How tough do you think Anericans are?


We on the other hand had to sail all the way down to the south Atlantic to liberate the Falklands After Argentina invaded.
Took us a few weeks.
Las Malvinas are by no reasonable measure part of the UK, and your 'mighty' military couldn't even retake that stolen land without support from us. Super impressive.
The entire population of the Falklands has always been British. You cant have a greater right than that.
What support? You were too busy financing and supporting the military dictators & death squads in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua. Panama etc etc etc. You denied all those countries democracy. What the hell did they have to do with you?
Reagan's was the most disgraceful Presidency in US History. If you go to Bonus Aires or Santiago you will see mothers in their old age still protesting and demanding to know what happened to their children.

"If you go to Bonus Aires or Santiago you will see mothers in their old age still protesting and demanding to know what happened to their children."

Their children were fucking Communists. General Augusto Pinochet and Jorge Videla are two of the GREATEST heroes in Latin American history, they saved Chile and Argentina from being turned into Communist Shit Holes like Cuba.


What support?....
Logistics, satellite info, and simply allowing your soggy asses to put on the little show in the first place.
Jeane Kirkpatrick was America’s Ambassador to the United Nations at the time of the invasion. She led the group of Reagan officials called ‘Latinistas’ who opposed supporting Britain during the conflict. She argued that it was in America’s national interest to support Argentina. This was because there were fears that the USSR was dominating Latin America and a failure on the part of the US to support the Argentineans would encourage Latin American countries to seek closer relations with the Soviets. The British did not take kindly to the fact she chose to attend a dinner at the Argentinean embassy in the US shortly after she heard of their invasion of the Falklands. She argued that if she chose to abstain she would have difficulty persuading the Argentineans that they were neutral in try to reach a settlement. The British Ambassador Nicholas Henderson was not impressed. He responded by asking if the Americans would be happy if he attended dinner at the Iranian embassy after they heard that they taken 52 Americans hostage. . Britain and

The Malvinas belong to Argentina. The Argentines feed those worthless POS that squat there, they should fuck off back to Britain.

We on the other hand had to sail all the way down to the south Atlantic to liberate the Falklands After Argentina invaded.
Took us a few weeks.
Las Malvinas are by no reasonable measure part of the UK, and your 'mighty' military couldn't even retake that stolen land without support from us. Super impressive.
The entire population of the Falklands has always been British. You cant have a greater right than that.
What support? You were too busy financing and supporting the military dictators & death squads in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua. Panama etc etc etc. You denied all those countries democracy. What the hell did they have to do with you?
Reagan's was the most disgraceful Presidency in US History. If you go to Bonus Aires or Santiago you will see mothers in their old age still protesting and demanding to know what happened to their children.

There are more sheep on the Malvinas than there are humans. As the squatting humans are British subject then IF they are so PROUD to be British they should fuck off back to Britain and leave the Argentine Malvinas.
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My opinion on the current generation is that I think they are weak but it is not their fault. The degeneration of the US culture goes back to at least the Vietnam War. We started losing our grit in Vietnam and it only has gotten worse since then. We were defeated and humiliated by a fourth-rate military power to point we were cowed by the communist and did not resist them for the rest of the seventies with the coward Jimmy Carter being the greatest example of that period.

It took Ronald Reagan to turn things around; he could nothing about the culture, but he did resist the communist against considerable liberal opposition. Reagan used the Afghan mujahideen to fight the Russians in Afghanistan and other US presidents used our professional military to fight our little wars against terrorists. We have most likely the best military in the world; the problem is that they are not that big. If we get into a war with the Russians in the artic, we will lose. The only hope would be a fast decisive victory by our professional army. If it turns out to be a war of attrition we will lose. We have perhaps 250,000 front line trumps; we outnumber the Russian population by two to one, but they could put perhaps five times more combats troops in the field. The Russians have both a professional and a draftee army. Their people will submit to the draft, but ours won’t. We have a small army and no replacements. We would lose a war of attrition with the Russians. I love my grandchildren with all my heart, but to send them off to war would be nothing short of murder. If the Russians ever understand just how morally weak we are we are screwed.
The American Fighting Soldier is a bit of a joke around the world mainly because he is not properly trained, partly because
the military don't research the enemy so they keep getting caught out. Partly because your politicians are too scared of public opinion at home and because your troops never seem quite sure if they can be asked to see things through to the bitter end. (First Gulf War). More British troops were killed by the Americans than by the enemy (friendly fire) in that war.
In the second Gulf War, the coalition won the war but then you lost the peace. The 'battle for hearts and minds' - what a laugh! You didn't seem to know that when a country is taken over the victors are responsible for Law & Order etc, You dismissed the institutions that ran the country because they were Ba'athist Party members leaving no infrastructure, with the result religious factions began tearing you and each other apart. With the result the minority Sunni's felt so isolated they went off and formed Isis.

