How to Win Elections


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity

Make your message more appealing to more people, and don’t be crazy.

In 1988, Baker said, Gallup polls indicated 37 percent of voters identified as Democrats, 32 percent as Republicans, and 31 percent as independents. In 2007, the numbers began to shift and since 2012 independents have accounted for 44 to 46 percent of the electorate, Democrats 29 to 30 percent, and Republicans 24 to 25 percent. …​

“This is an odd dynamic,” Baker said in his Harvard speech. “As the two largest political parties became more ideological, they became smaller.” …​

“The point behind a political party is to win elections,” he said. “You win elections on your core values and beliefs and your ability to bring that growing independent population … to bring them on to your team, or as many of them as you can get.”​

Baker made clear that he has little patience for Lyons’s approach, with its devotion to conservative ideological purity. “You can’t govern if you can’t win. It’s not supposed to be a debating society,” he said.​

Charlie Baker won the governorship of Massachusetts as a Republican by tacking to the middle.

Geoff Diehl, a Trump cultist and believer of The Big Lie, lost by nearly 30 points.
Odd that nearly 50% would identify as Independent but all they will elect is (R)'s and (D)'s.

Maybe the electorate isn't any more honest than the politicians they elect and those who say we get what we deserve are absolutely correct.
Odd that nearly 50% would identify as Independent but all they will elect is (R)'s and (D)'s.

Maybe the electorate isn't any more honest than the politicians they elect and those who say we get what we deserve are absolutely correct.

And exactly why is it that Congress consistently score in the 20% range, yet over 90% of them are re-elected?

We need more and better choices. We have to fix the system to get there.

So yeah, we deserve what we get.
Odd that nearly 50% would identify as Independent but all they will elect is (R)'s and (D)'s.

Maybe the electorate isn't any more honest than the politicians they elect and those who say we get what we deserve are absolutely correct.
I don’t believe they’re dishonest. Many independents like all Americans, have been propagandized all their lives by the state run media, which pushes to continue the status quo and protect the oligarchy.
I don’t believe they’re dishonest. Many independents like all Americans, have been propagandized all their lives by the state run media, which pushes to continue the status quo and protect the oligarchy. look around though and you see this play out in many walks of life. You see the minister preaching morals and making America something it never actually was before, filming his wife banging the pool boy once he leaves the pulpit.

I think it's largely based upon people not wanting to admit they are a part of the problem even though the results show that they are. look around though and you see this play out in many walks of life. You see the minister preaching morals and making America something it never actually was before, filming his wife banging the pool boy once he leaves the pulpit.

I think it's largely based upon people not wanting to admit they are a part of the problem even though the results show that they are.
It does appear morals and ethics are no longer a concern for many.
Odd that nearly 50% would identify as Independent but all they will elect is (R)'s and (D)'s.

Maybe the electorate isn't any more honest than the politicians they elect and those who say we get what we deserve are absolutely correct.

This past election I voted for Democrats, Republicans, a Libertarian, and many that were in non-partisan races. Being independent is indication that we think for ourselves, not that we're a sort of political party. If there is an independent candidate on the ballot, that person doesn't get any-more or any-less consideration than I give their opponents.

I believe all elections should be non-partisan and your observation isn't a sign of a dishonest electorate but a rather a clear indication of a rigged system.
This past election I voted for Democrats, Republicans, a Libertarian, and many that were in non-partisan races. Being independent is indication that we think for ourselves, not that we're a sort of political party. If there is an independent candidate on the ballot, that person doesn't get any-more or any-less consideration than I give their opponents.

I believe all elections should be non-partisan and your observation isn't a sign of a dishonest electorate but a rather a clear indication of a rigged system.

I understand that there are a small number of individuals that do that but the poll said nearly 50% consider themselves Independent but they certainly don't vote that way.
I understand that there are a small number of individuals that do that but the poll said nearly 50% consider themselves Independent but they certainly don't vote that way.

