I am supporting Tulsi Gabbard for president

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Yup you heard it here first, I like her and since Nikki is not going to run.

4 Reasons Tulsi Gabbard Could Shock the Media, Party Establishment - IVN.us


1. She served her country in the armed forces
The percentage of congressional representatives with military experience has declined steadily since the early 1970s, and today, less than 18% has military experience. Gabbard served as a Major in the Army National Guard and saw two tours overseas. As it stands today, she’s the only announced candidate with military experience whose held congressional office. Her unique record of service, both as a veteran and representative, should help insulate her from ad hominem attacks that would be lethal to any other candidate.

2. She challenges her own party
Gabbard was launched into the national conversation in 2016 when she resigned from the DNC in protest and criticized the party’s anti-democratic policies. The move marked her clearly outside the norm in terms of party politics, but it also won her widespread notoriety as someone who’s willing to challenge political orthodoxy.

4. She can admit to her mistakes
Gabbard’s unique brand of Aloha politics enables her to admit her mistakes, which no politician is immune from. It didn’t take long for her statements on gay marriage and association with her father’s organization, the Alliance for Traditional Marriage, from the early 2000’s to surface.

The 2020 Democrats: Tulsi Gabbard

Political Positions

  • Healthcare: Gabbard supports socialist healthcare in order to cover the 27 million Americans not insured under the Affordable Care Act, according to her website. She wants the government talk with pharmaceutical companies about lowering drug prices.
  • Environment: Gabbard believes in finding solutions to climate change, and she is opposed to the Keystone Pipeline.
  • Economy: Gabbard is against the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. She said that the deal, “would reduce restrictions on foreign corporations operating within the U.S., limit our ability to protect our environment, and create more incentives for U.S. businesses to outsource investments and jobs overseas to countries with lower labor costs and standards.” She wants to adjust tax policies to support the growth of small business, punish corporations for outsourcing jobs overseas, and encourage green energy businesses to set up shop in the U.S.
  • Affordable Housing: According to Gabbard, Hawaii has the highest living costs in the nation. She blames the rich for building and selling expensive homes, which don’t end up getting filled and waste space. Homelessness increased by 46 percent in two years. Gabbard said she wants to provide affordable housing, prevent houses from being “flipped and sold for profit,” and increase “flexibility to empower state and local housing agencies, as well as private owners/developers, to develop new housing units, and creating new housing options in areas where housing vouchers are difficult to use.”
  • Gun Control: Gabbard pushed for more gun control in her political career, calling for the ban of what she calls military assault weapons and supporting “comprehensive pre-purchase background checks.”
  • Abortion: On Nov 2013, Gabbard co-sponsored the Women's Health Protection Act, which sought to make certain restrictions on abortion practices illegal.
Yup you heard it here first, I like her and since Nikki is not going to run.

4 Reasons Tulsi Gabbard Could Shock the Media, Party Establishment - IVN.us


1. She served her country in the armed forces
The percentage of congressional representatives with military experience has declined steadily since the early 1970s, and today, less than 18% has military experience. Gabbard served as a Major in the Army National Guard and saw two tours overseas. As it stands today, she’s the only announced candidate with military experience whose held congressional office. Her unique record of service, both as a veteran and representative, should help insulate her from ad hominem attacks that would be lethal to any other candidate.

2. She challenges her own party
Gabbard was launched into the national conversation in 2016 when she resigned from the DNC in protest and criticized the party’s anti-democratic policies. The move marked her clearly outside the norm in terms of party politics, but it also won her widespread notoriety as someone who’s willing to challenge political orthodoxy.

4. She can admit to her mistakes
Gabbard’s unique brand of Aloha politics enables her to admit her mistakes, which no politician is immune from. It didn’t take long for her statements on gay marriage and association with her father’s organization, the Alliance for Traditional Marriage, from the early 2000’s to surface.