Your troops would take snarling dogs into houses not knowing that it against Muslim culture to have dogs in their house. And what the fuck was going on in Abu Grabe? - A fucking disgrace that's what.

As for Reagan training and arming the Mujahideen and one Osama Bin Laden. When you then refused to back him in Saudi Arabia he turned on you and after several attacks in the middle east came 9/11. Reagan's chickens certainly came home to roost!
You failed in Korea. Where beaten by a bunch of impoverished paddy farmers in Vietnam. You invaded Grenada, not even knowing it is a British protectorate. You sent helicopters to free hostages in Tehran that crashed unable to function in the sand - what the fuck did you expect to find in Iran fucking ice. - You are absolutely fucking hopeless! Then of course there was 'Black Hawk Down' in Somalia - another fucking disaster.

We on the other hand had to sail all the way down to the south Atlantic to liberate the Falklands After Argentina invaded.
Took us a few weeks.

You waited until WW1 was practically over before joining us. And till Hitler was on the back foot after the 'Battle of Britain' & 'Stalingrad' before entering WW11. As for Japan it wasn't The Atomic Bombs that won that, It was because the USSR had declared war on them. Routed them in Manchuria and within two weeks reached the coast ready to invade. While you wined about how many men you might lose (the Russians weren't bothered how many they lost) You let it be known that the Japs could keep their Emperor. The Japs of course knew that not only would their Emperor be gone but also their entire way of life once the Russians invaded.

No sorry gents but when it comes to foreign wars the USA's Politicians, Military and Soldiers are the feeble faggots of the operations room and battlefield.

"Your troops would take snarling dogs into houses not knowing that it against Muslim culture to have dogs in their house. And what the fuck was going on in Abu Grabe? - A fucking disgrace that's what."

Why was that a disgrace? Considering the filthy POS were and still are sending suicide bombers into Western nations and activating Sleeper Cells in Western nations to mass slaughter INNOCENT Western men, women and infants, then who cares if these filthy POS are subjected to violent dogs and the random steel pipe up the buttocks.
My opinion on the current generation is that I think they are weak but it is not their fault. The degeneration of the US culture goes back to at least the Vietnam War. We started losing our grit in Vietnam and it only has gotten worse since then. We were defeated and humiliated by a fourth-rate military power to point we were cowed by the communist and did not resist them for the rest of the seventies with the coward Jimmy Carter being the greatest example of that period.

It took Ronald Reagan to turn things around; he could nothing about the culture, but he did resist the communist against considerable liberal opposition. Reagan used the Afghan mujahideen to fight the Russians in Afghanistan and other US presidents used our professional military to fight our little wars against terrorists. We have most likely the best military in the world; the problem is that they are not that big. If we get into a war with the Russians in the artic, we will lose. The only hope would be a fast decisive victory by our professional army. If it turns out to be a war of attrition we will lose. We have perhaps 250,000 front line trumps; we outnumber the Russian population by two to one, but they could put perhaps five times more combats troops in the field. The Russians have both a professional and a draftee army. Their people will submit to the draft, but ours won’t. We have a small army and no replacements. We would lose a war of attrition with the Russians. I love my grandchildren with all my heart, but to send them off to war would be nothing short of murder. If the Russians ever understand just how morally weak we are we are screwed.

First off, whilst many American younger men and soon-to-be young men are addicted to video games, porn, discovering their feminine sides and social justice man buns, they hail from tough as nails American stock of old; they could be trained up by the proper cadre. Second, Russia is neither an "enemy" we need to fear or posture against with saber rattling, nor would the Russians stand the slightest chance of defeating us in a conventional war of any kind. I could explain to you why, with a deep, factual, irrefutable strategic breakdown of US and Russian military forces but I haven't the time nor the motivation to properly educate you.

