How should the GOP change?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
After losing to Obama.......twice, what should the GOP change if anything or have they been successfully stereotyped as "for the rich man" and are toast no matter what they do?
Get off the "deport all the illegal aliens" bandwagon and consider REALISTIC approaches to sealing the border and dealing humanely with those who been here (for decades, in some cases). The Dems want to keep these people in permanent limbo for political purposes, including avoiding competition in union-dominated industries. The GOP has been playing right into this strategy as the recent election proves.
Stop focusing heavily on social issues... it is that simple... keep with the economy, slashing the budget and lowering the overall tax burden

But politics is about divide and conquer. We must pit group against group in order to win. This is because if we treated all Americans equally, there would be no need to get involved in politics and no money flowing into the system.

So lets say that the GOP abandons the anti-abortion issue. By in large the religious right will ignore them. Could the GOP survive, especially with the democrats already securing a block vote with blacks and Hispanics?
Get off the "deport all the illegal aliens" bandwagon and consider REALISTIC approaches to sealing the border and dealing humanely with those who been here (for decades, in some cases). The Dems want to keep these people in permanent limbo for political purposes, including avoiding competition in union-dominated industries. The GOP has been playing right into this strategy as the recent election proves.

Neither party will touch this with a 10 foot pole.

The GOP will always argue that they need to become more moderate to win and this would be seen as an extreme right winged position.

Just say'in.
After losing to Obama.......twice, what should the GOP change if anything or have they been successfully stereotyped as "for the rich man" and are toast no matter what they do?

1. Drop abortion as a plank in ANY platform
2. Stop endorsing immigration reform (aka amnesty)
3. Take off the gloves when campaigning
4. Get rid of the Karl Roves, etc.
5. Stop trying to be Democrat lite.
After losing to Obama.......twice, what should the GOP change if anything or have they been successfully stereotyped as "for the rich man" and are toast no matter what they do?

I think what they really need is to be rid of the Social Cons.

I don't think Romney lost because of the Rich people thing. I think he lost because of the Social Cons, and their BS. Woman feared Romney's stance on Abortion, a stance he was forced to take in the Primary to appease social Cons. Same with his stance on Immigration.

Those 2 issues cost him enough of the Female and Hispanic Vote to turn what should have been an easy win into a loss.
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stop nominating moderate pussies.

You must not ignore politics. What group will be secured to fight another? That is the question. How would they secure a group by not being "moderate pussies"? Are you suggesting that convervatives are an untapped and underestimated voting block?
After losing to Obama.......twice, what should the GOP change if anything or have they been successfully stereotyped as "for the rich man" and are toast no matter what they do?

1. Drop abortion as a plank in ANY platform
2. Stop endorsing immigration reform (aka amnesty)
3. Take off the gloves when campaigning
4. Get rid of the Karl Roves, etc.
5. Stop trying to be Democrat lite.

1. Abortion should be States' Rights issue.
2. Wrong. Hispanics are the fastest growing demographic.
3. OK to a degree (e.g., Benghazi).
4. ---
5. See #3 above.
1. Stop being the party that can almost be described as "the clan" (especially now the moderates are being driven away), if you have practically no non-white voters and members then you have an issue.

Have more moderate views, otherwise the only candidate you will be electing will be a flip flopper that has to morph from a severe conservative primairy candidate into a presidedential candidate that says he was severely kidding about everything that happened in the primairies
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1. Stop being the party that can almost be described as "the clan" (especially now the moderates are being driven away), if you have practically no non-white voters and members then you have an issue.

I know that now that I am done with the Republican party, even though I am a Fiscal Conservative and Constitutionalists. Those foolish Social Cons left in the Party will now call me a Liberal.

Rush was doing it all day yesterday. Basically he said any of us who do not live and die Social Con Issues, is nothing but a closet liberal.

Well I got news for his ass. Get used to only winning house seats asshole. With out the Support of people like me, You are done.

And no I am not becoming a Democrat, that party lost my ass long ago as well.
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After losing to Obama.......twice, what should the GOP change if anything or have they been successfully stereotyped as "for the rich man" and are toast no matter what they do?

1. Drop abortion as a plank in ANY platform
2. Stop endorsing immigration reform (aka amnesty)
3. Take off the gloves when campaigning
4. Get rid of the Karl Roves, etc.
5. Stop trying to be Democrat lite.

You might wanna throw in...actually practice what you preach. (e.g. hypocrasy)

If something someone on the left does "outrages" you, then you should show the same level of outrage whenever someone on the right does it too. Police your own side. Don't let things slide that you totally bash and evicerate the left for when people on the right does it. America is watching and is tired of the rampant hypocrisy.
stop nominating moderate pussies.

Do you not realize the hard right teabagger pieces of shit got their asses handed to them on election night? But keep with that mindset, it will assure nothing but win after win for the democrats :up:
After losing to Obama.......twice, what should the GOP change if anything or have they been successfully stereotyped as "for the rich man" and are toast no matter what they do?

Lost by a narrow margin of 2%.
The GOP did change, in 2010 by electing 87 of the Tea Party.
It's the other half of this country that does not want to change from big Government and get back to our Constitutional form of a smaller government and being fiscally responsible.
I would say throw the Karl Roves out. Stop being beltway people and kick some ass.

You have to go third party. It's really that simple.
You might wanna throw in...actually practice what you preach. (e.g. hypocrasy)

If something someone on the left does "outrages" you, then you should show the same level of outrage whenever someone on the right does it too. Police your own side. Don't let things slide that you totally bash and evicerate the left for when people on the right does it. America is watching and is tired of the rampant hypocrisy.

Good point, I think the non existing outrage of stacking federal debt during the republican presidency of Bush and the huge outrage in the presidency of Obama does make the hypocrisy very obvious.

Don't increase the national debt by starting wars all over the planet, giving huge tax cuts, ... if you are the party that is supposed to stand for coservative economics
After losing to Obama.......twice, what should the GOP change if anything or have they been successfully stereotyped as "for the rich man" and are toast no matter what they do?
Nominate a Conservative candidate next time?
I would say throw the Karl Roves out. Stop being beltway people and kick some ass.

You have to go third party. It's really that simple.

Wel the idea may be simple, but the implementation doesn't seem to be

The US has a history of 3rd parties trying to get some electoral ground, you see any 3rd parties yet?
stop nominating moderate pussies.

Do you not realize the hard right teabagger pieces of shit got their asses handed to them on election night? But keep with that mindset, it will assure nothing but win after win for the democrats :up:

He barely skated by. I would have taken him out with a hip check, but that's me:eusa_angel:

Look you guys want freebys. OK now we really get it. You want free shit from the gubmint.
Free cheeze.

Thats all you want.

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