How Will the U.S. Deal With the Mushrooming Debt Caused By COVID-19?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

How Will the U.S. Deal With the Mushrooming Debt Caused By COVID-19?

The Reagan Administration began the foolproof system the U.S government has used during the past four decades to deal with the federal budget. It involves less revenue equaling more revenue, and how sending high-paying U.S. jobs overseas creates more jobs here at home. Only progressives see the contradiction in these and the other convoluted components in “Reagan’s Folly”, and have from the beginning.

Unfortunately, most Americans believed Ronny, and multi-trillions-of-dollars later, still believe his methods have been overwhelmingly successful managing debt. Today, the vast majority of members of congress swear by the economic policies established by Reagan, and most red states have copied them.

Kansas is a shining example of the epic failure of Reagan's policies, as then governor, Republican Sam Brownback proved by going full on “Reaganomics” and “trickle down”. Brownback's years in office, when less revenue equaled more revenue, and lowering the quality of state services (supposedly) improved the quality of state services. drove his state so deeply into debt, even the GOP controlled state legislature was forced to reverse many of “good old” Sam’s disastrous fiscal policies.

But, few Americans have learned any lesson from the past four decades of staggering federal debt, jobs lost, and the rise in income inequality in the U.S. The gross mismanagement of Kansas by Brownback and his useless hoard of Republican state legislators, well, that also went largely unnoticed by the American public.

No, except for a handful of progressive Democrats, it's business as usual for the greedy turds now occupying the halls of U.S. Congress, the corrupt conservative a$$holes in the USSC, and the sh!t-for-brains-in-chief occupying the Whitest House. These crooks plan to borrow several trillions-of-dollars more to give to the billionaire class, and then, tell the public it is “financial aid” for all Americans. This massive amount of money, most of which is to be divvied up (with no oversight, as demanded by the impeached president trump) among the billionaires, will again be, purportedly, to help alleviate the hardships suffered by average Americans due to the COVID-19 crisis. (A tiny percentage will be sprinkled on the insignificant peasants so they won't complain.)

And, to repay these trillions-of-dollars (but make no actual effort to repay), that time-tested GOP method of: massive tax cuts for the 0.1%, provide more federal subsidies to outsource the few remaining manufacturing jobs that exist, cut funding, again, to public schools, cut funding, or better yet, eliminate Medicaid, SNAP, Medicare, Social Security, and all other safety-net programs. But, and most importantly, defense spending must be increased, as well as funding to every other program that forces the government to borrow even more trillions-of-dollars to further enrich the billionaire class.

Sadly, only progressives fight to bring the equality to the American people guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, and that those rights are not exclusive to conservatives. And only progressives have proven they both see and understand the twenty-first century version of making America great (again?) benefits no one but the super-rich.

More evidence proving the conservatives' blindness to facts will be contained in the responses to this OP posted by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics. as they defend their impeached hero trump, Reagan, “trickle down”, and the many other unsustainable conservative fiscal policies.

How we’ll deal with the mushrooming national debt


In which court will the impeached president trump file the impending bankruptcy for the United States he has orchestrated? Nations the U.S. owes the many trillions-of-dollars might want the suits heard before an impartial judge(s), not before some kangaroo court presided over by any of the impeached president trump's corrupt cronies.

At this point it doesn't matter. It either gets sucked up into inflating stock prices or the currency is effectively debased for everybody else. The latter isn't a problem except for seniors on fixed incomes.

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