How Will it Play Out? And I Figured it Out

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
One guys opinion. ....great read
Yep he's right about the cops ....the 50/50 ...

Ive always said like the military police forces around the country would fracture


So you might ask, "Big Country, you magnificent long-winded motherfucker, so fucking what? Get to the point mate!"
Point is... we saw exactly how the DotMil and Big Army is going to act when they decide to go hot
'Member the Boston Marathon Bombing?

I love the asshole pointing his rifle at the photographer
Thats straight-up intimidation.
And he's state po-po by the uniform (all O.D.)
In and under any other circumstances, that's assault with a deadly weapon. They were looking for a fucking 20 year old buck-ten soaking wet wounded kid... pretty fucking obvious the guy, with a camera, in a residential window of the neighborhood you illegally invaded isn't yer perp

And that the thing
The whole "Shelter in Place" order was never officially challenged.
The ALCU said everything was on the up n up
Communist AG Coakley said everything was cool... it was only a "request" not an order

And yet

When the pigs showed up at the door and put a MP-5 in your face and 'ask' you to search the house sans warrant, they generally got what they wanted. I dunno if 'intimidation under color of law' is such a thing but armed coercion is, but now we know, laws are for the Slaves

Read it all

One guys opinion. ....great read
Yep he's right about the cops ....the 50/50 ...

Ive always said like the military police forces around the country would fracture


So you might ask, "Big Country, you magnificent long-winded motherfucker, so fucking what? Get to the point mate!"
Point is... we saw exactly how the DotMil and Big Army is going to act when they decide to go hot
'Member the Boston Marathon Bombing?

I love the asshole pointing his rifle at the photographer
Thats straight-up intimidation.
And he's state po-po by the uniform (all O.D.)
In and under any other circumstances, that's assault with a deadly weapon. They were looking for a fucking 20 year old buck-ten soaking wet wounded kid... pretty fucking obvious the guy, with a camera, in a residential window of the neighborhood you illegally invaded isn't yer perp

And that the thing
The whole "Shelter in Place" order was never officially challenged.
The ALCU said everything was on the up n up
Communist AG Coakley said everything was cool... it was only a "request" not an order

And yet

When the pigs showed up at the door and put a MP-5 in your face and 'ask' you to search the house sans warrant, they generally got what they wanted. I dunno if 'intimidation under color of law' is such a thing but armed coercion is, but now we know, laws are for the Slaves

Read it all

That piece looks like it was written by a ten year old.

Do you think you could provide a clear and concise two or three sentence synopsis of this brilliant blog? Is there a specific point?
One guys opinion. ....great read
Yep he's right about the cops ....the 50/50 ...

Ive always said like the military police forces around the country would fracture


So you might ask, "Big Country, you magnificent long-winded motherfucker, so fucking what? Get to the point mate!"
Point is... we saw exactly how the DotMil and Big Army is going to act when they decide to go hot
'Member the Boston Marathon Bombing?

I love the asshole pointing his rifle at the photographer
Thats straight-up intimidation.
And he's state po-po by the uniform (all O.D.)
In and under any other circumstances, that's assault with a deadly weapon. They were looking for a fucking 20 year old buck-ten soaking wet wounded kid... pretty fucking obvious the guy, with a camera, in a residential window of the neighborhood you illegally invaded isn't yer perp

And that the thing
The whole "Shelter in Place" order was never officially challenged.
The ALCU said everything was on the up n up
Communist AG Coakley said everything was cool... it was only a "request" not an order

And yet

When the pigs showed up at the door and put a MP-5 in your face and 'ask' you to search the house sans warrant, they generally got what they wanted. I dunno if 'intimidation under color of law' is such a thing but armed coercion is, but now we know, laws are for the Slaves

Read it all

That piece looks like it was written by a ten year old.

Do you think you could provide a clear and concise two or three sentence synopsis of this brilliant blog? Is there a specific point?

It was written by a younger veteran...about law enforcement
Its not really for full of shit fake centrist anyway
One guys opinion. ....great read
Yep he's right about the cops ....the 50/50 ...

Ive always said like the military police forces around the country would fracture


So you might ask, "Big Country, you magnificent long-winded motherfucker, so fucking what? Get to the point mate!"
Point is... we saw exactly how the DotMil and Big Army is going to act when they decide to go hot
'Member the Boston Marathon Bombing?

