Hundreds of armed black protesters face off with white farmers as So. Af. town braces for bloodshed over farm murder case that prompted violence last


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Hundreds of armed black protesters face off with white farmers as South African town braces for bloodshed over farm murder case that prompted violence last week

16 Oct 2020 ~~ By Tim Stickings

A South African town was bracing for racial violence today as black protesters armed with golf clubs and cricket bats faced off with white farmers in pick-up trucks outside a court where two black men are accused of killing a farmer.
The killing of Brendin Horner has led to riots in the town of Senekal where white protesters stormed the courthouse, fired shots and set fire to a police car last week.
Today, hundreds of black protesters linked to the Economic Freedom Fighters movement - which supports redistributing land from white people - gathered outside the courthouse with some hurling rocks despite efforts to keep calm.
The black protesters were brandishing golf clubs, hockey sticks and cricket bats ahead of the two murder suspects' second court appearance today.
The farmers, who accuse the government of failing to protect them from violent crime, arrived in pick-up trucks with some in military outfits and others waving 'Boer Lives Matter' banners at today's stand-off.
The small town has been thrust into an international spotlight after the protesting white farmers burst into the court hearing last week.
One of the murder suspects had been arrested 16 times before his latest detention over Horner's killing, police minister Bheki Cele said.
Cele visited the town on Tuesday, meeting the murdered farmer's family.
Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema had warned that he would mobilise supporters to descend on Senekal ahead of today's bail hearing.
'We are going to face white men face-to- face,' Malema said in Johannesburg two days after he tweeted a picture of a rifle.
Wearing their trademark red shirts and berets, the Freedom Fighters staged a march attended by hundreds today while many white farmers arrived wearing khaki shirts and shorts, with some in military outfits.
'We must strike fear in the hearts of racists, they must never be comfortable in our democracy,' said a tweet from the Freedom Fighters' account today.
Police separated the two groups with razor wire in one street, but they regrouped and faced off in another area as police helicopters hovered overhead.
'Part of the farm murder crisis is that senior politicians, also in the governing party, readily romanticise violence against farmers in their utterances,' Afriforum head Ernst Roets said.
South Africa has the world's fifth-highest murder rate and white farmers account for only a tiny fraction of the total.
The government is preparing to expropriate white-owned land without compensation, as part of an effort to redress economic inequalities.
The alleged instigator of last week's court rioting, businessman Andre Pienaar, is in custody facing charges of public violence, attempted murder and incitement.
He also faces a possible charge of terrorism, according to the prosecuting authority.
John Mathuhle, a pastor in the town, said what was meant to be a 'peaceful' protest by the farmers outside the courthouse last week 'didn't really end well'.
'So as a result of that we had a lot of racial tension,' he said.

The African National Congress (ANC) which took over the South African government is a communist organization and Nelson Mandela was the head of it’s terrorist wing (notice how they like the color red). Mandela was imprisoned for complicity in over 150 terrorist bombings, not for the popular misconception of human rights speeches. This is the future the BLM sees for the USA.
Is this the future the BLM sees for the USA.”
Coming to a neighborhood near you. Who knows maybe your neighborhood! Maybe your house! the suburbs of Portland are finding that out. Soon after the Marxist Socialist revolution there will be no more suffering, no more pain, and chocolate strawberry sugar drops will float down gentle rivers of orange plumb fairies. All will be still and no more will children cry and no one will ever die again. This time they'll get it right.. Huh Huh....

Indeed, the responsibility should lay at the feet of the ‘Greatest Generation’. They were the last to see the true horrors of what Progressive Marxist Socialism do, but they were so protective of their kids, that they never bothered to explain what they knew and saw*. They wanted to allow their kids to ‘find themselves’, just to leave them vulnerable to a very small band of hard-leftist teachers/professors and others who then lit the fuse in the bomb that’s now going off.
What we are seeing in South Africa today will soon be happening here.
President Trump is going to lose.

