Howard Dean Confusing Anger With Love Of Country


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Howard Dean is no longer in politics, and with comments like this it's no small wonder why he couldn't get elected to save his life.

Former Democratic National Chairman Howard Dean speculated about what has motivated people to flock to movie theaters in droves to see “American Sniper,” the movie about the life of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle.

“There’s a lot of anger in this country, and the people who go see this movie are people who are very angry,” Dean said on “Real Time with Bill Maher” on Friday.

“This guy basically says, ‘I’m going to fight on your side,’” Dean said of Kyle, who was the most prolific sniper in U.S. military history. The legendary sniper was murdered at a Texas gun range in 2013.

“I bet you if you looked at the cross-section of the tea party and people who see this movie there’s a lot of intersection,” the former governor of Vermont continued. Howard Dean American Sniper Viewers Are Very Angry The Daily Caller

Bill Maher Panel Clash over American Sniper Just About Psychopath Patriot - YouTube
This is why Republicans are winning elections. This type of screwed up, anti-American sentiment is precisely the reason why Republicans will probably take back the White House, irregardless of the proclamations from the media that Hillary is a shoe-in.

Democrats just don't get it. They think that if they promise free stuff that they will win. They don't appeal to what made this country great. Brotherhood, sacrifice, love of country. Those are "Tea Party" principles. All of these are something to be criticized and laughed at according to liberals. Instead they believe that America is the greatest threat to world peace on the planet.

Total insanity.

This why the big mouth critics of America tend to come out of the woodwork. "American Sniper" has been leading box-office earnings since it's release. It's not just the subject, but the quality of the film that's bringing them in. Some people are finding it hard to watch because of the absolute horrors of war it shows. One would think a leftist would love such a film. Nope. Anything that shows our troops in a positive light is hated by creeps like Michael Moore and Howard Dean.
Why I Almost Walked Out of American Sniper Hale and Hearty Words

Just so we are's all about patriotism and love of country until they come home and then Vets are treated like shit. Hell yeah, but here's a $60 million dollar movie where we take the antagonist that is a blip in the book and make it sing and dance through out the movie and call it troof.

As an aside, I really love how Hollywood has become the definition of America.
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Dean is the very model of the modern liberal. Completely full of shit. America votes with their wallets, he doesn't like it, tough shit. There are plenty of anti-military movies, this one is actually rare. America also voted on November 4th because they are tired of these irrelevant assholes that literally have nothing else to offer.
the meat has slipped off of deans sandwich along time ago

with that in mind

i certainly hope that dean remains the mouth piece of the libtards

in regards to this movie

which drives the moonbats more nuts

1-it is a story about an American war hero

2- a Clint Eastwood movie

3- it is a Clint Eastwood movie about to be the #1 $ maker

4- other unforeseen hatred for America

5-all of the above

In all fairness, there needs to be a movie for the left that fills the niche that "American Sniper" does. "American Sniper" fills the audience with pride and patriotic feelings - the left deserves the same. So it's time for Hollywood to make "Taliban Suicide Bomber" so that Howard Dean, Matt Damon, and Elizabeth Warren can have a movie to love and celebrate.
In all fairness, there needs to be a movie for the left that fills the niche that "American Sniper" does. "American Sniper" fills the audience with pride and patriotic feelings - the left deserves the same. So it's time for Hollywood to make "Taliban Suicide Bomber" so that Howard Dean, Matt Damon, and Elizabeth Warren can have a movie to love and celebrate.
Kristen Stewart is starring in a film about GITMO prisoners in love called "Camp X-Ray".

Camp X-Ray film - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
It's almost made $10,000.00

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