I love the asshole pointing his rifle at the photographer
Thats straight-up intimidation.
And he's state po-po by the uniform (all O.D.)
In and under any other circumstances, that's assault with a deadly weapon. They were looking for a fucking 20 year old buck-ten soaking wet wounded kid... pretty fucking obvious the guy, with a camera, in a residential window of the neighborhood you illegally invaded isn't yer perp

And that the thing
The whole "Shelter in Place" order was never officially challenged.
The ALCU said everything was on the up n up
Communist AG Coakley said everything was cool... it was only a "request" not an order

And yet

When the pigs showed up at the door and put a MP-5 in your face and 'ask' you to search the house sans warrant, they generally got what they wanted. I dunno if 'intimidation under color of law' is such a thing but armed coercion is, but now we know, laws are for the Slaves

Read it all

That piece looks like it was written by a ten year old.

Do you think you could provide a clear and concise two or three sentence synopsis of this brilliant blog? Is there a specific point?

It was written by a younger veteran...about law enforcement
Its not really for full of shit fake centrist anyway
So you can't? Too difficult?
One guys opinion. ....great read
Yep he's right about the cops ....the 50/50 ...

Ive always said like the military police forces around the country would fracture


So you might ask, "Big Country, you magnificent long-winded motherfucker, so fucking what? Get to the point mate!"
Point is... we saw exactly how the DotMil and Big Army is going to act when they decide to go hot
'Member the Boston Marathon Bombing?

I love the asshole pointing his rifle at the photographer
Thats straight-up intimidation.
And he's state po-po by the uniform (all O.D.)
In and under any other circumstances, that's assault with a deadly weapon. They were looking for a fucking 20 year old buck-ten soaking wet wounded kid... pretty fucking obvious the guy, with a camera, in a residential window of the neighborhood you illegally invaded isn't yer perp

And that the thing
The whole "Shelter in Place" order was never officially challenged.
The ALCU said everything was on the up n up
Communist AG Coakley said everything was cool... it was only a "request" not an order

And yet

When the pigs showed up at the door and put a MP-5 in your face and 'ask' you to search the house sans warrant, they generally got what they wanted. I dunno if 'intimidation under color of law' is such a thing but armed coercion is, but now we know, laws are for the Slaves

Read it all

That piece looks like it was written by a ten year old.

Do you think you could provide a clear and concise two or three sentence synopsis of this brilliant blog? Is there a specific point?

It was written by a younger veteran...about law enforcement
Its not really for full of shit fake centrist anyway
So you can't? Too difficult?
No I can ...youre just to stupid to comprehend what he's getting at...I mean you're one of the dumbest members on the board ...its why I mostly ignore you ...
I have never liked how militarized our police have become under Bush and Obama. The fact is most police aren't there to protect us the American Citizens but the Corporation and Gov. Don't get me wrong, I do think we need a form of police but we don't need a militarized police. Us as tax payers are paying for them and they should be protecting us not the corps and gov.
I have never liked how militarized our police have become under Bush and Obama. The fact is most police aren't there to protect us the American Citizens but the Corporation and Gov. Don't get me wrong, I do think we need a form of police but we don't need a militarized police. Us as tax payers are paying for them and they should be protecting us not the corps and gov.
Yep ...
The last doom porner thread I did ...I forgot who it was one member came on and really nailed it on many points ...

To many on the right have been blindly saluting law enforcement for far to long
I have never liked how militarized our police have become under Bush and Obama. The fact is most police aren't there to protect us the American Citizens but the Corporation and Gov. Don't get me wrong, I do think we need a form of police but we don't need a militarized police. Us as tax payers are paying for them and they should be protecting us not the corps and gov.
Yep ...
The last doom porner thread I did ...I forgot who it was one member came on and really nailed it on many points ...

To many on the right have been blindly saluting law enforcement for far to long

Imagine if those Trump-supporters who protested at the Capitol were black?

One guys opinion. ....great read
Yep he's right about the cops ....the 50/50 ...

Ive always said like the military police forces around the country would fracture


So you might ask, "Big Country, you magnificent long-winded motherfucker, so fucking what? Get to the point mate!"
Point is... we saw exactly how the DotMil and Big Army is going to act when they decide to go hot
'Member the Boston Marathon Bombing?

I love the asshole pointing his rifle at the photographer
Thats straight-up intimidation.
And he's state po-po by the uniform (all O.D.)
In and under any other circumstances, that's assault with a deadly weapon. They were looking for a fucking 20 year old buck-ten soaking wet wounded kid... pretty fucking obvious the guy, with a camera, in a residential window of the neighborhood you illegally invaded isn't yer perp

And that the thing
The whole "Shelter in Place" order was never officially challenged.
The ALCU said everything was on the up n up
Communist AG Coakley said everything was cool... it was only a "request" not an order

And yet

When the pigs showed up at the door and put a MP-5 in your face and 'ask' you to search the house sans warrant, they generally got what they wanted. I dunno if 'intimidation under color of law' is such a thing but armed coercion is, but now we know, laws are for the Slaves

Read it all

That piece looks like it was written by a ten year old.