The 2020 Democrats: Tulsi Gabbard

Political Positions

  • Healthcare: Gabbard supports socialist healthcare in order to cover the 27 million Americans not insured under the Affordable Care Act, according to her website. She wants the government talk with pharmaceutical companies about lowering drug prices.
  • Environment: Gabbard believes in finding solutions to climate change, and she is opposed to the Keystone Pipeline.
  • Economy: Gabbard is against the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. She said that the deal, “would reduce restrictions on foreign corporations operating within the U.S., limit our ability to protect our environment, and create more incentives for U.S. businesses to outsource investments and jobs overseas to countries with lower labor costs and standards.” She wants to adjust tax policies to support the growth of small business, punish corporations for outsourcing jobs overseas, and encourage green energy businesses to set up shop in the U.S.
  • Affordable Housing: According to Gabbard, Hawaii has the highest living costs in the nation. She blames the rich for building and selling expensive homes, which don’t end up getting filled and waste space. Homelessness increased by 46 percent in two years. Gabbard said she wants to provide affordable housing, prevent houses from being “flipped and sold for profit,” and increase “flexibility to empower state and local housing agencies, as well as private owners/developers, to develop new housing units, and creating new housing options in areas where housing vouchers are difficult to use.”
  • Gun Control: Gabbard pushed for more gun control in her political career, calling for the ban of what she calls military assault weapons and supporting “comprehensive pre-purchase background checks.”
  • Abortion: On Nov 2013, Gabbard co-sponsored the Women's Health Protection Act, which sought to make certain restrictions on abortion practices illegal.

Thank you for posting her political positions. Now everyone can see that she is just as fucked in the head as every other Democrat in the clown car of candidates.
Yup you heard it here first, I like her and since Nikki is not going to run.

4 Reasons Tulsi Gabbard Could Shock the Media, Party Establishment - IVN.us


1. She served her country in the armed forces
The percentage of congressional representatives with military experience has declined steadily since the early 1970s, and today, less than 18% has military experience. Gabbard served as a Major in the Army National Guard and saw two tours overseas. As it stands today, she’s the only announced candidate with military experience whose held congressional office. Her unique record of service, both as a veteran and representative, should help insulate her from ad hominem attacks that would be lethal to any other candidate.

2. She challenges her own party
Gabbard was launched into the national conversation in 2016 when she resigned from the DNC in protest and criticized the party’s anti-democratic policies. The move marked her clearly outside the norm in terms of party politics, but it also won her widespread notoriety as someone who’s willing to challenge political orthodoxy.

4. She can admit to her mistakes
Gabbard’s unique brand of Aloha politics enables her to admit her mistakes, which no politician is immune from. It didn’t take long for her statements on gay marriage and association with her father’s organization, the Alliance for Traditional Marriage, from the early 2000’s to surface.

The 2020 Democrats: Tulsi Gabbard

Political Positions

  • Healthcare: Gabbard supports socialist healthcare in order to cover the 27 million Americans not insured under the Affordable Care Act, according to her website. She wants the government talk with pharmaceutical companies about lowering drug prices.
  • Environment: Gabbard believes in finding solutions to climate change, and she is opposed to the Keystone Pipeline.
  • Economy: Gabbard is against the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. She said that the deal, “would reduce restrictions on foreign corporations operating within the U.S., limit our ability to protect our environment, and create more incentives for U.S. businesses to outsource investments and jobs overseas to countries with lower labor costs and standards.” She wants to adjust tax policies to support the growth of small business, punish corporations for outsourcing jobs overseas, and encourage green energy businesses to set up shop in the U.S.
  • Affordable Housing: According to Gabbard, Hawaii has the highest living costs in the nation. She blames the rich for building and selling expensive homes, which don’t end up getting filled and waste space. Homelessness increased by 46 percent in two years. Gabbard said she wants to provide affordable housing, prevent houses from being “flipped and sold for profit,” and increase “flexibility to empower state and local housing agencies, as well as private owners/developers, to develop new housing units, and creating new housing options in areas where housing vouchers are difficult to use.”
  • Gun Control: Gabbard pushed for more gun control in her political career, calling for the ban of what she calls military assault weapons and supporting “comprehensive pre-purchase background checks.”
  • Abortion: On Nov 2013, Gabbard co-sponsored the Women's Health Protection Act, which sought to make certain restrictions on abortion practices illegal.

Thank you for posting her political positions. Now everyone can see that she is just as fucked in the head as every other Democrat in the clown car of candidates.

>ban guns
>implement full socialism
>unrestricted abortion

but at least Syria will be safe.
Yup you heard it here first, I like her and since Nikki is not going to run.

4 Reasons Tulsi Gabbard Could Shock the Media, Party Establishment - IVN.us


1. She served her country in the armed forces
The percentage of congressional representatives with military experience has declined steadily since the early 1970s, and today, less than 18% has military experience. Gabbard served as a Major in the Army National Guard and saw two tours overseas. As it stands today, she’s the only announced candidate with military experience whose held congressional office. Her unique record of service, both as a veteran and representative, should help insulate her from ad hominem attacks that would be lethal to any other candidate.