I hope that he will immediately use his remaining days in office to grant emergency refuge to all the South African farmers who are being terrorized or murdered in that terrible country.

They would be the kind of excellent immigrants that this country so badly needs.
Hundreds of armed black protesters face off with white farmers as South African town braces for bloodshed over farm murder case that prompted violence last week

16 Oct 2020 ~~ By Tim Stickings

A South African town was bracing for racial violence today as black protesters armed with golf clubs and cricket bats faced off with white farmers in pick-up trucks outside a court where two black men are accused of killing a farmer.
The killing of Brendin Horner has led to riots in the town of Senekal where white protesters stormed the courthouse, fired shots and set fire to a police car last week.
Today, hundreds of black protesters linked to the Economic Freedom Fighters movement - which supports redistributing land from white people - gathered outside the courthouse with some hurling rocks despite efforts to keep calm.
The black protesters were brandishing golf clubs, hockey sticks and cricket bats ahead of the two murder suspects' second court appearance today.
The farmers, who accuse the government of failing to protect them from violent crime, arrived in pick-up trucks with some in military outfits and others waving 'Boer Lives Matter' banners at today's stand-off.
The small town has been thrust into an international spotlight after the protesting white farmers burst into the court hearing last week.
One of the murder suspects had been arrested 16 times before his latest detention over Horner's killing, police minister Bheki Cele said.
Cele visited the town on Tuesday, meeting the murdered farmer's family.
Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema had warned that he would mobilise supporters to descend on Senekal ahead of today's bail hearing.
'We are going to face white men face-to- face,' Malema said in Johannesburg two days after he tweeted a picture of a rifle.
Wearing their trademark red shirts and berets, the Freedom Fighters staged a march attended by hundreds today while many white farmers arrived wearing khaki shirts and shorts, with some in military outfits.
'We must strike fear in the hearts of racists, they must never be comfortable in our democracy,' said a tweet from the Freedom Fighters' account today.
Police separated the two groups with razor wire in one street, but they regrouped and faced off in another area as police helicopters hovered overhead.
'Part of the farm murder crisis is that senior politicians, also in the governing party, readily romanticise violence against farmers in their utterances,' Afriforum head Ernst Roets said.
South Africa has the world's fifth-highest murder rate and white farmers account for only a tiny fraction of the total.
The government is preparing to expropriate white-owned land without compensation, as part of an effort to redress economic inequalities.
The alleged instigator of last week's court rioting, businessman Andre Pienaar, is in custody facing charges of public violence, attempted murder and incitement.
He also faces a possible charge of terrorism, according to the prosecuting authority.
John Mathuhle, a pastor in the town, said what was meant to be a 'peaceful' protest by the farmers outside the courthouse last week 'didn't really end well'.
'So as a result of that we had a lot of racial tension,' he said.

The African National Congress (ANC) which took over the South African government is a communist organization and Nelson Mandela was the head of it’s terrorist wing (notice how they like the color red). Mandela was imprisoned for complicity in over 150 terrorist bombings, not for the popular misconception of human rights speeches. This is the future the BLM sees for the USA.
Is this the future the BLM sees for the USA.”
Coming to a neighborhood near you. Who knows maybe your neighborhood! Maybe your house! the suburbs of Portland are finding that out. Soon after the Marxist Socialist revolution there will be no more suffering, no more pain, and chocolate strawberry sugar drops will float down gentle rivers of orange plumb fairies. All will be still and no more will children cry and no one will ever die again. This time they'll get it right.. Huh Huh....

Indeed, the responsibility should lay at the feet of the ‘Greatest Generation’. They were the last to see the true horrors of what Progressive Marxist Socialism do, but they were so protective of their kids, that they never bothered to explain what they knew and saw*. They wanted to allow their kids to ‘find themselves’, just to leave them vulnerable to a very small band of hard-leftist teachers/professors and others who then lit the fuse in the bomb that’s now going off.
What we are seeing in South Africa today will soon be happening here.
Mandela is one of the biggest false prophets in history.

