Human tailbone still wags, can be a confusing dizzyness


VIP Member
Nov 24, 2015
The human tailbone wagging can cause a dizzyness in the ears. Just take a deep breath, hold it, and let it out slowly and you will feel the tailbone wagging as a dizzyness in the ears. People debate with me about this but I feel it as a dizziness daily.

For a long time I misinterpreted the dizzyness I felt in connection with a schizoid disorder I suffered. Then one day while I was watching a baseball game I noticed that the way they held the bat before swinging looked like it could be related to the tail. As it turns out it is.

The tailbone wags according to emotions. I think it might be the entrance of the emotions into the physical systems of the body causing anxiety. A stifled tailbone occurs when you are shunned and the emotions enter into your physical systems as anxiety. Anxiety often occurs in situations where you might get in trouble or yelled at. Your tailbone wags when you get excited to say something but if it is stifled by someone else's authority then you can feel anxiety.

Wobbling the knee slightly in a circular motion will simultaneously move the tailbone in the same motion. When you put 'inappropriate' pauses or changes in speed in the wobbling you can feel pain travel through your different physical systems related to anxiety because you are wagging the tail un naturally.

I think it would be important to do studies on the dizziness caused by the tailbone wagging. First off just to prove that it does. Secondly because I am passionate about the balance system and its connection to schizophrenia, and don't want anyone else stumbling down the same road that I did for 8 years confusing the dizziness with schizoid symptoms. It really did me a lot of harm being confused about this dizziness.
Kinda wierd asking this, but if yout tailbone wags, you should be able to feel the movement with your finger, right?
Would that be sufficient evidence if you could feel it with your finger? I can feel it wagging without my finger.
It will be only a matter of time before the pharmaceutical industry starts advertising a new drug for this tailbone wagging. Like all the other shit they keep coming out for imaginary diseases I've never heard of.
It will be only a matter of time before the pharmaceutical industry starts advertising a new drug for this tailbone wagging. Like all the other shit they keep coming out for imaginary diseases I've never heard of.
NoWag! The only medication marketed to prevent unwanted tailbone wagging!

Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to NoWag.

Caution: NoWag may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds.

NoWag contains a liquid core, which, if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at.

Do not use NoWag on concrete.

Discontinue use of NoWag if any of the following occurs:

  • itching
  • vertigo
  • dizziness
  • tingling in extremities
  • loss of balance or coordination
  • slurred speech
  • temporary blindness
  • profuse sweating
  • or heart palpitations.
If NoWag begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head.

NoWag may stick to certain types of skin.

When not in use, NoWag should be returned to its special container and kept under refrigeration. Failure to do so relieves the makers of NoWag, Better Living Through Chemistry Pharmaceuticals, and its parent company, Global Chemical and Toxic Waste Disposal, Unlimited, of any and all liability.

Ingredients of NoWag include an unknown glowing green substance which fell to Earth, presumably from outer space.

NoWag has been shipped to our troops in Saudi Arabia and is being dropped by our warplanes on Iraq.

Do not taunt NoWag.
It's very rare, but some people still have a vestigal tail. I dated a woman with a little bump right at the end of her spine. It didn't wiggle though. That might have been fun.
its been missing for 380 million years! I don't know if in that time it was ever known to cause dizzyness and then forgotten.
When you stifle a tail bone wag it will come out some other part of your body a a twitch. Just watch a baseball batter who leaves the bat over his shoulder motionless. The tail bone is definitely known to come out as a visual hallucination. You may inherently stifle it already to avoid dizzyness.
If you stare at an object like really stare at it til it becomes blurry, while sitting comfortably your tail may start to wag. From there its a game of asking it questions to sooth it so it continues to wag. Keeping a tail wag going may mean answering things quickly as they pop up in the mind esp. from outside stimulus's and hallucination's. Talking to your tail and telling it to ignore hallucination may help. Visual hallucination of a tailbone wag dizzyness can be stopped by brething and eye focus. The mysitcal nature of your tailbone coming out your eyes can make the hallucination seem like it acts on its own. But it doesn't. It's just the trickery you have to have in thought to stop it otherwise you adjust focus or breathing which is a good way but not the way to train the mind.

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