I believe there is indication we non-party members do exert our independence. Given only the choice of left or right we independents most often vote like we're steering a canoe on a straight course. We alternate a couple strokes on the left with a couple on the right. After the time of FDR, only once has one political party controlled the White House for more than 2 consecutive terms. Also consider what happens in midterms, when the party occupying the White House typically loses seats. Based on this it seems to me that the number of free-thinking independents isn't all that small.
I believe there is indication we non-party members do exert our independence. Given only the choice of left or right we independents most often vote like we're steering a canoe on a straight course. We alternate a couple strokes on the left with a couple on the right. After the time of FDR, only once has one political party controlled the White House for more than 2 consecutive terms. Also consider what happens in midterms, when the party occupying the White House typically loses seats. Based on this it seems to me that the number of free-thinking independents isn't all that small.

Voting (D) or (R) is for the most part voting for the same failed ideas.

Make your message more appealing to more people, and don’t be crazy.

In 1988, Baker said, Gallup polls indicated 37 percent of voters identified as Democrats, 32 percent as Republicans, and 31 percent as independents. In 2007, the numbers began to shift and since 2012 independents have accounted for 44 to 46 percent of the electorate, Democrats 29 to 30 percent, and Republicans 24 to 25 percent. …​

“This is an odd dynamic,” Baker said in his Harvard speech. “As the two largest political parties became more ideological, they became smaller.” …​

“The point behind a political party is to win elections,” he said. “You win elections on your core values and beliefs and your ability to bring that growing independent population … to bring them on to your team, or as many of them as you can get.”​

Baker made clear that he has little patience for Lyons’s approach, with its devotion to conservative ideological purity. “You can’t govern if you can’t win. It’s not supposed to be a debating society,” he said.​

Charlie Baker won the governorship of Massachusetts as a Republican by tacking to the middle.

Geoff Diehl, a Trump cultist and believer of The Big Lie, lost by nearly 30 points.
you can go with extended voting periods, allowing any warm body that shows up to vote, accept mailed ballots without documentation, and otherwise lie, cheat, and steal the election per the dimocrap play book in the new millennium.
Make your message more appealing to more people, and don’t be crazy.

A couple of instances I can relate to that concerns border control and honest elections.

Regarding border control I'm all for it. But an anti-Christian attitude towards these folks by classifying them in the worse of ways, "and some, I assume, are good people", is a turn-off.

I'm also for honest elections. Best way to improve any problem is to first not make it all about yourself, as has been the case we've seen with Trump and now Kari Lake.
Odd that nearly 50% would identify as Independent but all they will elect is (R)'s and (D)'s.
Because most "independents" are anything but. When I lived in Massachusetts something like half of the registered voters were independents, yet Democrats dominate the elections

I've said for a long time that if everyone registered as independent actually voted for independent or third party candidates the Republicans and Democrats would fade into obscurity rather easily.
Am I the only one who sees what is happening?

In 2020, the political Left used the Pandemic to justify a near-total dismantling of the measures that were traditionally used to minimize vote fraud. Mainly, they insisted on (a) mail-in (as opposed to Absentee) voting, (b) a voting SEASON, as contrasted with Election Day, (c) extensive use of uncontrolled Ballot Boxes, and (d) blatant ballot harvesting.

Then, largely fueled by a half a billion plus from Leftist billionaires ("Zuck-Bucks"), and focusing on large urban areas in traditional "swing" states, they mined the ghettos, nursing homes, and homeless encampments, to secure the votes of American citizens who normally would not have voted. And these millions of pathetic souls were people who were uninvolved, uninformed, ignorant, and extremely gullible and susceptible to the "suggestions" of those who sought their votes...hence they were an electoral "gold mine" for Biden and the political Left. For ease of reference, I'll refer to these new voters as "Incompetents."

These Incompetent votes determined the outcome of the 2020 election. [Was the election "stolen"? Well, if you consider the fact that the campaign funded by the Zuck-bucks was illegal...yeah, it kinda was].

It was not surprising that the FIRST thing that the newly-elected Leftist Congress tried to do when it convened in January of 2021 was to make permanent and universal the Pandemic-related changes mentioned in my second paragraph above, notwithstanding the fact that such a law would have been unconstitutional. (See Article I, Section 4, first paragraph, of the Constitution).

