Hypothetically speaking.


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
Hypothetically speaking: Your an atheist, you have a seven year old child Your child while walking down the hall in school hears a eight year old praying. The children start talking the other child tells yours about god. Later that night you hear you your child say a bedtime prayer. What do you do?
Sorry Froggy, I cannot even bring my mind to even hypothetically accept I'm an atheist so I cannot give an answer.
Sue the hospital, seven years ago they gave me the wrong baby.

Yes but think of the money that can be made with the miracle of a God loving baby born of atheist spawn.

You could start your own religious TV network.

The baby does the talking and you take care of the finance.

Just like Pat Robertson INC.
Hypothetically speaking: Your an atheist, you have a seven year old child Your child while walking down the hall in school hears a eight year old praying. The children start talking the other child tells yours about god. Later that night you hear you your child say a bedtime prayer. What do you do?

No worries, the child likely still believes in Santa Claus too.
I am an atheist but I'm not a parent so take that info for what it's worth.

I think a child of that age can understand, and have explained to them, what the praying child was doing (in a general way). I have no idea what one seven year old can impart to another on the subject of theology but it's not a lot.

As an atheist myself my (hypothetical) child would have a basic understanding of the concept of God anyway. Later, maybe soon after that age (school age in general) I would likely have started some kind of religious education on my own. (assuming my child were educated in a public school like I was) I would give a special focus on Christianity for the sole reason of it's value in understanding American literature.

I don't think kids ought to be sheltered from religion anymore than they should be sheltered in it. But some knowledge is needed to understand the culture, traditions, literature... etc of America.

All that said, what the Hell was uscitizen implying about Santa? :razz:
I am an atheist but I'm not a parent so take that info for what it's worth.

I think a child of that age can understand, and have explained to them, what the praying child was doing (in a general way). I have no idea what one seven year old can impart to another on the subject of theology but it's not a lot.

As an atheist myself my (hypothetical) child would have a basic understanding of the concept of God anyway. Later, maybe soon after that age (school age in general) I would likely have started some kind of religious education on my own. (assuming my child were educated in a public school like I was) I would give a special focus on Christianity for the sole reason of it's value in understanding American literature.

I don't think kids ought to be sheltered from religion anymore than they should be sheltered in it. But some knowledge is needed to understand the culture, traditions, literature... etc of America.

All that said, what the Hell was uscitizen implying about Santa? :razz:

With religion being a part of history, why isn't it being taught in schools? And about uscitizen who knows.
Hypothetically speaking: Your an atheist, you have a seven year old child Your child while walking down the hall in school hears a eight year old praying. The children start talking the other child tells yours about god. Later that night you hear you your child say a bedtime prayer. What do you do?

Playing along seriously:

I would use the opportunity to ask questions and have a discussion with my little tyke about what 'faith' means and exercise my God given right as a parent to present my perception of what is 'truth'.
Hypothetically speaking: Your an atheist, you have a seven year old child Your child while walking down the hall in school hears a eight year old praying. The children start talking the other child tells yours about god. Later that night you hear you your child say a bedtime prayer. What do you do?

Playing along seriously:

I would use the opportunity to ask questions and have a discussion with my little tyke about what 'faith' means and exercise my God given right as a parent to present my perception of what is 'truth'.

So your saying you'd instill your truth in him, why not let him explore that area on his own. Children are prone to be like their parents.
I am an atheist but I'm not a parent so take that info for what it's worth.

I think a child of that age can understand, and have explained to them, what the praying child was doing (in a general way). I have no idea what one seven year old can impart to another on the subject of theology but it's not a lot.

As an atheist myself my (hypothetical) child would have a basic understanding of the concept of God anyway. Later, maybe soon after that age (school age in general) I would likely have started some kind of religious education on my own. (assuming my child were educated in a public school like I was) I would give a special focus on Christianity for the sole reason of it's value in understanding American literature.

I don't think kids ought to be sheltered from religion anymore than they should be sheltered in it. But some knowledge is needed to understand the culture, traditions, literature... etc of America.

All that said, what the Hell was uscitizen implying about Santa? :razz:

With religion being a part of history, why isn't it being taught in schools? And about uscitizen who knows.

I learned some stuff about religion even in my average public school. Mostly Holy Roman Empire type stuff, some Greek and Roman mythology religion in ancient Egypt... stuff like that. I'm getting to the point where I can say "back in my day" so I have no clue what the deal is "nowdays". The trend seems to be going badly insofar as more and more cases of outright hostility to religion (mostly anti-Christian) and it's a shame. Most of what I hear and read though is anecdotal so grain of salt there.
Hypothetically speaking: Your an atheist, you have a seven year old child Your child while walking down the hall in school hears a eight year old praying. The children start talking the other child tells yours about god. Later that night you hear you your child say a bedtime prayer. What do you do?

Playing along seriously:

I would use the opportunity to ask questions and have a discussion with my little tyke about what 'faith' means and exercise my God given right as a parent to present my perception of what is 'truth'.

So your saying you'd instill your truth in him, why not let him explore that area on his own. Children are prone to be like their parents.

I said "present my perception", not "instill". How much better is any given road trip when a map or guide book is used?
Hypothetically speaking: Your an atheist, you have a seven year old child Your child while walking down the hall in school hears a eight year old praying. The children start talking the other child tells yours about god. Later that night you hear you your child say a bedtime prayer. What do you do?

Let them!

I am agnostic, and my son goes to a Christian Day Care, and I am thinking about sending him to a Catholic Pre School. My parents let me make up my mind, and I will let my son make up his.
Hypothetically speaking: Your an atheist, you have a seven year old child Your child while walking down the hall in school hears a eight year old praying. The children start talking the other child tells yours about god. Later that night you hear you your child say a bedtime prayer. What do you do?
Nothing. Allow my child to learn for herself that prayer is meaningless.
Hypothetically speaking: Your an atheist, you have a seven year old child Your child while walking down the hall in school hears a eight year old praying. The children start talking the other child tells yours about god. Later that night you hear you your child say a bedtime prayer. What do you do?
Unless there was bullying involved, no need to interfere in children's games.
Hypothetically speaking: Your an atheist, you have a seven year old child Your child while walking down the hall in school hears a eight year old praying. The children start talking the other child tells yours about god. Later that night you hear you your child say a bedtime prayer. What do you do?

Naturally, we beat the god out of the child.

That's what you wanted to hear, right?
Hypothetically speaking: Your an atheist, you have a seven year old child Your child while walking down the hall in school hears a eight year old praying. The children start talking the other child tells yours about god. Later that night you hear you your child say a bedtime prayer. What do you do?

i explain to him or her who god is...explain the various religions and ask him if he or she would like to attend church so he or she can learn more for themselves and make thier own choices....

pretty much how i am raising my two kids....

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