How split between Trump supporters and anti-trumpers


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I'm sure what I'm describing is not unique.

There are other families like what I'm about to describe having this same divisive issue.

I know a family that has been given an ultimatum by an anti-trumper member.

Either the other family members stop supporting Trump or the anti-trumper member will severe ALL family relationships.
Meaning contacts. Etc.

An ultimatum by the anti-trumper was made.

There is a lot more to the situation that makes this a little more unique but the over-all point is the
anti-trumper hates Trump so much the member is willing to sacrifice family relationships.

How sad. How ignorant. The sad point is millions of people like me don't like a lot things about Trump. He is a braggart. Loud. Boisterous. Overall personality that most people have problems with including me!
YET Trump is human. Trump is a very sincere family man. Loves his family as I do. Loves his country as I do. Totally respects the military and law enforcement, as I do. Wants America to be great. As I do.
And Trump has been successful. Trump's first 3 years have been a great success for more Americans.
So if you are an anti-Trumper work hard to not get him re-elected.
But remember your family comes first and please don't do as I described above.

How SAD!
Well I'm sittin' down in San Anton'
Waiting on an eight o'clock train
My woman left me here last night
Things ain't been quite the same
I gotta get back to Dallas
And tie up a few loose ends
I'm gonna work a week make a hundred dollars
Aw and hit the road again
So I don't want you to think

That you're the first one
To leave me out here on my own
Cause this ain't gonna be the first time
This ol' cowboy spent the night alone

The Marshall Tucker Band
I'm sure what I'm describing is not unique.

There are other families like what I'm about to describe having this same divisive issue.

I know a family that has been given an ultimatum by an anti-trumper member.

Either the other family members stop supporting Trump or the anti-trumper member will severe ALL family relationships.
Meaning contacts. Etc.

An ultimatum by the anti-trumper was made.

There is a lot more to the situation that makes this a little more unique but the over-all point is the
anti-trumper hates Trump so much the member is willing to sacrifice family relationships.

How sad. How ignorant. The sad point is millions of people like me don't like a lot things about Trump. He is a braggart. Loud. Boisterous. Overall personality that most people have problems with including me!
YET Trump is human. Trump is a very sincere family man. Loves his family as I do. Loves his country as I do. Totally respects the military and law enforcement, as I do. Wants America to be great. As I do.
And Trump has been successful. Trump's first 3 years have been a great success for more Americans.
So if you are an anti-Trumper work hard to not get him re-elected.
But remember your family comes first and please don't do as I described above.

How SAD!
My father and I couldn't talk politics the last few years of his life (he passed away last August) because he absolutely hated Trump. What's weird about this is he was a staunch conservative and Republican up until a few months before the presidential election in 2016. He watched quite a bit of television, I believe he was brainwashed by our hideously biased media. A good friend of mine also hates Trump and we've agreed to not talk politics to keep our friendship intact.
Has the rest of the family commented on how aggrieved they are to be thus deprived of the company of an obviously insufferable snowflake bolshevik asshole?
I told my sis I don't care if she hates Trump but if she goes into hysterical ranting that wont end I will walk away or hang up the phone.

So far I've walked out of her house once (with her screaming out the front door as I was driving away)...and hung up on her twice.

The last time I hung up she sent me a series of ugly emails because I was somehow obligated to listen to her hysterics.

I'm still not angry & I haven't said I will never talk to her or anything like that...but I find it AMAZING she cannot see the monster she has become.
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I told my sis I don't care if she hates Trump but if she goes into hysterical ranting that wont end I will walk away or hang up the phone.

So far I've walked out of house once (with her screaming out the front door as I was driving away)...and hung up on her twice.

The last time I hung up she sent me a series of ugly emails because I was somehow obligated to listen to her hysterics.

I'm still not angry & I haven't said I will never talk to her or anything like that...but I find it AMAZING she cannot see the monster she has become.
It sounds like she's unfortunately been brainwashed by our media. My sister, whom I live with, hates Trump as well. This is solely from reading stories on Yahoo, who of course HATE our president. I asked her WHY she hates him, and of course she can't give me a real answer, other than, "He looks so gross, Orange Man Bad." She knows NOTHING of his policies and how well he's done as president. So, we can't talk politics. Sad.
Either the other family members stop supporting Trump or the anti-trumper member will severe ALL family relationships.
Meaning contacts. Etc.

Sounds like a win-win. Support the President AND get rid of an irritating family member who believes he can dictate to the rest of the family.
I'm sure what I'm describing is not unique.

There are other families like what I'm about to describe having this same divisive issue.

I know a family that has been given an ultimatum by an anti-trumper member.

Either the other family members stop supporting Trump or the anti-trumper member will severe ALL family relationships.
Meaning contacts. Etc.

An ultimatum by the anti-trumper was made.

There is a lot more to the situation that makes this a little more unique but the over-all point is the
anti-trumper hates Trump so much the member is willing to sacrifice family relationships.