Do you think you could provide a clear and concise two or three sentence synopsis of this brilliant blog? Is there a specific point?
Yeah it’s nonsense.
I have never liked how militarized our police have become under Bush and Obama. The fact is most police aren't there to protect us the American Citizens but the Corporation and Gov. Don't get me wrong, I do think we need a form of police but we don't need a militarized police. Us as tax payers are paying for them and they should be protecting us not the corps and gov.
Yep ...
The last doom porner thread I did ...I forgot who it was one member came on and really nailed it on many points ...

To many on the right have been blindly saluting law enforcement for far to long

Imagine if those Trump-supporters who protested at the Capitol were black?

View attachment 439204
One guys opinion. ....great read
Yep he's right about the cops ....the 50/50 ...

Ive always said like the military police forces around the country would fracture


So you might ask, "Big Country, you magnificent long-winded motherfucker, so fucking what? Get to the point mate!"
Point is... we saw exactly how the DotMil and Big Army is going to act when they decide to go hot
'Member the Boston Marathon Bombing?

I love the asshole pointing his rifle at the photographer
Thats straight-up intimidation.
And he's state po-po by the uniform (all O.D.)
In and under any other circumstances, that's assault with a deadly weapon. They were looking for a fucking 20 year old buck-ten soaking wet wounded kid... pretty fucking obvious the guy, with a camera, in a residential window of the neighborhood you illegally invaded isn't yer perp

And that the thing
The whole "Shelter in Place" order was never officially challenged.
The ALCU said everything was on the up n up
Communist AG Coakley said everything was cool... it was only a "request" not an order

And yet

When the pigs showed up at the door and put a MP-5 in your face and 'ask' you to search the house sans warrant, they generally got what they wanted. I dunno if 'intimidation under color of law' is such a thing but armed coercion is, but now we know, laws are for the Slaves

Read it all

That piece looks like it was written by a ten year old.

Do you think you could provide a clear and concise two or three sentence synopsis of this brilliant blog? Is there a specific point?
Yeah it’s nonsense.
Well, I've been saying for a long time that we'll reach at point at which we'll need an interpreter to communicate with the Qanon Talk Radio Trumpsters. Maybe it's happening even faster than I thought.
I have never liked how militarized our police have become under Bush and Obama. The fact is most police aren't there to protect us the American Citizens but the Corporation and Gov. Don't get me wrong, I do think we need a form of police but we don't need a militarized police. Us as tax payers are paying for them and they should be protecting us not the corps and gov.
Yep ...
The last doom porner thread I did ...I forgot who it was one member came on and really nailed it on many points ...

To many on the right have been blindly saluting law enforcement for far to long

I don't consider myself to be on the left or right. All I want is freedom and liberty. If people on the left were for that I would congratulate them but for some reason most people on the left have fallen victim to the propaganda and mind control just like the people on the right fall for the mind control of religion. For the left, it is the cult of political science. That is why they are all running around in their masks. :D And the right and their Jesus.:D
One guys opinion. ....great read
Yep he's right about the cops ....the 50/50 ...

Ive always said like the military police forces around the country would fracture


So you might ask, "Big Country, you magnificent long-winded motherfucker, so fucking what? Get to the point mate!"
Point is... we saw exactly how the DotMil and Big Army is going to act when they decide to go hot
'Member the Boston Marathon Bombing?

I love the asshole pointing his rifle at the photographer
Thats straight-up intimidation.
And he's state po-po by the uniform (all O.D.)
In and under any other circumstances, that's assault with a deadly weapon. They were looking for a fucking 20 year old buck-ten soaking wet wounded kid... pretty fucking obvious the guy, with a camera, in a residential window of the neighborhood you illegally invaded isn't yer perp

And that the thing
The whole "Shelter in Place" order was never officially challenged.
The ALCU said everything was on the up n up
Communist AG Coakley said everything was cool... it was only a "request" not an order

And yet

When the pigs showed up at the door and put a MP-5 in your face and 'ask' you to search the house sans warrant, they generally got what they wanted. I dunno if 'intimidation under color of law' is such a thing but armed coercion is, but now we know, laws are for the Slaves

Read it all

That piece looks like it was written by a ten year old.

Do you think you could provide a clear and concise two or three sentence synopsis of this brilliant blog? Is there a specific point?
Yeah it’s nonsense.