My sense, after reading your post, is that you aren't an American but rather a distant foreign person who views American politics remotely through a lens of left-leaning historical revision. Nothing wrong with that, I suppose. As they say, opinions are like assholes. The world of online interaction these days is nothing more than a constant masquerade.

For years I have administered a program called S.P.I.K.E. (Specially Prepared Individuals for Key Events.) It was initiated by Lt. Col. James "Bo" Gritz (a former Green Beret and CIA operative and Gritz was the most decorated veteran of the Vietnam era.) I was in the first graduating class taught by Gritz himself. It is the same training that was given to Navy SEALs, Green Berets, Rangers, and other SF units. Of course, while our physical training is rigorous, it is nothing compared to the real thing. Gritz taught the first class and told us to go out and teach it to other patriots as we would need it.

Since the mid 1990s, we've had a total of seven people actually complete the program. When I look at the numbers of American kids that are on drugs, have criminal records, waste their every waking hour on the Internet, and are so out of touch with reality, my world view and yours are worlds apart. That's not to say you're wrong, but we haven't recruited a person under 36 years old in nearly a decade. Sadly, the last kid who thought he could take me was the son of a professional wrestler. He had size, height and was half my age. Adding insult to injury, he attacked me by throwing a belt around my neck and trying to choke me out - maybe worse. When that scuffle ended, his wrist was broken in two places and his arm fractured to the point he has a plate in it. I got a bruise on my bicep. You know, I got some really good training, but I'm not a badass. I'm just a regular guy which is why my opinion of the younger generation is a bit more pessimistic than yours.

Another S.P.I.K.E. trainer and I were having a conversation just a few days ago. I taught him over 20 years ago, so he is now in his 40s. We do not have anyone to pass our knowledge on to; neither of us knows any younger people who want to train to save America in a SHTF scenario - we don't even have beneficiaries to leave our gear to. I figure in a few years I will have sold off a lot of my stuff. It's a shame - and it's unfortunate, but you may know people I don't.
The question "How tough do you think Americans are?" cannot be seriously addressed until a set of definitions is agreed-upon. Is it about "tough" in the sense of two drunken idiots brawling behind the bar? Seems like a meaningless distinction. "Tough" in terms of accomplishment in controlled contexts meant to measure athletic ability in some form of fighting art? Americans overall are pretty damn tough in that sense. "Tough" in terms of military might? America is unmatched in this category. "Tough" in the mental/spiritual/moral sense is most important of course, and everyone from every country has the capacity for this kind of toughness. I'll tell you what's not tough; hating/fearing this or that ethnic/racial/religious group because you need some boogeyman to embody your own weaknesses. It's not some 300 lbs larper who nearly has a stroke just trying to climb down from his truck strutting around taking selfies with his gun collection because he thinks it makes him look "badass." It's not looting, rioting, or mindlessly tearing down symbols that you don't even understand. It's sure as hell not trying to abrogate our rights (including the right to bear arms) or giving up on our country due to defeatism or fear.

Americans have always been tough enough to rise to whatever occasion we have to, and always will be.
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You almost gotta laugh that the liberal establishment changed the definition of "torture" to include embarrassment and disrespect for cultural values. It's crazy that cultural values are only important when dealing with people who hate America. Lefties were horrified when the rumor went around that a copy of the Koran was mishandled in Gitmo when they are bulldozing Korean War monuments that feature a Christian Cross and kids are expelled from school for carrying a Bible.
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My opinion on the current generation is that I think they are weak but it is not their fault. The degeneration of the US culture goes back to at least the Vietnam War. We started losing our grit in Vietnam and it only has gotten worse since then. We were defeated and humiliated by a fourth-rate military power to point we were cowed by the communist and did not resist them for the rest of the seventies with the coward Jimmy Carter being the greatest example of that period.