2. She challenges her own party
Gabbard was launched into the national conversation in 2016 when she resigned from the DNC in protest and criticized the party’s anti-democratic policies. The move marked her clearly outside the norm in terms of party politics, but it also won her widespread notoriety as someone who’s willing to challenge political orthodoxy.

4. She can admit to her mistakes
Gabbard’s unique brand of Aloha politics enables her to admit her mistakes, which no politician is immune from. It didn’t take long for her statements on gay marriage and association with her father’s organization, the Alliance for Traditional Marriage, from the early 2000’s to surface.

The 2020 Democrats: Tulsi Gabbard

Political Positions

  • Healthcare: Gabbard supports socialist healthcare in order to cover the 27 million Americans not insured under the Affordable Care Act, according to her website. She wants the government talk with pharmaceutical companies about lowering drug prices.
  • Environment: Gabbard believes in finding solutions to climate change, and she is opposed to the Keystone Pipeline.
  • Economy: Gabbard is against the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. She said that the deal, “would reduce restrictions on foreign corporations operating within the U.S., limit our ability to protect our environment, and create more incentives for U.S. businesses to outsource investments and jobs overseas to countries with lower labor costs and standards.” She wants to adjust tax policies to support the growth of small business, punish corporations for outsourcing jobs overseas, and encourage green energy businesses to set up shop in the U.S.
  • Affordable Housing: According to Gabbard, Hawaii has the highest living costs in the nation. She blames the rich for building and selling expensive homes, which don’t end up getting filled and waste space. Homelessness increased by 46 percent in two years. Gabbard said she wants to provide affordable housing, prevent houses from being “flipped and sold for profit,” and increase “flexibility to empower state and local housing agencies, as well as private owners/developers, to develop new housing units, and creating new housing options in areas where housing vouchers are difficult to use.”
  • Gun Control: Gabbard pushed for more gun control in her political career, calling for the ban of what she calls military assault weapons and supporting “comprehensive pre-purchase background checks.”
  • Abortion: On Nov 2013, Gabbard co-sponsored the Women's Health Protection Act, which sought to make certain restrictions on abortion practices illegal.

You’re kidding right?
Socialist healthcare and gun control?
Gender identity politics anyone ? Sigh.

So bear you mentioned Nikki, but you'll settle for this one eh ?? None of her policies are bad for you eh ?? I saw a few that IMHO disqualified her. Housing is a very difficult issue, because if not done right, it encourages birthrate explosions, property devaluation, geography shifts, drug infestation, poverty sprawl, violence and murder rate explosion. All these things explode with the slip of a pen.

Taxpayers are fed up with the bullcrap already.

She best get back to the drawing board.
Yup you heard it here first, I like her and since Nikki is not going to run.

4 Reasons Tulsi Gabbard Could Shock the Media, Party Establishment - IVN.us


1. She served her country in the armed forces
The percentage of congressional representatives with military experience has declined steadily since the early 1970s, and today, less than 18% has military experience. Gabbard served as a Major in the Army National Guard and saw two tours overseas. As it stands today, she’s the only announced candidate with military experience whose held congressional office. Her unique record of service, both as a veteran and representative, should help insulate her from ad hominem attacks that would be lethal to any other candidate.

2. She challenges her own party
Gabbard was launched into the national conversation in 2016 when she resigned from the DNC in protest and criticized the party’s anti-democratic policies. The move marked her clearly outside the norm in terms of party politics, but it also won her widespread notoriety as someone who’s willing to challenge political orthodoxy.

4. She can admit to her mistakes
Gabbard’s unique brand of Aloha politics enables her to admit her mistakes, which no politician is immune from. It didn’t take long for her statements on gay marriage and association with her father’s organization, the Alliance for Traditional Marriage, from the early 2000’s to surface.

