How Pompeo’s CIA spied on Julian Assange

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
Democrats & Republicans, Liberal & Conservative spymasters and media, ALL agreed to prosecute the heroic journalist Julian Assange — here is how Trump’s billionaire pal Sheldon Adelson became a channel for CIA dirty tricks.

Those liberals who supported “Russia-gate” will find little sympathy in this journalist’s new and excellent expose of the crimes of Pompeo’s CIA against the WikiLeaks founder.

Exposed: CIA used Sheldon Adelson's firm to spy on Julian Assange
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Democrats & Republicans, Liberal & Conservative spymasters and media, ALL agreed to prosecute the heroic journalist Julian Assange — here is how Trump’s billionaire pal Sheldon Adelson became a channel for CIA dirty tricks.

Those liberals who supported “Russia-gate” will find little sympathy in this journalist’s new and excellent expose of the crimes of Pompeo’s CIA against the WikiLeaks founder.

Exposed: CIA used Sheldon Adelson's firm to spy on Julian Assange
This is a classic Red-Herring.
Tipsycatlover says:
“If true this happened in 2016...”

Not at all. On November 18, 2016, President-elect Donald Trump announced that he would nominate Pompeo to be the director of the Central Intelligence Agency. He was confirmed by the Senate on January 23, 2017, with a vote of 66–32, and sworn in later that day. This OP focuses on the period after 2017 and continues up to the present. Julian Assange is still fighting for his freedom. Assange is being persecuted by the Trump administration and has been abandoned by the Liberal media, which even at times tried to paint him as part of a great Russiagate anti-Democratic Party espionage operation.
Tipsycatlover says:
“If true this happened in 2016...”

Not at all. On November 18, 2016, President-elect Donald Trump announced that he would nominate Pompeo to be the director of the Central Intelligence Agency. He was confirmed by the Senate on January 23, 2017, with a vote of 66–32, and sworn in later that day. This OP focuses on the period after 2017 and continues up to the present. Julian Assange is still fighting for his freedom. Assange is being persecuted by the Trump administration and has been abandoned by the Liberal media, which even at times tried to paint him as part of a great Russiagate anti-Democratic Party espionage operation.

Assange is NOT an American citizen.
Assange is NOT an American citizen.
Nor is he a British citizen. Yet the U.S. has waged a global assault on this Australian citizen simply for publishing absolutely verified documents embarrassing to the U.S. and other world power brokers.

The fact that Assange is NOT a U.S. citizen — but leader of an independent organization that has helped expose malfeasance & corruption & provided “scoops” to major newspapers all over the world — makes U.S. criminal international rendition efforts all the more dastardly.
Anti-“Big Government” LIBERTARIANS, Conservative defenders of FREE SPEECH, opponents of illegal GOVERNMENT SPYING —

W H E R E - A R E - Y O U ???

Repudiate this miscarriage of Justice!
Drop all charges against Julian Assange and WikiLeaks!
Not going to happen. It can’t in an unjust world ruled by psychopaths.

Anyone who speaks out against the tyranny of the state and gets a large following, will be silenced one way or another.

I fully expect they will kill Assange and few will speak out.
Assange is NOT an American citizen.
Nor is he a British citizen. Yet the U.S. has waged a global assault on this Australian citizen simply for publishing absolutely verified documents embarrassing to the U.S. and other world power brokers.

The fact that Assange is NOT a U.S. citizen — but leader of an independent organization that has helped expose malfeasance & corruption & provided “scoops” to major newspapers all over the world — makes U.S. criminal international rendition efforts all the more dastardly.

That makes him a target for investigation by the CIA.
I fully expect they will kill Assange and few will speak out.
Since he took refuge in June 2012 at the Ecuador Embassy in London — he is now imprisoned in Great Britain awaiting extradition to the U.S. — Julian Assange has faced absolutely unprecedented pressure. The shameless campaign to isolate and break this heroic journalist / editor may indeed lead to his death in prison.

