laying in the crap and expecting it to get better.

Good god stop relying on the first world to feed you; learn how to farm, learn how to run a fucking economy and lastly grow up. It is not the United states or the Eu fucking business to nurse you like a fucking baby for the next 1,000 years. You dig a hole and then drop the seed into the dirt and water it. Keep watering it and it will grow. If you pull your head out of your ass, maybe just maybe your child won't starve to death, and you will have something to be proud of.

Stop blaming the rest of the world for your problems or troubles. In you have had your 15 minutes of fame...Again it's up to you rather you went to be a first world country or a third world shit hole. Choose wisely.

What a really stupid person you are.
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Thats right, I blame Africans for sitting on their fucking asses instead of doing something to better them self's and their people. It needs to be said and pointed out that all these people care about is sucking off the titt of the first world aid. Maybe instead of demanding something from us, "they" should consider picking up a fucking book on farming or another topic that could help them enhance their condition and work to move them self's into the first world. Maybe if the people of Africa thought about advancing them self's for once maybe they could join the fucking 21st century. Stop blaming whitey and grow the fuck up, and join the 21st century and try to out do him. Hell, "if you" can, work to become the power center of the world and laugh all the way to the bank knowing that your people have something to be proud of.

Open up schools with high standards in math, reading, writing, history, ect. (In yes farming), instead of having stupid civil wars and murdering everything around you. Make it easy to have a business and make a profit in Africa instead of burning everything to the ground or stealing the money.

Remove the government through force if it wants to become a dictatorship. Show some fucking balls already and work on bettering the condition around you instead of laying in the crap and expecting it to get better.

Good god stop relying on the first world to feed you; learn how to farm, learn how to run a fucking economy and lastly grow up. It is not the United states or the Eu fucking business to nurse you like a fucking baby for the next 1,000 years. You dig a hole and then drop the seed into the dirt and water it. Keep watering it and it will grow. If you pull your head out of your ass, maybe just maybe your child won't starve to death, and you will have something to be proud of.

Stop blaming the rest of the world for your problems or troubles. In you have had your 15 minutes of fame...Again it's up to you rather you went to be a first world country or a third world shit hole. Choose wisely.

What a really stupid person you are.

Telling it like it is=stupid? Wow your not to bright your self. Congrats!!!:eusa_eh::eusa_whistle:
Thats right, I blame Africans for sitting on their fucking asses instead of doing something to better them self's and their people. It needs to be said and pointed out that all these people care about is sucking off the titt of the first world aid. Maybe instead of demanding something from us, "they" should consider picking up a fucking book on farming or another topic that could help them enhance their condition and work to move them self's into the first world. Maybe if the people of Africa thought about advancing them self's for once maybe they could join the fucking 21st century. Stop blaming whitey and grow the fuck up, and join the 21st century and try to out do him. Hell, "if you" can, work to become the power center of the world and laugh all the way to the bank knowing that your people have something to be proud of.

Open up schools with high standards in math, reading, writing, history, ect. (In yes farming), instead of having stupid civil wars and murdering everything around you. Make it easy to have a business and make a profit in Africa instead of burning everything to the ground or stealing the money.

Remove the government through force if it wants to become a dictatorship. Show some fucking balls already and work on bettering the condition around you instead of laying in the crap and expecting it to get better.

Good god stop relying on the first world to feed you; learn how to farm, learn how to run a fucking economy and lastly grow up. It is not the United states or the Eu fucking business to nurse you like a fucking baby for the next 1,000 years. You dig a hole and then drop the seed into the dirt and water it. Keep watering it and it will grow. If you pull your head out of your ass, maybe just maybe your child won't starve to death, and you will have something to be proud of.

Stop blaming the rest of the world for your problems or troubles. In you have had your 15 minutes of fame...Again it's up to you rather you went to be a first world country or a third world shit hole. Choose wisely.

What a really stupid person you are.

Telling it like it is=stupid? Wow your not to bright your self. Congrats!!!:eusa_eh::eusa_whistle:

Blaming the people of a continent for their plight is pretty stupid. Blame their governments to rob their countries resources while their people starve. It is fine and dandy to tell them to 'learn how to farm' and 'read books' but that's not so easy when you have no education.
Thats right, I blame Africans for sitting on their fucking asses instead of doing something to better them self's and their people. It needs to be said and pointed out that all these people care about is sucking off the titt of the first world aid. Maybe instead of demanding something from us, "they" should consider picking up a fucking book on farming or another topic that could help them enhance their condition and work to move them self's into the first world. Maybe if the people of Africa thought about advancing them self's for once maybe they could join the fucking 21st century. Stop blaming whitey and grow the fuck up, and join the 21st century and try to out do him. Hell, "if you" can, work to become the power center of the world and laugh all the way to the bank knowing that your people have something to be proud of.

Open up schools with high standards in math, reading, writing, history, ect. (In yes farming), instead of having stupid civil wars and murdering everything around you. Make it easy to have a business and make a profit in Africa instead of burning everything to the ground or stealing the money.