The 2020 Democrats: Tulsi Gabbard

Political Positions

  • Healthcare: Gabbard supports socialist healthcare in order to cover the 27 million Americans not insured under the Affordable Care Act, according to her website. She wants the government talk with pharmaceutical companies about lowering drug prices.
  • Environment: Gabbard believes in finding solutions to climate change, and she is opposed to the Keystone Pipeline.
  • Economy: Gabbard is against the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. She said that the deal, “would reduce restrictions on foreign corporations operating within the U.S., limit our ability to protect our environment, and create more incentives for U.S. businesses to outsource investments and jobs overseas to countries with lower labor costs and standards.” She wants to adjust tax policies to support the growth of small business, punish corporations for outsourcing jobs overseas, and encourage green energy businesses to set up shop in the U.S.
  • Affordable Housing: According to Gabbard, Hawaii has the highest living costs in the nation. She blames the rich for building and selling expensive homes, which don’t end up getting filled and waste space. Homelessness increased by 46 percent in two years. Gabbard said she wants to provide affordable housing, prevent houses from being “flipped and sold for profit,” and increase “flexibility to empower state and local housing agencies, as well as private owners/developers, to develop new housing units, and creating new housing options in areas where housing vouchers are difficult to use.”
  • Gun Control: Gabbard pushed for more gun control in her political career, calling for the ban of what she calls military assault weapons and supporting “comprehensive pre-purchase background checks.”
  • Abortion: On Nov 2013, Gabbard co-sponsored the Women's Health Protection Act, which sought to make certain restrictions on abortion practices illegal.

Support her all you want. She has a chance less than zero of becoming the next president.
Yup you heard it here first, I like her and since Nikki is not going to run.

4 Reasons Tulsi Gabbard Could Shock the Media, Party Establishment - IVN.us


1. She served her country in the armed forces
The percentage of congressional representatives with military experience has declined steadily since the early 1970s, and today, less than 18% has military experience. Gabbard served as a Major in the Army National Guard and saw two tours overseas. As it stands today, she’s the only announced candidate with military experience whose held congressional office. Her unique record of service, both as a veteran and representative, should help insulate her from ad hominem attacks that would be lethal to any other candidate.

2. She challenges her own party
Gabbard was launched into the national conversation in 2016 when she resigned from the DNC in protest and criticized the party’s anti-democratic policies. The move marked her clearly outside the norm in terms of party politics, but it also won her widespread notoriety as someone who’s willing to challenge political orthodoxy.

4. She can admit to her mistakes
Gabbard’s unique brand of Aloha politics enables her to admit her mistakes, which no politician is immune from. It didn’t take long for her statements on gay marriage and association with her father’s organization, the Alliance for Traditional Marriage, from the early 2000’s to surface.

The 2020 Democrats: Tulsi Gabbard

Political Positions

  • Healthcare: Gabbard supports socialist healthcare in order to cover the 27 million Americans not insured under the Affordable Care Act, according to her website. She wants the government talk with pharmaceutical companies about lowering drug prices.
  • Environment: Gabbard believes in finding solutions to climate change, and she is opposed to the Keystone Pipeline.
  • Economy: Gabbard is against the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. She said that the deal, “would reduce restrictions on foreign corporations operating within the U.S., limit our ability to protect our environment, and create more incentives for U.S. businesses to outsource investments and jobs overseas to countries with lower labor costs and standards.” She wants to adjust tax policies to support the growth of small business, punish corporations for outsourcing jobs overseas, and encourage green energy businesses to set up shop in the U.S.
  • Affordable Housing: According to Gabbard, Hawaii has the highest living costs in the nation. She blames the rich for building and selling expensive homes, which don’t end up getting filled and waste space. Homelessness increased by 46 percent in two years. Gabbard said she wants to provide affordable housing, prevent houses from being “flipped and sold for profit,” and increase “flexibility to empower state and local housing agencies, as well as private owners/developers, to develop new housing units, and creating new housing options in areas where housing vouchers are difficult to use.”
  • Gun Control: Gabbard pushed for more gun control in her political career, calling for the ban of what she calls military assault weapons and supporting “comprehensive pre-purchase background checks.”
  • Abortion: On Nov 2013, Gabbard co-sponsored the Women's Health Protection Act, which sought to make certain restrictions on abortion practices illegal.

Support her all you want. She has a chance less than zero of becoming the next president.
'Chance less then zero' does not exist.

Dang...do you Trumpbots even know what mathematics is?
She's way too moderate for the DNC. No chance, not bad looking tho.

Tulsi isn't too moderate but too radical, she not only promotes socialist free stuff but she's also against welfare for the MIC, refuses to promote regime changes and she's the only one opposing the deep state quest for revenge against Assange and wikileaks... that makes her even more dangerous than a fake commie like Bernie...