Amazing how blacks always accuse whites of racism, but ignore the more racist regime and countries in the world are all inclusive Africa! Blacks against whites!
President Trump is going to lose.

I hope that he will immediately use his remaining days in office to grant emergency refuge to all the South African farmers who are being terrorized or murdered in that terrible country.

They would be the kind of excellent immigrants that this country so badly needs.
They are white, educated and industrious. Not the kind of immigrant chicom democrats want. Russia is giving them farmland and a stake.
Doc7505 GHook20

No white man is Africa.

If a man comes into your home, and stomps over you and your family and uses what's in your home to create wealth and power for himself.

That man can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home back.

It's not racism you dumb white bastard. Them white bastards had no fking business being there in the fking first place.

The fking arrogance of white people makes my fking blood boil.

"O no. We can't 100% sh*t on n*ggers? We can't force them to live there lives in the mud ? We can't have 99% of the cake ? O NO !! THATS RACISM !! THATS SO UNFAIR !"

You should be thankful that I'm not over there running sh*t.


Burns you to your core for blk ppl to be in position above whites.

And lets be clear whites in SA are still in charge from an economic standpoint. But the land is coming bk to its rightful owner.
" Government As A Means Of Success Because Free Enterprise Is Too Complex "

* Another Idiotic Socialist Psychopath *

Did you really listen to the words of that imbecile ?

So tell us , if you had the capacity to make something of your own other than steeling it from some else who did , would you want a bunch of militant bureaucratic thugs to take it from you and redistribute it to everyone , which does not happen , so that only the bureaucratic hierarchy has any semblance of personal wealth or independence while everyone else is equally poor and has to beg for success ?
" Fomenting The Inner City Rat Race Perpetuating Class Struggles "

* Comedy Goading High Yellow *

It's not racism you dumb white bastard. Them white bastards had no fking business being there in the fking first place. The fking arrogance of white people makes my fking blood boil.
Can we get you to let the left wing know your feelings that multiculturalism is only applicable to white people ?

* Now Is Your Chance To Move Back And Save The Day *
Burns you to your core for blk ppl to be in position above whites.
And lets be clear whites in SA are still in charge from an economic standpoint. But the land is coming bk to its rightful owner.
Yeah , africa dominance is going to the chinese while the left is pushing for beijing biden to sell off us manufacturing , intellectual property and autonomy in the same way .

“Right now you could say that any big project in African cities that is higher than three floors or roads that are longer than three kilometers are most likely being built and engineered by the Chinese.

Africa has become the fastest urbanizing region of the world, with rural migrants moving into cities a clip that has even surpassed that of China and India, as the continent becomes one of the final frontiers of the forth industrial revolution. This rapid transition presents big challenges but also offers big rewards for countries willing to risk billions in an infrastructure building revolution unlike anything the world has seen before – and no country has answered Africa’s call quite like China.

By 2050, Africa’s 1.1 billion person population is slated to double, with 80% of this growth happening in cities, bringing the continent’s urban headcount up to more than 1.3 billion.
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" Lame Analysis Of Rectification For Who Took What During Natural History "

" Multiculturalism Hypocrites In Clown Outfits "

Nobody invited the whites to invade a black man's territory.
Oh yeah , there is the left wing banter to castigate that evil whitey colonialism which setup outposts throughout the world to collect resources and establish trade by mercantilism .

Clearly the banter of multiculturalism is a one way street for the left where all other peoples on the planet are entitled to homogeneity and self determination except for evil whitey who must surrender its own autonomy , and if the left were not such pathetic hypocrites it would be paying the diminishing white populations to breed without restraint to intentionally transplant them elsewhere in pursuit of its globalist socialism , multiculturalism , utopia .

The two next ones are of European origin: Afrikaans (13.5%) developed from Dutch and serves as the first language of most coloured and white South Africans; English (9.6%) reflects the legacy of British colonialism, and is commonly used in public and commercial life. The country is one of the few in Africa never to have had a coup d'état, and regular elections have been held for almost a century.