How sad. How ignorant. The sad point is millions of people like me don't like a lot things about Trump. He is a braggart. Loud. Boisterous. Overall personality that most people have problems with including me!
YET Trump is human. Trump is a very sincere family man. Loves his family as I do. Loves his country as I do. Totally respects the military and law enforcement, as I do. Wants America to be great. As I do.
And Trump has been successful. Trump's first 3 years have been a great success for more Americans.
So if you are an anti-Trumper work hard to not get him re-elected.
But remember your family comes first and please don't do as I described above.

How SAD!
I remember something that Joy Behar said about Trump supporters being cowards because they won't identify clearly as Trump supporters.Mostly because of crazy liberals and their hysterical over reaction, like Joy Behar, that's kinda sorta why people are coy about their politics. I will NEVER mention politics around co workers or family.
I'm sure what I'm describing is not unique.

There are other families like what I'm about to describe having this same divisive issue.

I know a family that has been given an ultimatum by an anti-trumper member.

Either the other family members stop supporting Trump or the anti-trumper member will severe ALL family relationships.
Meaning contacts. Etc.

An ultimatum by the anti-trumper was made.

There is a lot more to the situation that makes this a little more unique but the over-all point is the
anti-trumper hates Trump so much the member is willing to sacrifice family relationships.

How sad. How ignorant. The sad point is millions of people like me don't like a lot things about Trump. He is a braggart. Loud. Boisterous. Overall personality that most people have problems with including me!
YET Trump is human. Trump is a very sincere family man. Loves his family as I do. Loves his country as I do. Totally respects the military and law enforcement, as I do. Wants America to be great. As I do.
And Trump has been successful. Trump's first 3 years have been a great success for more Americans.
So if you are an anti-Trumper work hard to not get him re-elected.
But remember your family comes first and please don't do as I described above.

How SAD!
I remember something that Joy Behar said about Trump supporters being cowards because they won't identify clearly as Trump supporters.Mostly because of crazy liberals and their hysterical over reaction, like Joy Behar, that's kinda sorta why people are coy about their politics. I will NEVER mention politics around co workers or family.

You are right.
What is even more perplexing is Anti-Trumper works for the Federal Government.
So I would ask this Anti-Trumper one question.

Why doesn't this person quit their job if the person doesn't like their boss?
The person is well educated and could make more money outside of government.
I'm sure what I'm describing is not unique.

There are other families like what I'm about to describe having this same divisive issue.

I know a family that has been given an ultimatum by an anti-trumper member.

Either the other family members stop supporting Trump or the anti-trumper member will severe ALL family relationships.
Meaning contacts. Etc.

An ultimatum by the anti-trumper was made.

There is a lot more to the situation that makes this a little more unique but the over-all point is the
anti-trumper hates Trump so much the member is willing to sacrifice family relationships.

How sad. How ignorant. The sad point is millions of people like me don't like a lot things about Trump. He is a braggart. Loud. Boisterous. Overall personality that most people have problems with including me!
YET Trump is human. Trump is a very sincere family man. Loves his family as I do. Loves his country as I do. Totally respects the military and law enforcement, as I do. Wants America to be great. As I do.
And Trump has been successful. Trump's first 3 years have been a great success for more Americans.
So if you are an anti-Trumper work hard to not get him re-elected.
But remember your family comes first and please don't do as I described above.

How SAD!
My father and I couldn't talk politics the last few years of his life (he passed away last August) because he absolutely hated Trump. What's weird about this is he was a staunch conservative and Republican up until a few months before the presidential election in 2016. He watched quite a bit of television, I believe he was brainwashed by our hideously biased media. A good friend of mine also hates Trump and we've agreed to not talk politics to keep our friendship intact.

Yes it is sad that politics takes precedence over family. I find though that most adamant people of the two sides are the anti-Trumpers.
They are literally full of hatred of Trump so much it overshadows not only reality but family relationships as you described.
Most of us Trump supporters are a little more cool, sanguine about Trump. We know his foibles. His tweets, etc. and we accept those
flaws as he is doing a good job putting family first, God, our country, law enforcement the military...all aspects that protect us all!

Thank you for your patience and understanding of your father and know that reasonable people like you are quietly going about their
business and when comes time for their vote in the privacy of the booth, will make a difference.
Yes it is sad that politics takes precedence over family.

It's not sad, it's just a fact. If someone is putting politics over family, they never had much respect for the family in the first place.
I told my sis I don't care if she hates Trump but if she goes into hysterical ranting that wont end I will walk away or hang up the phone.

So far I've walked out of her house once (with her screaming out the front door as I was driving away)...and hung up on her twice.

The last time I hung up she sent me a series of ugly emails because I was somehow obligated to listen to her hysterics.

I'm still not angry & I haven't said I will never talk to her or anything like that...but I find it AMAZING she cannot see the monster she has become.