She doesn't stand a chance, the DNC and their 'liberal' MSM propaganda outlets will make sure of that


1. She served her country in the armed forces
The percentage of congressional representatives with military experience has declined steadily since the early 1970s, and today, less than 18% has military experience. Gabbard served as a Major in the Army National Guard and saw two tours overseas. As it stands today, she’s the only announced candidate with military experience whose held congressional office. Her unique record of service, both as a veteran and representative, should help insulate her from ad hominem attacks that would be lethal to any other candidate.

Since "serving" in the military today is like being a student at "Animal House," I am guessing her military experience is equivalent to a floor dorm room monitor at a college or university.
Might want to ask Leilana Estates residents about Tulsi Gabbard and her photo ops after Kilauea erupted.

And they see her as very progressive there.
Yup you heard it here first, I like her and since Nikki is not going to run.

4 Reasons Tulsi Gabbard Could Shock the Media, Party Establishment - IVN.us


1. She served her country in the armed forces
The percentage of congressional representatives with military experience has declined steadily since the early 1970s, and today, less than 18% has military experience. Gabbard served as a Major in the Army National Guard and saw two tours overseas. As it stands today, she’s the only announced candidate with military experience whose held congressional office. Her unique record of service, both as a veteran and representative, should help insulate her from ad hominem attacks that would be lethal to any other candidate.

2. She challenges her own party
Gabbard was launched into the national conversation in 2016 when she resigned from the DNC in protest and criticized the party’s anti-democratic policies. The move marked her clearly outside the norm in terms of party politics, but it also won her widespread notoriety as someone who’s willing to challenge political orthodoxy.

4. She can admit to her mistakes
Gabbard’s unique brand of Aloha politics enables her to admit her mistakes, which no politician is immune from. It didn’t take long for her statements on gay marriage and association with her father’s organization, the Alliance for Traditional Marriage, from the early 2000’s to surface.

The 2020 Democrats: Tulsi Gabbard

Political Positions

  • Healthcare: Gabbard supports socialist healthcare in order to cover the 27 million Americans not insured under the Affordable Care Act, according to her website. She wants the government talk with pharmaceutical companies about lowering drug prices.
  • Environment: Gabbard believes in finding solutions to climate change, and she is opposed to the Keystone Pipeline.
  • Economy: Gabbard is against the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. She said that the deal, “would reduce restrictions on foreign corporations operating within the U.S., limit our ability to protect our environment, and create more incentives for U.S. businesses to outsource investments and jobs overseas to countries with lower labor costs and standards.” She wants to adjust tax policies to support the growth of small business, punish corporations for outsourcing jobs overseas, and encourage green energy businesses to set up shop in the U.S.
  • Affordable Housing: According to Gabbard, Hawaii has the highest living costs in the nation. She blames the rich for building and selling expensive homes, which don’t end up getting filled and waste space. Homelessness increased by 46 percent in two years. Gabbard said she wants to provide affordable housing, prevent houses from being “flipped and sold for profit,” and increase “flexibility to empower state and local housing agencies, as well as private owners/developers, to develop new housing units, and creating new housing options in areas where housing vouchers are difficult to use.”
  • Gun Control: Gabbard pushed for more gun control in her political career, calling for the ban of what she calls military assault weapons and supporting “comprehensive pre-purchase background checks.”
  • Abortion: On Nov 2013, Gabbard co-sponsored the Women's Health Protection Act, which sought to make certain restrictions on abortion practices illegal.

I like her a lot as well, she is one of the candidates at the top of my list!
Yup you heard it here first, I like her and since Nikki is not going to run.

4 Reasons Tulsi Gabbard Could Shock the Media, Party Establishment - IVN.us


1. She served her country in the armed forces
The percentage of congressional representatives with military experience has declined steadily since the early 1970s, and today, less than 18% has military experience. Gabbard served as a Major in the Army National Guard and saw two tours overseas. As it stands today, she’s the only announced candidate with military experience whose held congressional office. Her unique record of service, both as a veteran and representative, should help insulate her from ad hominem attacks that would be lethal to any other candidate.

2. She challenges her own party
Gabbard was launched into the national conversation in 2016 when she resigned from the DNC in protest and criticized the party’s anti-democratic policies. The move marked her clearly outside the norm in terms of party politics, but it also won her widespread notoriety as someone who’s willing to challenge political orthodoxy.

4. She can admit to her mistakes
Gabbard’s unique brand of Aloha politics enables her to admit her mistakes, which no politician is immune from. It didn’t take long for her statements on gay marriage and association with her father’s organization, the Alliance for Traditional Marriage, from the early 2000’s to surface.