After examining Assange on 9 May 2019, the U.N. special rapporteur on Torture & Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, concluded that "Mr Assange showed all symptoms typical for prolonged exposure to psychological torture, including extreme stress, chronic anxiety and intense psychological trauma." In November he said that Assange's health had continued to deteriorate and his life was now at risk. In February of this year a group of 117 medical doctors from 18 countries published an open letter in the medical journal The Lancet describing Assange as being in a "dire state of health" and calling for an end to his "torture and medical neglect" which could lead to his death. On the same day Reporters Without Borders accused the Trump Administration of acting in "retaliation for [Assange's] facilitating major revelations in the international media about the way the United States conducted its wars". The petition said Assange's publications "were clearly in the public interest and not espionage."
I fully expect they will kill Assange and few will speak out.
Since he took refuge in June 2012 at the Ecuador Embassy in London — he is now imprisoned in Great Britain awaiting extradition to the U.S. — Julian Assange has faced absolutely unprecedented pressure. The shameless campaign to isolate and break this heroic journalist / editor may indeed lead to his death in prison.

After examining Assange on 9 May 2019, the U.N. special rapporteur on Torture & Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, concluded that "Mr Assange showed all symptoms typical for prolonged exposure to psychological torture, including extreme stress, chronic anxiety and intense psychological trauma." In November he said that Assange's health had continued to deteriorate and his life was now at risk. In February of this year a group of 117 medical doctors from 18 countries published an open letter in the medical journal The Lancet describing Assange as being in a "dire state of health" and calling for an end to his "torture and medical neglect" which could lead to his death. On the same day Reporters Without Borders accused the Trump Administration of acting in "retaliation for [Assange's] facilitating major revelations in the international media about the way the United States conducted its wars". The petition said Assange's publications "were clearly in the public interest and not espionage."
Yet another example of our descent into an Orwellian hellhole, yet few speak of it.
Assange is NOT an American citizen.
Nor is he a British citizen. Yet the U.S. has waged a global assault on this Australian citizen simply for publishing absolutely verified documents embarrassing to the U.S. and other world power brokers.

The fact that Assange is NOT a U.S. citizen — but leader of an independent organization that has helped expose malfeasance & corruption & provided “scoops” to major newspapers all over the world — makes U.S. criminal international rendition efforts all the more dastardly.
I wish we had executed bradley manning for treason

but assange is not a US citizen under protection of the US Constitution
Assange is NOT an American citizen.
Nor is he a British citizen. Yet the U.S. has waged a global assault on this Australian citizen simply for publishing absolutely verified documents embarrassing to the U.S. and other world power brokers.

The fact that Assange is NOT a U.S. citizen — but leader of an independent organization that has helped expose malfeasance & corruption & provided “scoops” to major newspapers all over the world — makes U.S. criminal international rendition efforts all the more dastardly.
I wish we had executed bradley manning for treason

but assange is not a US citizen under protection of the US Constitution
That’s terribly ignorant. Chelsea Manning is a hero. You statists think the state can do anything it wants. Sick minds.
Assange is NOT an American citizen.
Nor is he a British citizen. Yet the U.S. has waged a global assault on this Australian citizen simply for publishing absolutely verified documents embarrassing to the U.S. and other world power brokers.

The fact that Assange is NOT a U.S. citizen — but leader of an independent organization that has helped expose malfeasance & corruption & provided “scoops” to major newspapers all over the world — makes U.S. criminal international rendition efforts all the more dastardly.
I wish we had executed bradley manning for treason

but assange is not a US citizen under protection of the US Constitution
That’s terribly ignorant. Chelsea Manning is a hero. You statists think the state can do anything it wants. Sick minds.
I dont think sex freaks like manning should be free to betray state secrets with impunity

yes, he served some time

but not as long as he deserved
Assange is NOT an American citizen.
Nor is he a British citizen. Yet the U.S. has waged a global assault on this Australian citizen simply for publishing absolutely verified documents embarrassing to the U.S. and other world power brokers.

