How politics was 40 years ago...I'm glad someone documented it!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2019
Born L.A.-NYC is 2nd home-Rustbelt is home base
I can't imagine the gash we now have as Speaker of the House ever making a phone call like that. She'd rather eat her own young than ever be civil to the President.

Politics used to be an honorable thing...
Just have to point out here that Reagan was shot by a deranged psycho so there is that.... but maybe he was just a run of the mill lunatic & not necessarily a Dem.
The press certainly didn't like Reagan & the Dems called his tough on USSR policies dangerous & said it would lead to war. They also lied to him about doing immigration reform in exchange for amnesty for illegal aliens.
They lied to Bush Sr about cutting spending in exchange for his agreement to raise taxes.
They chanted "blood for oil" & pushed for international war crimes against Bush Jr.
Clinton was impeached.
The idea there hasn't been deep division in politics for decades is just not true

Short video of Speaker Tip O'Neil congratulating President Reagan after a big loss.

Wow, can you imagine that nowadays? Each side wants the other side to just drop dead. And I mean really die. Maybe it was the same back then, but they were still cordial.

On the other hand, Democrats kept calling Republicans racists, misogynists, xenophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor 40 years ago. I'm not sure I think it's changed as much as you do
The idea there hasn't been deep division in politics for decades is just not true

This is true, back in the days before the Civil War there were fistfights on the Senate floor and challenges to a duel. And the press back then was no less vitriolic about the issues of the day. I think a big part of the our problem today is the internet and how any asshole with a iphone can videotape somebody else screaming about something, and so there's no such thing anymore as 'all the news that's fit to print'. It's all out there and there's no restraint in the non-stop race for viewers, fame, and money. Emotions are stirred and amplified over everything and anything to the point where people want to shoot other people. Not just the whackjobs either, everyday we see posts calling for somebody to be shot or severely pummeled. Are we all whackjobs here on the USMB? LOL, never mind, I withdraw the question.
Just have to point out here that Reagan was shot by a deranged psycho so there is that.... but maybe he was just a run of the mill lunatic & not necessarily a Dem.
The press certainly didn't like Reagan & the Dems called his tough on USSR policies dangerous & said it would lead to war. They also lied to him about doing immigration reform in exchange for amnesty for illegal aliens.
They lied to Bush Sr about cutting spending in exchange for his agreement to raise taxes.
They chanted "blood for oil" & pushed for international war crimes against Bush Jr.
Clinton was impeached.
The idea there hasn't been deep division in politics for decades is just not true

Certainly there was division. The difference was that we were all Americans first. Nobody thought someone was a literal Traitor for having a difference of opinion. Now anyone who doesn’t agree 100% with every single insane position you have is literally a traitor to you.
40 years ago Americans were sleepwalking .
The takeover of our government by Wall Street and the global corporations was just getting under way, and we still can't figure out what happened.

$27 trillion and spiraling up....

In 1980, the national debt was teetering around $1 trillion.

To be honest, the influence of big business has been going on since the getgo. There were scandals aplenty during the 1800s between govt and big biz. I wouldn't call it a takeover, but there is a lot of lobbying and influence-peddling. Ask Hunter Biden. He wasn't the 1st, and won't be the last.
To be honest, the influence of big business has been going on since the getgo. There were scandals aplenty during the 1800s between govt and big biz. I wouldn't call it a takeover, but there is a lot of lobbying and influence-peddling. Ask Hunter Biden. He wasn't the 1st, and won't be the last.
But there were still checks and balances at least. . After the Vietnam War and the Nixon - Carter years, look at how the military industrial complex and the CIA - national security establishment, police state grew ( removing Antitrust laws, allowing vulture capitalism, NAFTA, -30 million manufacturing jobs gone) under Reagan/Poppy and Slick Willy and Dubya....9/11, crash of 08--the growing revolving door between Wall Street and DC, Obama's 'war on whistleblowers', Soros , China $,BLM and antifa- it's all tied together. Dominion election official fraud.... We're pushing $30 TRILLION in debt by 2022, no matter who is president. I could ramble on but it's no use for 8 people to hear.

But Trump is their antichrist in a sense, because he is working for all of us, even the (D) losers.
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I can't imagine the gash we now have as Speaker of the House ever making a phone call like that. She'd rather eat her own young than ever be civil to the President.

Politics used to be an honorable thing...

To be honest, the influence of big business has been going on since the getgo. There were scandals aplenty during the 1800s between govt and big biz. I wouldn't call it a takeover, but there is a lot of lobbying and influence-peddling. Ask Hunter Biden. He wasn't the 1st, and won't be the last.
But there were still checks and balances at least. . After the Vietnam War and the Nixon - Carter years, look at how the military industrial complex and the CIA - national security establishment, police state grew ( removing Antitrust laws, allowing vulture capitalism, NAFTA, -30 million manufacturing jobs gone) under Reagan/Poppy and Slick Willy and Dubya....9/11, crash of 08--the growing revolving door between Wall Street and DC, Obama's 'war on whistleblowers', Soros , China $,BLM and antifa- it's all tied together. Dominion election official fraud.... We're pushing $30 TRILLION in debt by 2022, no matter who is president. I could ramble on but it's no use for 8 people to hear.

But Trump is their antichrist in a sense, because he is working for all of us, even the (D) losers.