The 2020 Democrats: Tulsi Gabbard

Political Positions

  • Healthcare: Gabbard supports socialist healthcare in order to cover the 27 million Americans not insured under the Affordable Care Act, according to her website. She wants the government talk with pharmaceutical companies about lowering drug prices.
  • Environment: Gabbard believes in finding solutions to climate change, and she is opposed to the Keystone Pipeline.
  • Economy: Gabbard is against the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. She said that the deal, “would reduce restrictions on foreign corporations operating within the U.S., limit our ability to protect our environment, and create more incentives for U.S. businesses to outsource investments and jobs overseas to countries with lower labor costs and standards.” She wants to adjust tax policies to support the growth of small business, punish corporations for outsourcing jobs overseas, and encourage green energy businesses to set up shop in the U.S.
  • Affordable Housing: According to Gabbard, Hawaii has the highest living costs in the nation. She blames the rich for building and selling expensive homes, which don’t end up getting filled and waste space. Homelessness increased by 46 percent in two years. Gabbard said she wants to provide affordable housing, prevent houses from being “flipped and sold for profit,” and increase “flexibility to empower state and local housing agencies, as well as private owners/developers, to develop new housing units, and creating new housing options in areas where housing vouchers are difficult to use.”
  • Gun Control: Gabbard pushed for more gun control in her political career, calling for the ban of what she calls military assault weapons and supporting “comprehensive pre-purchase background checks.”
  • Abortion: On Nov 2013, Gabbard co-sponsored the Women's Health Protection Act, which sought to make certain restrictions on abortion practices illegal.
Yeah, she's sane and reasonable, and she doesn't put party over country.

I don't know if all that's really allowed right now, and I'm not kidding.
Yup you heard it here first, I like her and since Nikki is not going to run.

4 Reasons Tulsi Gabbard Could Shock the Media, Party Establishment - IVN.us


1. She served her country in the armed forces
The percentage of congressional representatives with military experience has declined steadily since the early 1970s, and today, less than 18% has military experience. Gabbard served as a Major in the Army National Guard and saw two tours overseas. As it stands today, she’s the only announced candidate with military experience whose held congressional office. Her unique record of service, both as a veteran and representative, should help insulate her from ad hominem attacks that would be lethal to any other candidate.

2. She challenges her own party
Gabbard was launched into the national conversation in 2016 when she resigned from the DNC in protest and criticized the party’s anti-democratic policies. The move marked her clearly outside the norm in terms of party politics, but it also won her widespread notoriety as someone who’s willing to challenge political orthodoxy.

4. She can admit to her mistakes
Gabbard’s unique brand of Aloha politics enables her to admit her mistakes, which no politician is immune from. It didn’t take long for her statements on gay marriage and association with her father’s organization, the Alliance for Traditional Marriage, from the early 2000’s to surface.

The 2020 Democrats: Tulsi Gabbard

Political Positions

  • Healthcare: Gabbard supports socialist healthcare in order to cover the 27 million Americans not insured under the Affordable Care Act, according to her website. She wants the government talk with pharmaceutical companies about lowering drug prices.
  • Environment: Gabbard believes in finding solutions to climate change, and she is opposed to the Keystone Pipeline.
  • Economy: Gabbard is against the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. She said that the deal, “would reduce restrictions on foreign corporations operating within the U.S., limit our ability to protect our environment, and create more incentives for U.S. businesses to outsource investments and jobs overseas to countries with lower labor costs and standards.” She wants to adjust tax policies to support the growth of small business, punish corporations for outsourcing jobs overseas, and encourage green energy businesses to set up shop in the U.S.
  • Affordable Housing: According to Gabbard, Hawaii has the highest living costs in the nation. She blames the rich for building and selling expensive homes, which don’t end up getting filled and waste space. Homelessness increased by 46 percent in two years. Gabbard said she wants to provide affordable housing, prevent houses from being “flipped and sold for profit,” and increase “flexibility to empower state and local housing agencies, as well as private owners/developers, to develop new housing units, and creating new housing options in areas where housing vouchers are difficult to use.”
  • Gun Control: Gabbard pushed for more gun control in her political career, calling for the ban of what she calls military assault weapons and supporting “comprehensive pre-purchase background checks.”
  • Abortion: On Nov 2013, Gabbard co-sponsored the Women's Health Protection Act, which sought to make certain restrictions on abortion practices illegal.

I like her a lot as well, she is one of the candidates at the top of my list!

For what reason(s)?

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