The fact that Assange is NOT a U.S. citizen — but leader of an independent organization that has helped expose malfeasance & corruption & provided “scoops” to major newspapers all over the world — makes U.S. criminal international rendition efforts all the more dastardly.
I wish we had executed bradley manning for treason

but assange is not a US citizen under protection of the US Constitution
That’s terribly ignorant. Chelsea Manning is a hero. You statists think the state can do anything it wants. Sick minds.
I dont think sex freaks like manning should be free to betray state secrets with impunity

yes, he served some time

but not as long as he deserved
Asshole. Her sex change has nothing to do with her imprisonment. Get a brain.
Democrats & Republicans, Liberal & Conservative spymasters and media, ALL agreed to prosecute the heroic journalist Julian Assange — here is how Trump’s billionaire pal Sheldon Adelson became a channel for CIA dirty tricks.

Those liberals who supported “Russia-gate” will find little sympathy in this journalist’s new and excellent expose of the crimes of Pompeo’s CIA against the WikiLeaks founder.


You found someone on YouDupe! telling stories.

Stories about U.S. spies going after Assange - which is as surprising as the sun coming up in the East. Whether or not Adelson helped is of minuscule import.

Whoever doesn't recognize that the Russian election interference - in conjunction with the Trump campaign's welcoming and support of this endeavor - is a frontal attack on the core of U.S. democracy, and aims to belittle it, deserves scorn and contempt, not faithful listeners.
Assange is NOT an American citizen.
Nor is he a British citizen. Yet the U.S. has waged a global assault on this Australian citizen simply for publishing absolutely verified documents embarrassing to the U.S. and other world power brokers.

The fact that Assange is NOT a U.S. citizen — but leader of an independent organization that has helped expose malfeasance & corruption & provided “scoops” to major newspapers all over the world — makes U.S. criminal international rendition efforts all the more dastardly.
I wish we had executed bradley manning for treason

but assange is not a US citizen under protection of the US Constitution
That’s terribly ignorant. Chelsea Manning is a hero. You statists think the state can do anything it wants. Sick minds.
I dont think sex freaks like manning should be free to betray state secrets with impunity

yes, he served some time

but not as long as he deserved
Asshole. Her sex change has nothing to do with her imprisonment. Get a brain.
Doesnt it?

If manning had been a normal well adjusted man instead of a tortured sex freak would he have betrayed his country?
Democrats & Republicans, Liberal & Conservative spymasters and media, ALL agreed to prosecute the heroic journalist Julian Assange — here is how Trump’s billionaire pal Sheldon Adelson became a channel for CIA dirty tricks.

Those liberals who supported “Russia-gate” will find little sympathy in this journalist’s new and excellent expose of the crimes of Pompeo’s CIA against the WikiLeaks founder.


You found someone on YouDupe! telling stories.

Stories about U.S. spies going after Assange - which is as surprising as the sun coming up in the East. Whether or not Adelson helped is of minuscule import.

Whoever doesn't recognize that the Russian election interference - in conjunction with the Trump campaign's welcoming and support of this endeavor - is a frontal attack on the core of U.S. democracy, and aims to belittle it, deserves scorn and contempt, not faithful listeners.
Trying to overthrow a duly elected president is a mortal threat to our democratic republic
WikiLeaks did NOT hack the DNC emails, but after receiving them and ascertaining there were no obvious national security threats involved, it made them available to major news organizations around the world.

Assange is NOT an American citizen.
Nor is he a British citizen. Yet the U.S. has waged a global assault on this Australian citizen simply for publishing absolutely verified documents embarrassing to the U.S. and other world power brokers.

The fact that Assange is NOT a U.S. citizen — but leader of an independent organization that has helped expose malfeasance & corruption & provided “scoops” to major newspapers all over the world — makes U.S. criminal international rendition efforts all the more dastardly.
I wish we had executed bradley manning for treason

but assange is not a US citizen under protection of the US Constitution
That’s terribly ignorant. Chelsea Manning is a hero. You statists think the state can do anything it wants. Sick minds.
I dont think sex freaks like manning should be free to betray state secrets with impunity

yes, he served some time

but not as long as he deserved
Asshole. Her sex change has nothing to do with her imprisonment. Get a brain.
Doesnt it?

If manning had been a normal well adjusted man instead of a tortured sex freak would he have betrayed his country?
She didn’t betray her country, you Nazi fuck. She exposed illegal actions by our country. Too bad we don’t have more like her and less dumb statist bastards like you.

Heil Hitler!!!!!

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