And you are a testimony to what I think the majority of Trumpers are like versus anti-Trumpers.
For some reason anti-Trumpers are hysterical. Are wont to exaggerations. And another common flaw... believe the biased MSM!
Anti-Trumpers don't seem to comprehend that by their antics (like your sister..) they aren't making a very good logical case but an emotional.
Frustration leads to anger, especially when discussing politics. Liberals get frustrated when they're challenged because they're usually grossly misinformed and can't argue facts. Almost without exception they only have part of the story, which is typical of people who get all their information from the msm. I guess when you have a media who does nothing but trot out leftist after leftist and saturate the airwaves with false information, the less intelligent and intellectually lazy will follow suit. I've had friends who were liberals but intelligent and I was able to lead them into the light and they thanked me later. But if someone isn't an independent thinker, they're usually a lost cause. I've had a few family members like that so I don't bring up politics around them. If they bring it up though, I ask them if they're sure they want go there. If they insist, they end up being pissed off when they leave. Oh well, I warned you.
Yes it is sad that politics takes precedence over family.

It's not sad, it's just a fact. If someone is putting politics over family, they never had much respect for the family in the first place.

That's a very good point! In this person's case, their position in government I guess exposes them to more of Trump's anti-swamp positions which goes against the establishment's and I think " globalist" point of view.

I was watching Harrison Ford on CBS Sunday morning today and he was bitching and moaning about Trump pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord...BUT in the same breath described on companies, NGOs, etc. the world around are solving the supposedly global warming issues!
Which is fine with me i.e. leave the Federal Government out of trying to make ONE SIZE FIT all, i.e. Obamacare for example.
Trump is advocating planting 1 trillion trees. Do the Anti-Trumpers at least concede that is a positive effort?

Trump, a skeptic of climate change, did not mention it in his remarks at the Davos summit Tuesday, instead speaking generally about the importance of better managing trees and forests.
"We're committed to conserving the majesty of God’s creation and the natural beauty of our world," Trump said, adding that the U.S. "will continue to show strong leadership in restoring, growing, and better managing our trees and our forests."
The trillion trees initiative spawned from remarks by an ecologist last year at a meeting held by the American Association for the Advancement of Science who said that planting 1.2 trillion trees could "cancel out" the last decade of the world's carbon emissions.
Trump pledges to help plant 1 trillion trees

Any anti-Trumpers against that???
I'm sure what I'm describing is not unique.

There are other families like what I'm about to describe having this same divisive issue.

I know a family that has been given an ultimatum by an anti-trumper member.

Either the other family members stop supporting Trump or the anti-trumper member will severe ALL family relationships.
Meaning contacts. Etc.

An ultimatum by the anti-trumper was made.

There is a lot more to the situation that makes this a little more unique but the over-all point is the
anti-trumper hates Trump so much the member is willing to sacrifice family relationships.

How sad. How ignorant. The sad point is millions of people like me don't like a lot things about Trump. He is a braggart. Loud. Boisterous. Overall personality that most people have problems with including me!
YET Trump is human. Trump is a very sincere family man. Loves his family as I do. Loves his country as I do. Totally respects the military and law enforcement, as I do. Wants America to be great. As I do.
And Trump has been successful. Trump's first 3 years have been a great success for more Americans.
So if you are an anti-Trumper work hard to not get him re-elected.
But remember your family comes first and please don't do as I described above.

How SAD!

My own family is divided in much the same way (with ultimatums and all.)
I hold my tongue because my love for my family is even greater than my passion for the issues I care about.

Sometimes, I wish my other family members would show me the same respect.
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I'm sure what I'm describing is not unique.

There are other families like what I'm about to describe having this same divisive issue.

I know a family that has been given an ultimatum by an anti-trumper member.

Either the other family members stop supporting Trump or the anti-trumper member will severe ALL family relationships.
Meaning contacts. Etc.

An ultimatum by the anti-trumper was made.

There is a lot more to the situation that makes this a little more unique but the over-all point is the
anti-trumper hates Trump so much the member is willing to sacrifice family relationships.

How sad. How ignorant. The sad point is millions of people like me don't like a lot things about Trump. He is a braggart. Loud. Boisterous. Overall personality that most people have problems with including me!
YET Trump is human. Trump is a very sincere family man. Loves his family as I do. Loves his country as I do. Totally respects the military and law enforcement, as I do. Wants America to be great. As I do.
And Trump has been successful. Trump's first 3 years have been a great success for more Americans.
So if you are an anti-Trumper work hard to not get him re-elected.
But remember your family comes first and please don't do as I described above.

How SAD!

I’ve severed contact with many Liberal or Moderste members of my family over the years. I’m not going to waste my time on them or their ridiculous beliefs.
My family contains avid supporters of President Trump, those that oppose him with every fiber in their being, and, those that find their slavish devotion to the duopoly to be hysterical. But guess what? We still love each other, break bread, and toast to our health/prosperity.

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