HuffPo says 'Time to stop making excuses for Obama'


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
You know Obama fucked up in the debate when even Huffpo goes after him :rofl:

Bob Herbert: No More Excuses
It's time to stop making excuses for Barack Obama. With so much at stake in this election, his performance at the debate on Wednesday night was indefensible.

Ever since he was elected, there have been reasons offered, either publicly or privately, for why Obama has been unable to fully engage some of the nation's most important challenges.

But Obama and his advisers have been unwilling to address this catastrophe openly and forcefully out of fear that the president would be perceived as too black by prejudiced white voters, thus losing their support.

There is always some excuse, some reason for not bringing all of the president's energy and resources to the fight.

On Wednesday night nearly 60 million television viewers got to witness this chronic unwillingness of Barack Obama to fight.

The harsh truth is that President Obama seemed unprepared for the debate. He came off as a man who didn't really want to be there...

Romney, in contrast, seemed not just confident but in command.

The president let his people down. And if he's capable of doing that in an election that is clearly so important, it means he's capable of doing it again if he wins a second term.
omg, better watch out for Lakhota...this could be the END for their love affair with Hufferpost:lol:
huffpost is not a credible source. duuuuuuh. i love libs ... gives me something to chortle at when my day is rough.

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