Wow ..Google censoring the Trump legal briefing we were just watching. ? wtf
The idea there hasn't been deep division in politics for decades is just not true

This is true, back in the days before the Civil War there were fistfights on the Senate floor and challenges to a duel. And the press back then was no less vitriolic about the issues of the day. I think a big part of the our problem today is the internet and how any asshole with a iphone can videotape somebody else screaming about something, and so there's no such thing anymore as 'all the news that's fit to print'. It's all out there and there's no restraint in the non-stop race for viewers, fame, and money. Emotions are stirred and amplified over everything and anything to the point where people want to shoot other people. Not just the whackjobs either, everyday we see posts calling for somebody to be shot or severely pummeled. Are we all whackjobs here on the USMB? LOL, never mind, I withdraw the question.

Yes, the internet has made forming mob to riot very easy.

Short video of Speaker Tip O'Neil congratulating President Reagan after a big loss.

Wow, can you imagine that nowadays? Each side wants the other side to just drop dead. And I mean really die. Maybe it was the same back then, but they were still cordial.

I was around then

politics were much more civil

but 30 years ago rupert murdoch and roger ailles put rush limbaugh on radio stations all over the country and "I HATE LIBERALS" radio was born!

which quickly expanded with lots of copycat hate mongers saying, all day long, "liberals are to blame! liberals are the enemy! liberals hate YOU! liberals hate our god! liberals are traitors!"

and quickly expanded to "liberals are traitors, its ok to kill traitors"

after radio was infested with right wing hate mongering and blood libel it moved to TV and other media; fox news, breitbart, pjmedia

and all those books and articles by deranged conservative experts;

  • Liberals - The Enemy Within : American Elephant
    Liberals are one of our worst enemies. They slowly work to create bureaucracies that will keep them in power, making the public dependent on a bloated federal government. Liberals would rather talk about problems than face hard facts and fix them.
  • The Enemy At Home: The Cultural Left and Its ...
    The liberal view works for the west, it doesn't necessary work for the rest. If the conservatives are guilty of imposing views on others, the Liberals are equally, if not more forcefully impose their liberal values onto the rest of the world that do not want them, via internet, media, entertainments.
    • Cited by: 10
    • Author: Dinesh D'Souza
    • 4.4/5
    • Publish Year: 2007
  • The Enemy Within: Saving America from the Liberal Assault ...
    The Enemy Within outlines how our schools, faith, military, etc. are being disgraced by liberalism. If you are a patriotic American, this book will have you fuming. The blatant hypocrisy of the left is astounding! Michael has a knack for motivating his audience.

and now we have a fascist murderer in the white house who thinks shooting liberal journalists is funny, who thinks the only good democrat is a dead one......

and that POS has 72 million hate filled nazis who agree with him......

they all vote for nazis and qanon and white supremacists......

and THAT is why our state of politics is so volatile.......
To be honest, the influence of big business has been going on since the getgo. There were scandals aplenty during the 1800s between govt and big biz. I wouldn't call it a takeover, but there is a lot of lobbying and influence-peddling. Ask Hunter Biden. He wasn't the 1st, and won't be the last.
But there were still checks and balances at least. . After the Vietnam War and the Nixon - Carter years, look at how the military industrial complex and the CIA - national security establishment, police state grew ( removing Antitrust laws, allowing vulture capitalism, NAFTA, -30 million manufacturing jobs gone) under Reagan/Poppy and Slick Willy and Dubya....9/11, crash of 08--the growing revolving door between Wall Street and DC, Obama's 'war on whistleblowers', Soros , China $,BLM and antifa- it's all tied together. Dominion election official fraud.... We're pushing $30 TRILLION in debt by 2022, no matter who is president. I could ramble on but it's no use for 8 people to hear.

But Trump is their antichrist in a sense, because he is working for all of us, even the (D) losers.

I think there are still checks and balances as long as we have a split govt where neither sides controls the WH, Senate, and House. Up until now anyway, the filibuster in the Senate was a check on the president and vice versa; witness Trump not getting everything he wanted nor did Obama after 2010, cuz the other party wouldn't agree to anything. Almost anything.

IMHO, there is Big Biz and the wealthy on both sides, each fighting for their agenda and so the only time you get a takeover is when one party rules the roost. And even then there is in-fighting to see who gets a bigger piece of the pie. Used to be the GOP was the party of the rich; not any more. Is it worse nowadays? I dunno, it seems so but maybe it's cuz we hear everything now that we didn't 50 years ago.
Just have to point out here that Reagan was shot by a deranged psycho so there is that.... but maybe he was just a run of the mill lunatic & not necessarily a Dem.
The press certainly didn't like Reagan & the Dems called his tough on USSR policies dangerous & said it would lead to war. They also lied to him about doing immigration reform in exchange for amnesty for illegal aliens.
They lied to Bush Sr about cutting spending in exchange for his agreement to raise taxes.
They chanted "blood for oil" & pushed for international war crimes against Bush Jr.
Clinton was impeached.
The idea there hasn't been deep division in politics for decades is just not true

Certainly there was division. The difference was that we were all Americans first. Nobody thought someone was a literal Traitor for having a difference of opinion. Now anyone who doesn’t agree 100% with every single insane position you have is literally a traitor to you.
I've got no problem with a difference of opinion. Where I draw the line is when someone tells me my opinion no longer matters. Like with masks, lockdowns, 2nd Amendment, forced fascism, electoral integrity, etc...
I always reserve the right to my opinion & as long as yours does not interfere with my rights, we won't have a problem

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