South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. With over 59 million people, it is the world's 24th-most populous nation and covers an area of 1,221,037 square kilometres (471,445 sq mi).

About 80% of South Africans are of Black African ancestry,[9] divided among a variety of ethnic groups speaking different African languages.[13] The remaining population consists of Africa's largest communities of European, Asian, and multiracial ancestry.
Hundreds of armed black protesters face off with white farmers as South African town braces for bloodshed over farm murder case that prompted violence last week

16 Oct 2020 ~~ By Tim Stickings

A South African town was bracing for racial violence today as black protesters armed with golf clubs and cricket bats faced off with white farmers in pick-up trucks outside a court where two black men are accused of killing a farmer.
The killing of Brendin Horner has led to riots in the town of Senekal where white protesters stormed the courthouse, fired shots and set fire to a police car last week.
Today, hundreds of black protesters linked to the Economic Freedom Fighters movement - which supports redistributing land from white people - gathered outside the courthouse with some hurling rocks despite efforts to keep calm.
The black protesters were brandishing golf clubs, hockey sticks and cricket bats ahead of the two murder suspects' second court appearance today.
The farmers, who accuse the government of failing to protect them from violent crime, arrived in pick-up trucks with some in military outfits and others waving 'Boer Lives Matter' banners at today's stand-off.
The small town has been thrust into an international spotlight after the protesting white farmers burst into the court hearing last week.
One of the murder suspects had been arrested 16 times before his latest detention over Horner's killing, police minister Bheki Cele said.
Cele visited the town on Tuesday, meeting the murdered farmer's family.
Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema had warned that he would mobilise supporters to descend on Senekal ahead of today's bail hearing.
'We are going to face white men face-to- face,' Malema said in Johannesburg two days after he tweeted a picture of a rifle.
Wearing their trademark red shirts and berets, the Freedom Fighters staged a march attended by hundreds today while many white farmers arrived wearing khaki shirts and shorts, with some in military outfits.
'We must strike fear in the hearts of racists, they must never be comfortable in our democracy,' said a tweet from the Freedom Fighters' account today.
Police separated the two groups with razor wire in one street, but they regrouped and faced off in another area as police helicopters hovered overhead.
'Part of the farm murder crisis is that senior politicians, also in the governing party, readily romanticise violence against farmers in their utterances,' Afriforum head Ernst Roets said.
South Africa has the world's fifth-highest murder rate and white farmers account for only a tiny fraction of the total.
The government is preparing to expropriate white-owned land without compensation, as part of an effort to redress economic inequalities.
The alleged instigator of last week's court rioting, businessman Andre Pienaar, is in custody facing charges of public violence, attempted murder and incitement.
He also faces a possible charge of terrorism, according to the prosecuting authority.
John Mathuhle, a pastor in the town, said what was meant to be a 'peaceful' protest by the farmers outside the courthouse last week 'didn't really end well'.
'So as a result of that we had a lot of racial tension,' he said.

The African National Congress (ANC) which took over the South African government is a communist organization and Nelson Mandela was the head of it’s terrorist wing (notice how they like the color red). Mandela was imprisoned for complicity in over 150 terrorist bombings, not for the popular misconception of human rights speeches. This is the future the BLM sees for the USA.
Is this the future the BLM sees for the USA.”
Coming to a neighborhood near you. Who knows maybe your neighborhood! Maybe your house! the suburbs of Portland are finding that out. Soon after the Marxist Socialist revolution there will be no more suffering, no more pain, and chocolate strawberry sugar drops will float down gentle rivers of orange plumb fairies. All will be still and no more will children cry and no one will ever die again. This time they'll get it right.. Huh Huh....

Indeed, the responsibility should lay at the feet of the ‘Greatest Generation’. They were the last to see the true horrors of what Progressive Marxist Socialism do, but they were so protective of their kids, that they never bothered to explain what they knew and saw*. They wanted to allow their kids to ‘find themselves’, just to leave them vulnerable to a very small band of hard-leftist teachers/professors and others who then lit the fuse in the bomb that’s now going off.
What we are seeing in South Africa today will soon be happening here.
Mandela is one of the biggest false prophets in history.