Remove the government through force if it wants to become a dictatorship. Show some fucking balls already and work on bettering the condition around you instead of laying in the crap and expecting it to get better.

Good god stop relying on the first world to feed you; learn how to farm, learn how to run a fucking economy and lastly grow up. It is not the United states or the Eu fucking business to nurse you like a fucking baby for the next 1,000 years. You dig a hole and then drop the seed into the dirt and water it. Keep watering it and it will grow. If you pull your head out of your ass, maybe just maybe your child won't starve to death, and you will have something to be proud of.

Stop blaming the rest of the world for your problems or troubles. In you have had your 15 minutes of fame...Again it's up to you rather you went to be a first world country or a third world shit hole. Choose wisely.

Uhm..........when was the last time you went to Africa?

And BTW someone who says 'them self's' instead of themselves could use a little of that education! :lol:
Open up schools with high standards in math, reading, writing, history, ect. (In yes farming), instead of having stupid civil wars and murdering everything around you. Make it easy to have a business and make a profit in Africa instead of burning everything to the ground or stealing the money.

You fuckin gotta love the nerve of white man. He comes into Africa, redraws all their national boundaries for them, and then looks down his nose at them when they have civil war.
From link above
"The Berlin Conference was Africa's undoing in more ways than one. The colonial powers superimposed their domains on the African continent. By the time independence returned to Africa in 1950, the realm had acquired a legacy of political fragmentation that could neither be eliminated nor made to operate satisfactorily."*
There comes a time when you got to stop killing each other all in the name of getting back at long gone whitey.

Or just be honest and lend your killing some dignity, admit you are actually just killing each other.
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ur right it is our fault our countries are artificiall when it has been proved that artificial countries that have no common language or cultural history function well. maybe artifical countries like the former yogoslavia what with its 4 different ethnic groups going at each others throats only 4 ethnic groups. then look at nigeria. with 250 different ethnic groups and 351 languages and dialects. yep a recipe for success why these groups are not getting along only god knows. maybe if the existing nations had been left alone when the europeans colonized africa and not forme new countries out of existing ones africa would not be like the former yugoslavia. yep.
Open up schools with high standards in math, reading, writing, history, ect. (In yes farming), instead of having stupid civil wars and murdering everything around you. Make it easy to have a business and make a profit in Africa instead of burning everything to the ground or stealing the money.

You fuckin gotta love the nerve of white man. He comes into Africa, redraws all their national boundaries for them, and then looks down his nose at them when they have civil war.

Congratulations on, yet again, proving that you're a total moron. Stop whining.
Open up schools with high standards in math, reading, writing, history, ect. (In yes farming), instead of having stupid civil wars and murdering everything around you. Make it easy to have a business and make a profit in Africa instead of burning everything to the ground or stealing the money.

You fuckin gotta love the nerve of white man. He comes into Africa, redraws all their national boundaries for them, and then looks down his nose at them when they have civil war.

Congratulations on, yet again, proving that you're a total moron. Stop whining.

bad hair year?
Thats right, I blame Africans for sitting on their fucking asses instead of doing something to better them self's and their people. It needs to be said and pointed out that all these people care about is sucking off the titt of the first world aid. Maybe instead of demanding something from us, "they" should consider picking up a fucking book on farming or another topic that could help them enhance their condition and work to move them self's into the first world. Maybe if the people of Africa thought about advancing them self's for once maybe they could join the fucking 21st century. Stop blaming whitey and grow the fuck up, and join the 21st century and try to out do him. Hell, "if you" can, work to become the power center of the world and laugh all the way to the bank knowing that your people have something to be proud of.

Open up schools with high standards in math, reading, writing, history, ect. (In yes farming), instead of having stupid civil wars and murdering everything around you. Make it easy to have a business and make a profit in Africa instead of burning everything to the ground or stealing the money.

Remove the government through force if it wants to become a dictatorship. Show some fucking balls already and work on bettering the condition around you instead of laying in the crap and expecting it to get better.

Good god stop relying on the first world to feed you; learn how to farm, learn how to run a fucking economy and lastly grow up. It is not the United states or the Eu fucking business to nurse you like a fucking baby for the next 1,000 years. You dig a hole and then drop the seed into the dirt and water it. Keep watering it and it will grow. If you pull your head out of your ass, maybe just maybe your child won't starve to death, and you will have something to be proud of.

Stop blaming the rest of the world for your problems or troubles. In you have had your 15 minutes of fame...Again it's up to you rather you went to be a first world country or a third world shit hole. Choose wisely.

You are an ignorant moron.:cuckoo:
Open up schools with high standards in math, reading, writing, history, ect. (In yes farming), instead of having stupid civil wars and murdering everything around you. Make it easy to have a business and make a profit in Africa instead of burning everything to the ground or stealing the money.

You fuckin gotta love the nerve of white man. He comes into Africa, redraws all their national boundaries for them, and then looks down his nose at them when they have civil war.

Congratulations on, yet again, proving that you're a total moron. Stop whining.
Which part of the post you quoted is inaccurate?

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