How will Trump work with a Paul Ryan???


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Bear in mind that Trump was a democrat only a few years ago and that many of his proposed policies smack a lot closer with democrats' tenets.

For example, the health care insurance system, or the "hands-off" Social Security and Medicare advocacy, all align with Trump AND democrats' policies....

So, will Trump work more closely with a Ryan or will he work more with a Chuck Schumer?
The answer is "yes". Schumer was on this morning and stated that he supports much of the Trump agenda. He supports infrastructure spending, strengthening the border, cancelling NAFTA,TPP, and Iran "agreement", all items that help workers. But would oppose killing Dodd-Frank and items that help wall street. Ryan and Trump could implement much of the "100 day" plans issued by Trump w/o Schumer.
Chuck Schumer. I do not believe that Trump knew what the ACA was (since he didn't not realize his employees were not on it) but once he finds out he might even demand all states to expand Medicaid.:eusa_dance:
Chuck Schumer. I do not believe that Trump knew what the ACA was (since he didn't not realize his employees were not on it) but once he finds out he might even demand all states to expand Medicaid.:eusa_dance:
Also to mess with Medicare and SS is something Trump would not want to do.
Ryan. Chuck Schumer will be lucky to hold his current position after the 2018 election much less gain a majority. Then comes 2020 with the concentration on winning at the state level, which will feature ever better gerrymandering. Dream on McGovern did less damage to the Ds than Hillary.
Ryan. Chuck Schumer will be lucky to hold his current position after the 2018 election much less gain a majority. Then comes 2020 with the concentration on winning at the state level, which will feature ever better gerrymandering. Dream on McGovern did less damage to the Ds than Hillary.

Oh yes we need to go by popular vote, because the Pubs won by gerrymandering.
Ryan. Chuck Schumer will be lucky to hold his current position after the 2018 election much less gain a majority. Then comes 2020 with the concentration on winning at the state level, which will feature ever better gerrymandering. Dream on McGovern did less damage to the Ds than Hillary.

Oh yes we need to go by popular vote, because the Pubs won by gerrymandering.
Ryan. Chuck Schumer will be lucky to hold his current position after the 2018 election much less gain a majority. Then comes 2020 with the concentration on winning at the state level, which will feature ever better gerrymandering. Dream on McGovern did less damage to the Ds than Hillary.

Oh yes we need to go by popular vote, because the Pubs won by gerrymandering.
Chuck Schumer. I do not believe that Trump knew what the ACA was (since he didn't not realize his employees were not on it) but once he finds out he might even demand all states to expand Medicaid.:eusa_dance:
Also to mess with Medicare and SS is something Trump would not want to do.
Do you think that expanding medicaid is wrong? I don't know enough to be qualified about health programs, but if there is a vehicle in place to give insurance to those who don't have it, why create a new program that is so costly?
Ryan. Chuck Schumer will be lucky to hold his current position after the 2018 election much less gain a majority. Then comes 2020 with the concentration on winning at the state level, which will feature ever better gerrymandering. Dream on McGovern did less damage to the Ds than Hillary.

Oh yes we need to go by popular vote, because the Pubs won by gerrymandering.
If you want to guarantee a civil war, just try and push that bullshit, "let's use the popular vote to determine who controls the executive."
Chuck Schumer. I do not believe that Trump knew what the ACA was (since he didn't not realize his employees were not on it) but once he finds out he might even demand all states to expand Medicaid.:eusa_dance:
Also to mess with Medicare and SS is something Trump would not want to do.
Do you think that expanding medicaid is wrong? I don't know enough to be qualified about health programs, but if there is a vehicle in place to give insurance to those who don't have it, why create a new program that is so costly?

All states but 19 didn't expand Medicaid and many are uninsured in those states the GOP states, Texas worst than any state. (I'm pro the ACA and expanded Medicaid)
Ryan. Chuck Schumer will be lucky to hold his current position after the 2018 election much less gain a majority. Then comes 2020 with the concentration on winning at the state level, which will feature ever better gerrymandering. Dream on McGovern did less damage to the Ds than Hillary.

Oh yes we need to go by popular vote, because the Pubs won by gerrymandering.
yeah ACA is another migration stimulant.

Since many workers are now freelancers, and many more will become ICs , the ACA is the way to go.
That's a great question. A lot will depend on whether or not Sessions goes after those in Congress who covered up for O on Global Warming, and Ryan is at the top of that list, deciding in mid Nov 2015 not to release the FBI fraud case against the "warmers" because Bibi told him not to....
That's a great question. A lot will depend on whether or not Sessions goes after those in Congress who covered up for O on Global Warming, and Ryan is at the top of that list, deciding in mid Nov 2015 not to release the FBI fraud case against the "warmers" because Bibi told him not to....
Hey, junk science is junk science.
An FBI fraud case is a bit more than a message board claim of junk science....

This is the first test for Sessions and Trump, can they stand up to Netanyahu and others and cut off Algore's fraud at the knees?
Bear in mind that Trump was a democrat only a few years ago and that many of his proposed policies smack a lot closer with democrats' tenets.

For example, the health care insurance system, or the "hands-off" Social Security and Medicare advocacy, all align with Trump AND democrats' policies....

So, will Trump work more closely with a Ryan or will he work more with a Chuck Schumer?
Looks like Ryan is excited about working with President Trump.....

Bear in mind that Trump was a democrat only a few years ago and that many of his proposed policies smack a lot closer with democrats' tenets.

For example, the health care insurance system, or the "hands-off" Social Security and Medicare advocacy, all align with Trump AND democrats' policies....

So, will Trump work more closely with a Ryan or will he work more with a Chuck Schumer?
Looks like Ryan is excited about working with President Trump.....

Ryan NEVER had a back bone anyway.........His wishy-washy endorsement of Trump shows how much of a coward Ryan is........LOL
Bear in mind that Trump was a democrat only a few years ago and that many of his proposed policies smack a lot closer with democrats' tenets.

For example, the health care insurance system, or the "hands-off" Social Security and Medicare advocacy, all align with Trump AND democrats' policies....

So, will Trump work more closely with a Ryan or will he work more with a Chuck Schumer?
Looks like Ryan is excited about working with President Trump.....

Ryan NEVER had a back bone anyway.........His wishy-washy endorsement of Trump shows how much of a coward Ryan is........LOL

Pay particular attention to what he says in the first 50secs. :)

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