Amazing how blacks always accuse whites of racism, but ignore the more racist regime and countries in the world are all inclusive Africa! Blacks against whites!


Nelson Mandela and his followers rank a close second to Pot their genocidal actions..
Doc7505 GHook20

No white man is Africa.

If a man comes into your home, and stomps over you and your family and uses what's in your home to create wealth and power for himself.

That man can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home back.
False equivalent because it didn’t happen in any of those counties... and White South Africans are citizens of the country and not invaders... you sound very much lie the KKK and their desire to to get rid of all minorities from the US... you should feel quite proud you are basically praising the KKK you are scum
False equivalent because it didn’t happen in any of those counties... and White South Africans are citizens of the country and not invaders... you sound very much lie the KKK and their desire to to get rid of all minorities from the US... you should feel quite proud you are basically praising the KKK you are

White people are not indigenous to South Africa or Africa. If a pig is born in a stable, that doesnt make it a horse.

Is violence the answer?

Well, you have to speak the language of the white man, and the white man only understands violence, so you have to talk in a way that he understands.

Besides white people can still wrk for minimum wage as field hands, labourers and crop pickers for black farmers.

Black people could never treat white people, the way white people treat and have treated blk ppl.

God just didnt make us that way. He just didn't give us that heart.
" Delusions Of Grandeur Bragging About Absurdities"

* Carnivorous Rage In All Of Us *

Black people could never treat white people, the way white people treat and have treated blk ppl. God just didnt make us that way. He just didn't give us that heart.
Let us guess , you are basing that on the genetic evolution of blacks to no longer have cuspid ( canine teeth ) .

Whites were wise enough to end slavery for themselves and for others , so try not to pretend blacks set the rule rather than simply apply the rule .

According to Robert Davis between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves to North Africa and the Ottoman Empire between the 16th and 19th centuries.[81][82] However, to extrapolate his numbers, Davis assumes the number of European slaves captured by Barbary pirates were constant for a 250-year period, stating:

"There are no records of how many men, women and children were enslaved, but it is possible to calculate roughly the number of fresh captives that would have been needed to keep populations steady and replace those slaves who died, escaped, were ransomed, or converted to Islam. On this basis, it is thought that around 8,500 new slaves were needed annually to replenish numbers - about 850,000 captives over the century from 1580 to 1680. By extension, for the 250 years between 1530 and 1780, the figure could easily have been as high as 1,250,000."[83]

Davis' numbers have been disputed by other historians, such as David Earle, who cautions that the true picture of European slaves is clouded by the fact the corsairs also seized non-Christian whites from eastern Europe and black people from West Africa.

* Japheth Shem Ham *

The governments credited with the strongest response to modern slavery are the Netherlands, the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Australia, Portugal, Croatia, Spain, Belgium, Germany and Norway.[85]

In contrast, the governments accused of taking the least action against it are North Korea, Iran, Eritrea, Equatorial Guinea, Hong Kong, Central African Republic, Papua New Guinea, Guinea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan.[85]
False equivalent because it didn’t happen in any of those counties... and White South Africans are citizens of the country and not invaders... you sound very much lie the KKK and their desire to to get rid of all minorities from the US... you should feel quite proud you are basically praising the KKK you are

White people are not indigenous to South Africa or Africa. If a pig is born in a stable, that doesnt make it a horse.

Is violence the answer?

Well, you have to speak the language of the white man, and the white man only understands violence, so you have to talk in a way that he understands.

Besides white people can still wrk for minimum wage as field hands, labourers and crop pickers for black farmers.

Black people could never treat white people, the way white people treat and have treated blk ppl.

God just didnt make us that way. He just didn't give us that heart.
On your same philosophy blacks should not be allowed in Europe or America, so when are you moving your black ass back to Africa?

Fun how when the logic is turned, it is easy to poke holes in your racism!

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