What did you find ridiculous or nonsensical?
One guys opinion. ....great read
Yep he's right about the cops ....the 50/50 ...

Ive always said like the military police forces around the country would fracture


So you might ask, "Big Country, you magnificent long-winded motherfucker, so fucking what? Get to the point mate!"
Point is... we saw exactly how the DotMil and Big Army is going to act when they decide to go hot
'Member the Boston Marathon Bombing?

I love the asshole pointing his rifle at the photographer
Thats straight-up intimidation.
And he's state po-po by the uniform (all O.D.)
In and under any other circumstances, that's assault with a deadly weapon. They were looking for a fucking 20 year old buck-ten soaking wet wounded kid... pretty fucking obvious the guy, with a camera, in a residential window of the neighborhood you illegally invaded isn't yer perp

And that the thing
The whole "Shelter in Place" order was never officially challenged.
The ALCU said everything was on the up n up
Communist AG Coakley said everything was cool... it was only a "request" not an order

And yet

When the pigs showed up at the door and put a MP-5 in your face and 'ask' you to search the house sans warrant, they generally got what they wanted. I dunno if 'intimidation under color of law' is such a thing but armed coercion is, but now we know, laws are for the Slaves

Read it all

That piece looks like it was written by a ten year old.

Do you think you could provide a clear and concise two or three sentence synopsis of this brilliant blog? Is there a specific point?
Yeah it’s nonsense.
Well, I've been saying for a long time that we'll reach at point at which we'll need an interpreter to communicate with the Qanon Talk Radio Trumpsters. Maybe it's happening even faster than I thought.

Jesus christ none of that you moron peasant....go derail another thread fake centrist

Wife is next twumps a dictator roflmao
One guys opinion. ....great read
Yep he's right about the cops ....the 50/50 ...

Ive always said like the military police forces around the country would fracture


So you might ask, "Big Country, you magnificent long-winded motherfucker, so fucking what? Get to the point mate!"
Point is... we saw exactly how the DotMil and Big Army is going to act when they decide to go hot
'Member the Boston Marathon Bombing?

I love the asshole pointing his rifle at the photographer
Thats straight-up intimidation.
And he's state po-po by the uniform (all O.D.)
In and under any other circumstances, that's assault with a deadly weapon. They were looking for a fucking 20 year old buck-ten soaking wet wounded kid... pretty fucking obvious the guy, with a camera, in a residential window of the neighborhood you illegally invaded isn't yer perp

And that the thing
The whole "Shelter in Place" order was never officially challenged.
The ALCU said everything was on the up n up
Communist AG Coakley said everything was cool... it was only a "request" not an order

And yet

When the pigs showed up at the door and put a MP-5 in your face and 'ask' you to search the house sans warrant, they generally got what they wanted. I dunno if 'intimidation under color of law' is such a thing but armed coercion is, but now we know, laws are for the Slaves

Read it all

That piece looks like it was written by a ten year old.

Do you think you could provide a clear and concise two or three sentence synopsis of this brilliant blog? Is there a specific point?
Yeah it’s nonsense.

What did you find ridiculous or nonsensical?
I couldn’t understand the point he’s trying to make. Is he using coded language?
One guys opinion. ....great read
Yep he's right about the cops ....the 50/50 ...

Ive always said like the military police forces around the country would fracture


So you might ask, "Big Country, you magnificent long-winded motherfucker, so fucking what? Get to the point mate!"
Point is... we saw exactly how the DotMil and Big Army is going to act when they decide to go hot
'Member the Boston Marathon Bombing?

I love the asshole pointing his rifle at the photographer
Thats straight-up intimidation.
And he's state po-po by the uniform (all O.D.)
In and under any other circumstances, that's assault with a deadly weapon. They were looking for a fucking 20 year old buck-ten soaking wet wounded kid... pretty fucking obvious the guy, with a camera, in a residential window of the neighborhood you illegally invaded isn't yer perp

And that the thing
The whole "Shelter in Place" order was never officially challenged.
The ALCU said everything was on the up n up
Communist AG Coakley said everything was cool... it was only a "request" not an order

And yet

When the pigs showed up at the door and put a MP-5 in your face and 'ask' you to search the house sans warrant, they generally got what they wanted. I dunno if 'intimidation under color of law' is such a thing but armed coercion is, but now we know, laws are for the Slaves

Read it all

That piece looks like it was written by a ten year old.

Do you think you could provide a clear and concise two or three sentence synopsis of this brilliant blog? Is there a specific point?
Yeah it’s nonsense.

What did you find ridiculous or nonsensical?
I couldn’t understand the point he’s trying to make. Is he using coded language?
yes he is

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