It took Ronald Reagan to turn things around; he could nothing about the culture, but he did resist the communist against considerable liberal opposition. Reagan used the Afghan mujahideen to fight the Russians in Afghanistan and other US presidents used our professional military to fight our little wars against terrorists. We have most likely the best military in the world; the problem is that they are not that big. If we get into a war with the Russians in the artic, we will lose. The only hope would be a fast decisive victory by our professional army. If it turns out to be a war of attrition we will lose. We have perhaps 250,000 front line trumps; we outnumber the Russian population by two to one, but they could put perhaps five times more combats troops in the field. The Russians have both a professional and a draftee army. Their people will submit to the draft, but ours won’t. We have a small army and no replacements. We would lose a war of attrition with the Russians. I love my grandchildren with all my heart, but to send them off to war would be nothing short of murder. If the Russians ever understand just how morally weak we are we are screwed.
The American Fighting Soldier is a bit of a joke around the world mainly because he is not properly trained, partly because
the military don't research the enemy so they keep getting caught out. Partly because your politicians are too scared of public opinion at home and because your troops never seem quite sure if they can be asked to see things through to the bitter end. (First Gulf War). More British troops were killed by the Americans than by the enemy (friendly fire) in that war.
In the second Gulf War, the coalition won the war but then you lost the peace. The 'battle for hearts and minds' - what a laugh! You didn't seem to know that when a country is taken over the victors are responsible for Law & Order etc, You dismissed the institutions that ran the country because they were Ba'athist Party members leaving no infrastructure, with the result religious factions began tearing you and each other apart. With the result the minority Sunni's felt so isolated they went off and formed Isis.

Your troops would take snarling dogs into houses not knowing that it against Muslim culture to have dogs in their house. And what the fuck was going on in Abu Grabe? - A fucking disgrace that's what.

As for Reagan training and arming the Mujahideen and one Osama Bin Laden. When you then refused to back him in Saudi Arabia he turned on you and after several attacks in the middle east came 9/11. Reagan's chickens certainly came home to roost!
You failed in Korea. Where beaten by a bunch of impoverished paddy farmers in Vietnam. You invaded Grenada, not even knowing it is a British protectorate. You sent helicopters to free hostages in Tehran that crashed unable to function in the sand - what the fuck did you expect to find in Iran fucking ice. - You are absolutely fucking hopeless! Then of course there was 'Black Hawk Down' in Somalia - another fucking disaster.

We on the other hand had to sail all the way down to the south Atlantic to liberate the Falklands After Argentina invaded.
Took us a few weeks.

You waited until WW1 was practically over before joining us. And till Hitler was on the back foot after the 'Battle of Britain' & 'Stalingrad' before entering WW11. As for Japan it wasn't The Atomic Bombs that won that, It was because the USSR had declared war on them. Routed them in Manchuria and within two weeks reached the coast ready to invade. While you wined about how many men you might lose (the Russians weren't bothered how many they lost) You let it be known that the Japs could keep their Emperor. The Japs of course knew that not only would their Emperor be gone but also their entire way of life once the Russians invaded.

No sorry gents but when it comes to foreign wars the USA's Politicians, Military and Soldiers are the feeble faggots of the operations room and battlefield.

You are wrong about almost everything. The current US military is most likely the best we ever had. But, there are two problems one the force is not that big and two they are not bulletproof. If they should have to fight Russia in the artic or China anywhere it could be more they could handle. They could be overwhelmed and worn down in war attrition and could expect no or little support from the US civilian population.
My opinion on the current generation is that I think they are weak but it is not their fault. The degeneration of the US culture goes back to at least the Vietnam War. We started losing our grit in Vietnam and it only has gotten worse since then. We were defeated and humiliated by a fourth-rate military power to point we were cowed by the communist and did not resist them for the rest of the seventies with the coward Jimmy Carter being the greatest example of that period.

It took Ronald Reagan to turn things around; he could nothing about the culture, but he did resist the communist against considerable liberal opposition. Reagan used the Afghan mujahideen to fight the Russians in Afghanistan and other US presidents used our professional military to fight our little wars against terrorists. We have most likely the best military in the world; the problem is that they are not that big. If we get into a war with the Russians in the artic, we will lose. The only hope would be a fast decisive victory by our professional army. If it turns out to be a war of attrition we will lose. We have perhaps 250,000 front line trumps; we outnumber the Russian population by two to one, but they could put perhaps five times more combats troops in the field. The Russians have both a professional and a draftee army. Their people will submit to the draft, but ours won’t. We have a small army and no replacements. We would lose a war of attrition with the Russians. I love my grandchildren with all my heart, but to send them off to war would be nothing short of murder. If the Russians ever understand just how morally weak we are we are screwed.

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