And any attempts by Republicans in the various states to roll back the Pandemic-related changes was attacked by Leftists in government and the Media as being racially-motivated, unAmerican, and a "threat to democracy!"

The 2022 election was more of the same thing - which explains why the Red Tsunami never happened - but one must also note that the millions of Incompetents were more than willing to ignore the disaster that was Democrat governance in 2021 and 2022, being totally swayed by the "arguments" that electing Republicans would be bad for wimmin's rights, and would "destroy democracy," as we know it.

Moving forward, it seems unlikely that more than a few states will be able to dismantle the Pandemic-related changes to voting, so the only way Republicans can win future national elections is to cheat in the same way that Democrats cheat...and I don't see that happening. So it would take 90% of the rational votes in future elections to overcome the millions and millions of Incompetent votes that the Democrats seems to have secured permanently.

We are fucked.
Am I the only one who sees what is happening?

In 2020, the political Left used the Pandemic to justify a near-total dismantling of the measures that were traditionally used to minimize vote fraud. Mainly, they insisted on (a) mail-in (as opposed to Absentee) voting, (b) a voting SEASON, as contrasted with Election Day, (c) extensive use of uncontrolled Ballot Boxes, and (d) blatant ballot harvesting.

Then, largely fueled by a half a billion plus from Leftist billionaires ("Zuck-Bucks"), and focusing on large urban areas in traditional "swing" states, they mined the ghettos, nursing homes, and homeless encampments, to secure the votes of American citizens who normally would not have voted. And these millions of pathetic souls were people who were uninvolved, uninformed, ignorant, and extremely gullible and susceptible to the "suggestions" of those who sought their votes...hence they were an electoral "gold mine" for Biden and the political Left. For ease of reference, I'll refer to these new voters as "Incompetents."

These Incompetent votes determined the outcome of the 2020 election. [Was the election "stolen"? Well, if you consider the fact that the campaign funded by the Zuck-bucks was illegal...yeah, it kinda was].

It was not surprising that the FIRST thing that the newly-elected Leftist Congress tried to do when it convened in January of 2021 was to make permanent and universal the Pandemic-related changes mentioned in my second paragraph above, notwithstanding the fact that such a law would have been unconstitutional. (See Article I, Section 4, first paragraph, of the Constitution).

And any attempts by Republicans in the various states to roll back the Pandemic-related changes was attacked by Leftists in government and the Media as being racially-motivated, unAmerican, and a "threat to democracy!"

The 2022 election was more of the same thing - which explains why the Red Tsunami never happened - but one must also note that the millions of Incompetents were more than willing to ignore the disaster that was Democrat governance in 2021 and 2022, being totally swayed by the "arguments" that electing Republicans would be bad for wimmin's rights, and would "destroy democracy," as we know it.

Moving forward, it seems unlikely that more than a few states will be able to dismantle the Pandemic-related changes to voting, so the only way Republicans can win future national elections is to cheat in the same way that Democrats cheat...and I don't see that happening. So it would take 90% of the rational votes in future elections to overcome the millions and millions of Incompetent votes that the Democrats seems to have secured permanently.

We are fucked.

There is nothing wrong with mail in voting and other methods of making voting more convenient for people. I've taken advantage of mail in voting for the last two years now since it was implemented in 2020 here in Nevada and it's pretty nice not to have to stand in line for an hour. The Republicans' problems isn't mail in voting or ballot harvesting, it's running a bunch of crazy nut cases whining about stolen election conspiracies, litter boxes in classrooms, and government regulating your uterus. Try appealing to people on the issues that actually matter to them and you'll start winning again.
Republicans ran Dr. Oz. Democrats ran Fetterman. And it't the Republicans who had bad candidates?

And why is it beyond the comprehension of Democrats that Congress has NO ROLE in abortion - in any way, shape, or form, unless they want to propose a Constitutional Amendment, which they lack the balls to do.

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