How often do you eat fast food?


Gold Member
Apr 23, 2011
An interesting question. Our last fast food meal was at least 10 years ago. Just wondering how frequently people eat it today and if it's a diet staple.
An interesting question. Our last fast food meal was at least 10 years ago. Just wondering how frequently people eat it today and if it's a diet staple.
Interesting. When I see a thin person at Mickeys I think nothing of it. When I see some 300 lb woman beast with her big fat 3 obnoxious bastards, it makes me sick to my stomach.

Everyone is so GD fat anymore. Like a Macys ground parade continously.
An interesting question. Our last fast food meal was at least 10 years ago. Just wondering how frequently people eat it today and if it's a diet staple.
Very rarely, usually when we need something quick or convenient.

Every 4-5 months for me.
My wife and I usually eat very healthy, mostly vegan. We will however occasionally go to McDonalds for a hamburger. And we love it.
Well by fast food you mean a quick meal, I never eat a quick meal but my husband does at lunch.
My wife and I usually eat very healthy, mostly vegan.

Depends on how you describe "fast food." I ordered take-out from the local Asian restaurant yesterday. Sometimes I'll do the same with a pizza. Are they "fast foods"?

I eat a Wendy's salad at least once a week. I will have a "happy meal" or equivalent (burger-fries-"coke")at least once a week.

For me, I think the number is 4-5 times a week.
I never eat any fast food. That shit is poison.

I tend to make all my meals and I'll go hungry if my only choice is shitty fast food
An interesting question. Our last fast food meal was at least 10 years ago. Just wondering how frequently people eat it today and if it's a diet staple.
The last time I ate at a fast food joint was when I was living in Reno, so prior to 2007.
I eat fast food every day around 4 a.m.; three eggs over easy, 4 pieces of bacon and two pieces of toast takes me less than 5 minutes to whip up for breakfast. Don't get hungry again until around 6 in the evening
An interesting question. Our last fast food meal was at least 10 years ago. Just wondering how frequently people eat it today and if it's a diet staple.
couple three times a week but usually something small and never the sides and sodas.

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