I am not ashamed.

I will tell everyone what triggers my ADHD...

[1] You are repeating the same bullshit for the Nth time after I have explained the facts to you...applies to ProgBots and neo-Cons alike.

[2] You are not enthusiastic about the whatever you are saying

[3] You cannot maintain eye contact so you must be a ProgBot and don't actually know anything about which you pontificate.
Favorite girl? Lol
I've had less than zero interactions with her. She didn't even name me in the friends thread so yeah....You're just a dick.

Well,.. that's because I've been sort of unsure about you as you sort of scare me a bit lol no offense or anything. You became a friend tonight though after this. :) (Btw, for the record I have some disabilities of my own.)
I am a 52 yo male.

I thought you said that you were female though?

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